Revision history for Perl extension Authen::PAM.
0.12 2001-Jul-10
- some simplifications of the configure script
- the format of the conversation messages seems to be different
on Solaris and Linux-PAM and I tried to accomodate for this
- a number of PAM error codes were not exported
0.11 2000-Dec-06
- reorganized the PAM.xs for easier support of callback functions
- added support for user (perl) defined fail_delay function
- the pam_fail_delay function was not exported
- fixed a bug when calling pam_set_item($pamh, PAM_CONV_FUNC, ...)
- the PAM.xs now compiles on perl 5.6 (thanks to Roland Pope
- the compiler can be changed by setting the environment variable
CC before calling 'perl Makefile.PL'
0.10 2000-May-02
- fixed some small problems with the constructor 'new'
(thanks to <>)
- added a FAQ file
- added PAM_CONV_AGAIN and PAM_INCOMPLETE constants from the
new versions of the Linux PAM library
0.09 2000-Feb-03
- fixed a bug in PAM.xs when more than one messages are given
to the conversation function (thanks to Oleg Bulavsky
- small changes to the test script
- several old constant symbols are exported only on request;
also created two tags :constants and :functions for easier
exporting only some of the symbols
0.08 1999-Sep-13
- fixed a bug when returning empty strings from the conversation
function (thanks to Eric Einhorn <>))
0.07 1999-Jun-08
- the test script now gets the user name from the real user id
- restored back the file Makefile.PL and modified the configuration
process so that the module is now build in the standard way
- added a dummy file d/ so that CPAN can find the version
number and the docs (thanks to Graham Barr <>)
0.06 1999-May-19
- the test script now passes to pam the current tty which is needed
by some authentication modules (e.g. pam_securetty)
- some of the test programs in configure need to be linked with -ldl
under Linux
- the default converstation function now uses termios functions to
turn off the echo (thanks to Charlie Brady <>)
0.05 1999-Mar-23
- the package is now configured with a `configure' script
- the module can now be used with FreeBSD 3.1 PAM library
(thanks to Adrian Pavlykevych <>)
- removed the PAM_AUTHTOK and PAM_OLDAUTHTOK constants because they
can be used only by modules
- the test script now returns the pam error code for tests which fail
0.04 1998-Oct-30
- in the previous version the HAVE_PAM_ENV_FUNCTIONS was incorrectly
commented by default
- added a workaround for a bug in the solaris 2.6 pam library
(tanks to Dawn Whiteside <>)
- the distribution now includes the xsubpp patch
- added a call to the pam_authenticate function to the test program
0.03 1998-Oct-06
- added support for the earlier versions of Linux-PAM without env
functions (those before version 0.54)
- fixed some compiler warnings
0.02 1998-Jun-09
- the module is now compatible with Solaris 2.6 PAM library
(thanks to Lupe Christoph <>)
- added object oriented interface
- added default value for $flags argument for most of the functions
0.01 1998-May-18
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18