Revision history for Catmandu
0.02 2012-06-12
- remove guard feature from fixes
- load split config files
- Catmandu roots method
- support for nested object queries in CQL::ElasticSearch
- improve Plugin::Versioning
- more docs
0.0106 2012-05-29
- fix Store::DBI transaction method
0.0105 2012-05-21
- more docs
0.0104 2012-05-16
- more docs
0.0103 2012-05-14
- improve Plugin::Versioning
- more docs
- fix split on \r in tests
- fix dependencies: is only bundled with perl >= 5.10.1
0.0102 2012-05-09
- pass data to Bag::generate_id
- fix typo in Cmd::data
- fix YAML loading
0.0101 2012-05-08
- fix dependencies
0.01 2012-05-05
- initial release