Revision history for Perl extension Layer::Gzip.

0.01  Sat Feb  3 13:51:15 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-c -n Layer::Gzip /usr/local/include/sfio.h

0.02  Sunday
      parse gzip header, 40 regression tests

0.03  Tue Feb  6 18:50:01 GMT 2001
      Change name from Layer::Gzip to PerlIO::gzip following feedback on p5p.
      Add checks to Makefile.PL to ensure you have 5.7.0 [or later :-)] and
      PerlIO configure.

0.04  Tue Feb  6 23:56:16 GMT 2001
      Added autopop mode.  There must be a better name for it.
      Changed order in PerlIOGzip_pushed to call PerlIObuf first (D'oh)
      and to pop without error in autopop mode with a write.

0.05  Sun Feb 11 22:12:42 GMT 2001
      Mmm. CRCs at the ends of files - maybe I should check them?
      Now gives error on close if the z_stream is at the end and either
      the CRC or the length recorded in the gzip trailer is wrong.  Doesn't
      try these checks for files with no gzip header.
      PROTOTYPES: DISABLE in the .xs

0.06  Fri Feb 16 23:59:18 GMT 2001
      We have compression!
      Hmm. Didn't check the return from close on perl.gz - transpires there
      was a bug in my code to read the length of uncompressed data from the
      gzip file
      Hmm. Why was I passing *my* args down to the PerlIOBuf I'm a derived
      class of? On the other hand, why not? ISA or HASA? My args, HASA, I
      guess, so I'll give it NULL args.

0.07  Sun Feb 18 23:21:48 GMT 2001
      s/to/too/ in the BARF message in Makefile.PL [1 character change. Look
      at the paperwork that generated :-)]
      use XSLoader rather than Dynaloader.

0.08  Mon Feb 19 21:14:45 GMT 2001
      fix bug in get_more's return value that basically prevented you from
      reading any header with embedded filename from an unbuffered layer.
      [Obscure, but it's suppoed to work with unbuffered] However, still
      problems with unread, so you can't inflate any gzip file with an
      original filename (or comment) in the header. This is related to the
      /* fix me */ mentioned in perlio.c. Hopefully it will be soon.