Revision history for Catmandu

0.9505  2015-12-02 10:36:58 CET
  - expand, collapse and vacuum fixes handle large arrays
  - more pod

0.9504  2015-11-03 11:30:48 CET
  - fix dereferencing bug in Util::is_string
  - move Dockerfile to it's own repository

0.9503  2015-10-29 16:32:28 CET
  - VERSION for all packages and cleanup

0.9502  2015-10-28 16:48:10 CET
  - new Store::Multi
  - new Exporter::Multi
  - new Importer::Multi
  - new MultiIterator
  - remove dependency on Data::Util so we can support perl 5.22
  - fix typos
  - fix Fix::Bind::list single execution bug
  - .mailmap file

0.9501  2015-10-15 16:30:28 CEST
  - 'trim' fix remove diacritics mode

0.95  2015-10-08 11:46:02 CEST
  - Importer can now fetch remote data over http(s)
  - catmandu run command and executable fixes
  - catmandu interactive fix interpreter
  - 'importer' bind
  - more powerful 'list' and 'hashmap' bind
  - autocommit option on all addables (Exporter,Store,...)
  - 'expand_date' fix replaced by 'split_date' in the Catmandu-Fix-Date
  - more pod and tests

0.9403  2015-09-17 16:44:45 CEST
  - make 'include' fix load path aware

0.9402  2015-09-16 14:30:07 CEST
  - rename Iterable 'sort' to 'sorted' to fix name conflict

0.9401  2015-09-15 11:19:57 CEST
  - new 'uniq' fix
  - new 'flatten' fix
  - new 'include' fix to load other fix files
  - Importer has a new 'data_path' option to import data substructure(s) instead
  - fix emitted null bug in the 'reject' and 'select' fixes
  - more pod and many typos corrected

0.94  2015-07-10 13:26:34 CEST
  - lots more pod and many typos corrected
  - more fix tests
  - new Text importer to import data similar to sed and awk
  - Modules importer supports multiple namespaces and module description
  - 'help' command now shows importer and exporter options
  - new utility functions 'pod_section' and 'array_split'
  - empty path now refers to the root in fixes
  - new 'assoc' fix
  - new 'perlcode' fix
  - new 'with' and 'visitor' binds
  - new 'in' fix condition
  - new 'any_equal', 'all_equal' fix conditions
  - new 'is_bool', 'is_true', 'is_false' fix conditions
  - utf8 support tests
  - more robust header detection in CSV exporter
  - more robust 'copy_field' fix
  - 'expand' and 'collapse' fixes have a new 'sep_char' option
  - add .dockerignore file
  - fix travis.yml
  - more robust 'lookup' and 'lookup_in_store' fixes
  - Iterable 'select' method aliased as 'grep'
  - Hash store has a new 'init_data' option
  - remove conflicting VERSION sub from CLI

0.9301  2015-02-24 11:17:36 CET
  - Cmd output test failed sometimes

0.93  2015-02-24 09:54:04 CET
  - Iterable can now behave like an external iterator (see next and rewind
  - better Fix::Parser error handling
  - new hash_merge fix
  - fix Versioning bugs
  - more consistent Importer::JSON and Exporter::JSON parameter naming
  - fix regex bug in emit
  - new set_array and set_hash fixes
  - new filter fix
  - Iterable stop_if method
  - pod fixes

0.9210  2015-01-06 09:28:23 CET
  - fix log tests

0.9209  2014-12-04 13:58:02 CET
  - info command
  - ignore installed but depreciated commands
  - improved retain fix will replace retain_field
  - simple emitting fixes require a bit less boilerplate
  - JSON::XS is now required to avoid bugs in other

0.9208  2014-11-20 09:50:56 CET
  - lazy and more robust fix building in

0.9207  2014-11-06 09:53:08 CET
  - greater_than, less_than fix conditions
  - fix bug in Paged
  - Exporter::JSON pod
  - sort_field fix handles undef values

0.9206  2014-10-07 09:06:43 CEST
  - remove orphan test

0.9205  2014-10-06 14:09:06 CEST
  - more pod
  - combine the various info modules in Importer::Modules
  - Bind::hashmap fix

