Revision history for Catmandu-Solr
0.0301 2017-04-06 18:15:24 CEST
- use Catmandu::Bag provided id/key/id_field
0.03 2017-03-23 14:31:04 CET
- use new Catmandu::CQLSearchable role
0.02154 2016-12-15 15:28:58 CET
- fix bug that prevents records from last page to be returned
0.02153 2016-12-12 12:24:20 CET
- fix typo in Catmandu::Store::Solr::SQL that made cql mapping field 'field' impossible
0.02152 2016-05-31 13:32:22 CEST
- method search contains key 'highlighting' now
0.02151 2016-04-21 14:59:26 CEST
- fix perlpod errors in Catmandu::Store::Solr
0.0215 2016-02-26 15:07:19 CET
- add option 'fl' to Catmandu::Store::Solr::Searcher to optimize access
- fix bug in Catmandu::Store::Solr::Bag ( 'throw' )
- make more store transaction safe
- fix bug Catmandu::Importer::Solr->count
0.0214 2016-02-25 14:47:24 CET
- normalize_query now delivers explicit lucene query to match all documents
0.0213 2016-02-23
- Catmandu::Store::Solr has role Catmandu::Transactional
- dependency on Catmandu 1.0
0.0212 2016-02-12
- set query type in filters explicit to lucene
0.0211 2016-02-11
- make cql parser object oriƫnted
- add documentation for cql_mapping
0.0210 2015-11-30
- add option "on_error" to Catmandu::Store::Solr
0.0209 2015-02-25
- removed the need to flush buffers within transactions. When the transaction is done, all buffers of all bags are now flushed automatically.
0.0208 2014-01-26
- added support for transactions
0.0207 2014-12-05
- bug fix: delete by query only supports lucene queries. LocalParams are forbidden
0.0206 2014-11-18
- merged pull request from Jakob Voss to make the field '_id' and '_bag' configurable
0.0205 2014-11-17
- changed distribution name to Catmandu-Solr
- added Catmandu::Importer::Solr
0.0204 2014-03-25
- fq can be an array ref
- optimized versions of count and total
- include spellcheck in hits
0.0203 2013-09-04
- update dependencies
0.0202 2013-09-02
- disable facets, spellcheck if not needed
0.0201 2013-03-26
- import confess
0.02 2012-12-03
- initial release