Revision history for Store-CouchDB
2.2 2012-02-21T16:21:12
WARNING: new composit key handling in get_view
if get_view gets a composit key in form of an array it will now
return a nested hash instead or hash keys that are ARRAY...
2.1 2012-02-10T17:02:33
added a get_view_array call
2.0 2012-01-12T09:53:26
- cleaned up tests before writing more of them
- bumped version number so CPAN picks up the changes
1.16 2012-01-09T18:27:12
always JSON encode, no exceptions. anything else breaks behaviour
1.15 2012-01-05T18:06:04
cleared last key encoding issues using uri_escape
1.14 2011-12-31T11:58:34
bugfix: skip JSON encoding if option key is just numbers
1.13 2011-12-29T13:09:23
- rewrite of optional keys handling using JSON encoding
- proper error handling
- enables binmode utf8 for debug printing
- let JSON handle utf8 stuff instead of extra fix_latin()
1.12 2011-11-23T17:20:24
- made "db" attribute a lazy require, checking before each _call() for
1.11 2011-08-16T15:47:58
- added url_encode to encode option parameters with a '+'
- changed to Any::Moose
1.10 2011-07-29T20:20:47
reset the method DELETE after a delete just to be sure nothing
unwanted happens
1.9 2011-04-28T15:14:15
added support for include_docs=true view calls
1.8 2011-04-21T14:07:24
added auth support for newer couchdb versions
made debug work the way it should:
- default off
- turn on with $self->debug
- added clearer to turn off: $self->no_debug
1.7 2011-02-07T10:31:54
added a applicatio/json header
1.6 2010-10-11T13:49:32
documented the changes in response handling
1.5 2010-10-11T13:34:48
better handling for key/value pair results
1.4 2010-09-24T14:04:12
cleanup to make it CPAN ready
1.3 2010-09-24T13:37:42
added compression for databases and documentation
1.0 2010-03-11T13:33:10
enough tinkering around - it is in production so it deserver 1.0
0.6 2010-03-11T13:16:04
delete works w/o revision now
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.