Revision history for perl module LucyX::Simple
0.008001 2013-07-29
- Added Changes to MANIFEST
0.008 2013-07-29
- Reformatted Changes file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
- Changed issue tracker to github
0.007 2013-07-29
- Fixed defaults
0.006 2013-07-27
- Now uses Moo instead of Moose
- Added github repo info
0.005 2013-04-14
- No changes, I accidently deleted the tar.gz from cpan, had to reupload, can't upload same version twice
0.004 2012-10-19
- Version bump for inc::Module::Install upgrade (
0.003 2012-01-18
- Removed errornous analazyer attribute from QueryParser, added more test cases
0.002 2012-01-16
- Will now always try and create search index dir if doesn't exist
0.001 2012-01-14
- First release