0.9204  2014-06-13 09:44:48 CEST
  - fix issue #93 octal number bug

0.9203  2014-06-13 09:27:54 CEST
  - fix counting bugs

0.9202  2014-06-10 09:30:24 CEST
  - fix Logger bug

0.9201  2014-06-06 14:44:33 CEST
  - Iterable benchmark and format method pod

0.92  2014-06-06 13:06:01 CEST
  - catmandu debug flag and more informative error messages
  - more pod
  - bump required version of Moo
  - require YAML::XS to avoid YAML weirdness
  - fix CLI include path load order
  - MooX::Log::Any replaced by Catmandu::Logger because it doesn't set the
    correct category
  - config command can use any Exporter
  - Importer::JSON multiline is more robust
  - Exporter::JSON supports canonical, indent, space_before, space_after
  - info commands and matching importers

0.9103  2014-05-23 10:24:52 CEST
  - fix script dir in build script
  - Fix::Parser handles empty comments
  - Exporter pod

0.9102  2014-05-20 14:07:46 CEST
  - Marpa requires Time::Piece

0.9101  2014-05-20 11:58:46 CEST
  - less_than, greater_than conditions

0.91  2014-05-20 09:29:01 CEST
  - adding monads in disguise Catmandu::Fix::Bind
  - much more pod
  - make travis a bit happier

0.9  2014-05-12 10:18:40 CEST
  - switch to Dist::Milla
  - Marpa based fix parser
  - Config::Onion based config loader
  - :up load path
  - move documentation to the Github wiki
  - Validators

0.8014  2014-04-03
  - fix Paged bugs
  - more tests

0.8013  2014-03-27
  - Importer::JSON multiline switch
  - Importer pod

0.8012  2014-03-24
  - add missing List::MoreUtils dependency

0.8011  2014-03-18
  - fix Paged bugs
  - array and hash fixes
  - more tests
  - more pod

0.8010  2014-03-11
  - bump required version of YAML::Any
  - use List::Util::sum instead of List::Util::sum0 (not present in older

0.8009  2014-03-07
  - sort_field fix
  - fix undefined lib_path

0.8008  2014-03-05
  - split off Catmandu::Exporter::Template

0.8007  2014-03-04
  - rewrite Catmandu::Serializer
  - split off Catmandu::Serializer::storable
  - split off Catmandu::Serializer::messagepack
  - tests for Catmandu::Serializer

0.8006  2014-03-04
  - expand_date fix
  - CLI --lib-path option
  - more tests
  - remove dependency on Data::SpreadPagination
  - Importer encoding is now an attribute
  - fixes inheriting from Fix::Base can now export their functionality as a

0.8005  2013-12-20
  - Catmandu::Plugin:: pod

0.8004  2013-12-18
  - Exporter::CSV always_quote option

0.8003  2013-12-18
  - fix bug in Store::bags

0.8002  2013-12-09
  - fix pod

0.8001  2013-11-19
  - add one step install to pod

0.8     2013-11-14
  - Fix::Condition now supports otherwise clause
  - Fix, Fix::Condition bugfixes
  - TY RIS tag needs to come first for some exporters
  - fix version command

0.7002  2013-09-12
  - sort keys extracted from a hash in Exporter::CSV and Importer::CSV

0.7001  2013-09-09
  - fix bug in data command with option values evaling to false

0.7     2013-09-02
  - JSON Exporter array option

0.6     2013-09-02
  - Util::trim also removes vertical whitespace
  - updated introduction, developers guide
  - more tests
  - sum fix
  - travis
  - pod links

0.5004  2013-07-01
  - lookup, lookup_in_store fixes handle -delete option with wildcard correctly

0.5003  2013-06-28
  - lookup_in_store fix

0.5002  2013-06-26
  - count fix
  - nothing fix

0.5001  2013-06-25
  - trim fix nonword option

0.5     2013-06-12
  - ArrayIterator pod
  - split off Store::DBI,
  - split off Importer::Atom
  - split off Exporter::Atom
  - split off Exporter::BibTeX
  - split off Exporter::XLS
  - remove dependency on Module::Info

0.4001  2013-06-20
  - lookup fix tests, -default, -delete options

0.4     2013-06-19
  - to_json fix
  - from_json fix

0.3     2013-06-18
  - Exporter::JSON pod
  - lookup fix

0.2003  2013-05-27
  - remove given/when statements (experimental since perl 5.16)
  - fix endless loop if iterators returned by Iterable group method are not consumed

0.2002  2013-05-08
  - revert to IO::String because open with scalar ref has
    binmode bugs

0.2001  2013-05-07
  - ArrayIterator
  - fix Util::is_instance()
  - avoid using IO::String

0.2     2013-04-24
  - better config command
  - convert command
  - count command
  - delete command
  - export command
  - import command
  - move command

0.1003  2013-04-16
  - fix Exporter::Template dynamic scope

0.1002  2013-04-02
  - missing Env::fixers

0.1001  2013-03-28
  - don't throw empty messages
  - bump required version of Throwable

0.1     2013-03-26
  - logging with MooX::Log::Any
  - error hierarchy
  - Store forwards all Bag methods to the default Bag
  - make Perl::Tidy optional
  - namespace::clean
  - Sane exports Try::Tiny::ByClass
  - Sane no longer exports confess, use the Error classes
  - a new Env class takes care of loading the config and other
    environment related tasks
  - Buffer and Counter have better encapsulation
  - Iterable has a new benchmark method
  - Exporter::RIS AR tag
  - Exporter::BibTeX articleno field
  - rename Pager to Paged

0.0901  2013-03-07
  - fix makefile

0.09    2013-03-06
  - Exporter::Atom
  - fix pod

0.08    2013-02-26
  - compile fixes to perl closure
  - tests for all fixes
  - fix typo in Importer::RIS
  - add doi field to Exporter::BibTeX

0.07    2013-02-07
  - conditionals in fixes
  - append, prepend fixes

0.06    2013-02-05
  - Util::io() can now take a callback to read to or write from
  - fixer method enables named fixers in config
  - default fixers, importers, exporters equivalent to default store

0.05    2012-12-04
  - split off Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch
  - split off Catmandu::Store::Solr
  - split off Plack::Session::Store::Catmandu
  - split off Dancer::Plugin::Catmandu::OAI
  - split off Dancer::Plugin::Catmandu::SRU
  - split off Dancer::Session::Catmandu
  - Exporter::Template dies if template isn't found
  - fix accidental creation of non-existing keys in Util::set_data()

0.0402  2012-11-12
  - Store::Hash is no longer Searchable
  - remove dependency on Data::Visitor::Callback
  - bump required version of Moo to 1.0
  - Util::write_file()
  - Util::join_path()
  - Util::normalize_path()
  - Util::segmented_path()
  - Util prefer io(binmode => ...) to io(encoding => ...)

0.0401  2012-10-24
  - split off Store::SBCatDB
  - more Util docs

0.04    2012-10-24
  - Util human output functions
  - Util xml functions
  - Util docs

0.0303  2012-10-15
  - pass limit option in Store::ElasticSearch::Searcher and
  - fix Exporter::CSV docs
  - custom header labels in Exporter::CSV and Exporter::XLS

0.0302  2012-09-25
  - fix POST support in Dancer::Plugin::Catmandu::OAI
  - optimize Util::require_package

0.0301  2012-07-09
  - fix typo in Catmandu->load

0.03    2012-07-06
  - iterative version of CQL::ElasticSearch
  - Store::ElasticSearch searcher supports sort
  - faster Datestamps
  - Iterable->interleave()
  - Iterable->detect/select/reject(key => ['val', ...])
  - Iterable->detect/select/reject(key => 'val')
  - fix Dancer::Plugin::Catmandu::SRU recordPosition
  - Cmd::config can take a key to show only a subset

0.02    2012-06-12
  - remove guard feature from fixes
  - load split config files
  - Catmandu->roots()
  - support for nested object queries in CQL::ElasticSearch
  - improve Plugin::Versioning
  - more docs

0.0106  2012-05-29
  - fix Store::DBI transaction method

0.0105  2012-05-21
  - more docs

0.0104  2012-05-16
  - more docs

0.0103  2012-05-14
  - improve Plugin::Versioning
  - more docs
  - fix split on \r in tests
  - fix dependencies: is only bundled with perl >= 5.10.1

0.0102  2012-05-09
  - pass data to Bag->generate_id()
  - fix typo in Cmd::data
  - fix YAML loading

0.0101  2012-05-08
  - fix dependencies

0.01    2012-05-05
  - initial release