0.031 2017-04-01
  - Add 'query' to the logged entry.
  - Update to use Mojo::File (version).

0.023 2014-05-01
  - Correct notes on other plugins.

0.021 2014-04-28
  - Add redirection tests.
  - Remove ref to non-existent homepage.

0.014 2014-04-04
  - Tweaked documentation.

0.013 2014-04-03
  - Document combining with Mojar::Log.

0.012 2014-04-02
  - Better documentation.

0.011 2014-04-01
  - Add test for GET.

0.003 2014-03-29
  - Fix syntax and basic tests.

0.001 2014-03-18
  - Initial packaging.