Revision history for Perl extension Error::TryCatch.

0.06    Sat Jan  6 03:08:06 2007
        * bugfix (patch by David M. Jones)
        * 'with' word is now optional when declaring the catch block
          (patch by David M. Jones)
        * reformatted Changes file and many other cosmetic updates

0.05    Wed Oct  5 20:23:50 2005
        * Fixed Makefile.PL issues (damn windoze backlash)

0.04    Tue Jul  5 11:20:28 2005
        * Improved and corrected some documentation issues
        * Reordered the Changes file

0.03    February, 2, 2005
        * First public version
        * Removed some trash from the code
        * Documentation written

0.02    January, 30, 2005
        * Line numbers preserved
        * Small grammar issues fixed

0.01    January 2005
        * First version, not public
        * Just works, but line numbers are not preserved