Revision history for POE-Component-PubSub: 0.091370

0.091370  2009-05-17 15:29:13 UTC
        Rewrite using MooseX::Declare and POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation
        Allow for 3rd party publication and subscription
        Types and arguments are constrained much, much more
        Switch to Dist::Zilla for distribution building, if there are problems, bear with me

0.05    2009-03-20 
        Clean up behaviors with regards event checking
        Fix warnings and bugs
        Add 'our $TRACE_AND_DEBUG;' ability

0.04    2009-03-19 
        Include a 'destroy' event to kill the session

0.03    2009-03-12 
        Enable 'input' published events
        Relax subscribing without publisher

0.02    2008-12-27 
        Make sure Build.PL requires 5.10.0
        Make sure does a backwards compat 'use 5.010;'

0.01    2008-12-27 
        Initial release