Revision history for VMware-vCloudDirector

0.007     2017-08-17 11:07:41+01:00 Europe/London
    - Slightly improved error handling - decodes vCloud response better

0.006     2017-06-30 11:57:33+01:00 Europe/London
    - Require at least version 0.04 of Syntax::Keyword::Try
      Versions 0.02 & 0.03 caused errors in loading the module.

0.005     2017-06-27 13:58:12+01:00 Europe/London
    - More informative exception messages

0.004     2017-05-04 15:24:39+01:00 Europe/London
    - Better checking in object expansion (used to error)
    - Bare minimum documentation before initial prototype release to CPAN

0.003     2017-01-27 15:41:23+00:00 Europe/London
    - Fix dependancies in distro

0.002     2017-01-27 15:21:36+00:00 Europe/London
    - Changed handling of version deprecation
    - More object utility methods, eg
        - build_sub_objects
        - build_children_objects
        - fetch_links
    - URIs are generally coerced and handled better
    - query_uri accessor to API, query method in main module

0.001     2017-01-25 15:42:10+00:00 Europe/London
    - Initial partial functionality release
      This is purely to allow me to test against consumer modules.