Revision history for Catmandu-MARC
0.0109 2013-02-01
- fix MARC21 xml export
0.0108 2013-01-22
- fix leader in xml export
0.0107 2013-01-11
- fix creation of undef value with nonexisting $append key
0.0106 2012-11-09
- fix _id field value
0.0105 2012-10-10
- fix missing uppercase subfield datafield
0.0104 2012-10-09
- only allow alphanumeric fields in MARCXML export
- utf8 fixes
0.0103 2012-06-14
- add configurable identifier field (default 001)
- add virtual '_' to every field to make USMARC|MicroLIF|XML and ALEPHSEQ output equal
0.0102 2012-05-25
- fix indicator bug
0.0101 2012-05-16
- fix control field bug
0.01 2012-05-04
- initial release