package HTML::FormFu::Element::ContentButton; use strict; our $VERSION = '2.01_04'; # TRIAL VERSION use Moose; use MooseX::Attribute::FormFuChained; extends "HTML::FormFu::Element"; with 'HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field', 'HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::SingleValueField'; use HTML::FormFu::Util qw( xml_escape process_attrs ); __PACKAGE__->mk_output_accessors(qw( content )); has field_type => ( is => 'rw', default => 'button', lazy => 1, traits => ['FormFuChained'], ); after BUILD => sub { my ( $self, $args ) = @_; $self->layout_field_filename('field_layout_contentbutton_field'); return; }; sub render_data_non_recursive { my ( $self, $args ) = @_; my $render = $self->SUPER::render_data_non_recursive( { field_type => $self->field_type, content => xml_escape( $self->content ), $args ? %$args : (), } ); return $render; } sub _string_field { my ( $self, $render ) = @_; # content_button template my $html .= sprintf qq{<button name="%s" type="%s"}, $render->{nested_name}, $render->{field_type}, ; if ( defined $render->{value} ) { $html .= sprintf qq{ value="%s"}, $render->{value}; } $html .= sprintf "%s>%s</button>", process_attrs( $render->{attributes} ), ( defined $render->{content} ? $render->{content} : '' ), ; return $html; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME HTML::FormFu::Element::ContentButton - Button form field containing markup =head1 VERSION version 2.01_04 =head1 SYNOPSIS --- elements: type: ContentButton name: foo content: '<img href="/foo.png" />' field_type: Submit =head1 DESCRIPTION content_button form field, rendered using provided markup. =head1 METHODS =head2 content =head2 field_type =head1 SEE ALSO Is a sub-class of, and inherits methods from L<HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field>, L<HTML::FormFu::Element> L<HTML::FormFu> =head1 AUTHOR Carl Franks, C<> =head1 LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut