Revision history for Sub::Deprecated:

0.04 2014-01-11T20:45:54Z

    - Specify version as a string so user has control of representation.
    - Modify subroutine during BEGIN phase instead of CHECK phase.

0.003002 2012-12-13
 - Minor updates to documentation.
 - Development improvements.

0.003001 2012-12-13
 - Remove dependency on Sub::Install.
 - Updated documentation.

0.003 2012-12-12
 - Initial release to CPAN.

0.2.3 2012-12-12
 - Fixed typo.

0.2.2 2012-12-12
 - Updated documentation.

0.2.1 2012-12-12
 - Remove untracked files from CPAN archive.

0.2.0 2012-12-12
 - Fix args not being passed to original code.
 - Use goto-&NAME to improve caller context (and avoid extra stack?).

0.1.0 2012-12-12
 - Initial release.