2009-03-20 nperez <nperez@cpan.org>
	* Release: 0.05
	* Clean up behaviors with regards event checking
	* Fix warnings and bugs
	* Add 'our $TRACE_AND_DEBUG;' ability

2009-03-19 nperez <nperez@cpan.org>
	* Release: 0.04
	* Include a 'destroy' event to kill the session

2009-03-12 nperez <nperez@cpan.org>
	* New release: 0.03
	* Enable 'input' published events
	* Relax subscribing without publisher

2008-12-27 nperez <nperez@cpan.org>
	* Maintenance revision: 0.02
	* Make sure Build.PL requires 5.10.0
	* Make sure PubSub.pm does a backwards compat 'use 5.010;'

2008-12-27 nperez <nperez@cpan.org>
	* Initial release