2006-10-26 NPEREZ <nperez@cpan.org>
	* Version bumped to 0.30
	* rt.cpan.org #22290: attribute values are properly encoded/decoded
	* rt.cpan.org #22291: attribute values are properly encoded/decoded
	* rt.cpan.org #22288: behavior made consistent on reset() and reset()
		has been moved to an internal method automagically called
	* rt.cpan.org #22427: now we subclass POE::Filter to make
		Filter::Stackable happy.
	* encode/decode moved out to Utils
	* Thanks to Eric Waters <ewaters@uarc.com> for bug submits

2006-04-30 NPEREZ <nperez@cpan.org>
	* Version bumped to 0.29
	* Clean up some more POE::Preprocessor leftovers

2006-04-30 NPEREZ <nperez@cpan.org>

	* Version bumped to 0.28
	* '0' in CDATA logic error corrected
	* Transition from MakeMaker to Module::Build