Revision history for WebService-Cmis:
2012-09-25 MichaelDaum <>
* improvements to test suite
- test for a proper {testRoot} setting in cmis.cfg
- be more robust against a non-configured changeslog
- switch off LC_NUMERIC locales in Property tests
2012-09-20 MichaelDaum <>
* rationalized logging in
* added ticket-based authentication
2012-09-11 MichaelDaum <>
* fixing (build)/prerequisites
* skip all server tests when none is configured
2012-08-31 MichaelDaum <>
* fixed setting summary to the empty string
* added cancelCheckOut tests
- added a more detailed test to clarify the ckeckin-pwc-cancelchecout behavior
- fixed auto-clearing of client cache on certain repository operations
2012-08-29 MichaelDaum <>
* improved changelog generator
* preparing release 0.03
* pick up proprietary properties as well
* added example code to getAllowableActions()
2012-08-28 MichaelDaum <>
* fixed pod
* implemented setContentStream
- rationalized the way objects are changed by version services
- removed some unused encoding stuff
- rationalited api wrt contentFile/contentData parameters
* improved caching; allowing to override cache-control
* this is called edit-media, not edit-meta
2012-08-27 MichaelDaum <>
* fixed pod, fixed example configuration
* added getEditLink, getLast, some missing relations
2012-08-24 MichaelDaum <>
* update signatore
(how do I automate this)
* removing useless object type mapping
... as we are testing the baseTypeId and not the objectTypeId which
might vary a lot.
* too many ignore thingies
* updating signature
* improved tests and pod docu
- added {cacheEnabled} option to test suite to speed up accessing remote hosts
- properly implemented getRenditions, was called getRenditionInfo before
2012-08-23 MichaelDaum <>
* added tests applying ACLs to objects
* fixing link to xcmis test host
* re-adding test suite
- generating README from pod
- implemented applyACL()
- signed all files
- added tests for ACLs and ACEs
- fixed handling of permissions in ACE
- added test for cmis.cfg used by the test suite itself
2012-08-22 MichaelDaum <>
* fixed copyright notions and acknowledegments
* added pod for interfaces not yet implemented
* removing pod markup from readme
* Fixed distro files, removed private REST::Client
2012-08-21 MichaelDaum <>
* converted to Test::Class
2012-03-16 Michael Daum <>
* checking in existing unit tests
These need to be converted from Unit::TestCase to Test::More
* fixing pod unit tests
* boilerplate content
* boilerplate and initial checkin
* first commit