package Catmandu::Fix::Condition::file_test; use Catmandu::Sane; use Moo; use Carp qw(confess); use Catmandu::Util qw(); use namespace::clean; use Catmandu::Fix::Has; my $allowed_tests = [qw(r w o x R W O X e z s f d l p S b c t u g k B)]; has path => (fix_arg => 1); has test => (fix_arg => 1); has _tests => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_tests' ); sub _build_tests { my $self = $_[0]; my @vals = split( //o, $self->test ); my $tests = [ grep { Catmandu::Util::array_includes( $allowed_tests, $_ ) or confess("invalid test $_"); } @vals ]; unless( @$tests ){ confess "no valid tests supplied"; } $tests; } with 'Catmandu::Fix::Condition::SimpleAllTest'; sub emit_test { my ($self, $var, $fixer) = @_; my $tests = join(' && ',map { "-$_ ${var}" } @{$self->_tests()}); "(is_value( ${var} ) ? $tests : 0)" } =head1 NAME Catmandu::Fix::Condition::file_test - only execute fixes of file test is successfull =head1 SYNOPSIS add_field('path','/home/njfranck') if file_test('path','dw') add_field('messages.$append','path is a directory') add_field('messages.$append','path is writable') end =head1 ARGUMENTS =over =item path =item tests List of file tests, all in one string. Possible file tests (taken from <>): R File is readable by real uid/gid. W File is writable by real uid/gid. X File is executable by real uid/gid. O File is owned by real uid. e File exists. z File has zero size (is empty). s File has nonzero size (returns size in bytes). f File is a plain file. d File is a directory. l File is a symbolic link (false if symlinks aren't supported by the file system). p File is a named pipe (FIFO), or Filehandle is a pipe. S File is a socket. b File is a block special file. c File is a character special file. t Filehandle is opened to a tty. u File has setuid bit set. g File has setgid bit set. k File has sticky bit set. T File is an ASCII or UTF-8 text file (heuristic guess). B File is a "binary" file (opposite of -T). =back =head1 AUTHOR Nicolas Franck, C<< <nicolas.franck at> >> =head1 SEE ALSO L<Catmandu::Fix> =cut 1;