Revision history for HTML-Restrict

2.2.4     2017-03-01 14:22:13-05:00 America/Toronto
        - Updates SEE ALSO pod section (Ben Bullock)

2.2.3     2016-07-26 18:00:55-04:00 America/Toronto
        - Now with fewer non-core prerequisites (Karen Etheridge)

2.2.2     2014-10-16 22:16:29-04:00 America/Toronto
        - Fixes attribute value encoding. (Graham Knop)

2.2.1     2014-08-18 17:22:05EDT-0400 America/Toronto
        - Replace MooX::Types::MooseLike with Type::Tiny. (Samuel Kaufman)

2.2.0   2014-08-15 23:01:22EDT-0400 America/Toronto
        - Fix Changes file
        - Bump to next minor version rather than changing the format of the
          version numbers

2.1.9   2013-12-10
        - Swaps namespace::clean for namespace::autoclean. (Fitz Elliott)

2.1.8   2013-06-06
        - Unlike 2.1.7, This release doesn't contain a local::lib.

2.1.7   2013-06-05
        - Removes Perl6::Junction in order to squash smartmatch warnings.

2.1.6   2013-05-06
        - Fixes incorrect use of Moo's weak_ref. (Thanks to Carwyn Ellis,
          Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker and Graham Knop for help with this.)

2.1.5   2013-05-01
        - Eliminates a circular reference. (Graham TerMarsch)

2.1.4   2013-04-19
        - Minor version should have been bumped in previous release. To bump it
          now would be confusing.
        - Require Moo 1.001000 as 1.000008 breaks this module.

2.1.3   2013-04-18
        - Add replace_img feature (David Golden).
        - Add 'cite' to list of attributes for URI scheme checks (David

2.1.2   2013-03-20
        - Fixes broken Pod in example script.
        - Adds x_contributors to META.json.

2.1.1   2013-03-08
        - Updates Pod.

2.1.0   2013-03-02
        - Allows attributes to be validated against regexes (perlpong).

2.0.0   2013-02-27
        - Bumps version to 2.0.0 due to new features breaking backwards
        - Forces all tag rules to be provided in lower case.  Breaks
          backcompat, but mixed or upper case rules would have been silently
          ignored.  So, this is really a bug fix.
        - Strips content between script tags by default. Breaks backcompat,
          but the default behaviour was likely not what anyone wanted.
        - Strips content between style tags by default.  Breaks backcompat,
          but the default behaviour was likely not what anyone wanted.
        - Adds Pod for previously undocumented allow_comments,
          allow_declaration and strip_enclosed_content.
        - Ensures stripper stack is always reset (perlpong).
        - Protects against undef string comparison (perlpong).
        - Checks URI scheme for src attributes (perlpong).
        - Removes accessor/mutator documentation.  Would prefer if all params
          were set at object instatiation.
        - Adds ridiculously basic example script.

1.0.4   2012-05-22
        - Explicity require MooX::Types::MooseLike rather than
          MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base (Matt Phillips/Github #2)

1.0.3   2012-03-27
        - Replaces Moose with Moo for speed in non-persistent apps (Arthur Axel
          'fREW' Schmidt)
        - Adds uri scheme checking for href and src attributes
        - Adds (undocumented) allow_comments() and allow_declartion() methods

1.0.2   2011-10-11
        - No longer emit warnings when pure HTML is supplied for processing
            Rick Moore (RT #71553)

1.0.1   2011-06-30
        - Pod updates

1.0.0   2011-06-30
        - Bumped version to 1.0.0 This is no longer beta software.

0.06    2010-03-22
        - Fixed RT #55775 "Strings equating to boolean false returned as undef"
            (Duncan Forsyth)

0.05    2010-02-03
        - process( undef ) returns without attempting to do anything.  Avoids
            warnings about uninitialized vars.

0.04    2009-11-19
        - MooseX::Params::Validate 0.12 now required.  Some earlier versions do
            not include pos_validated_list()

0.03    2009-11-17
        - process() no longer dies when passed an undef -- patch provided by
            Mark Jubenville (ioncache)

0.02    2009-09-17
        - Improved documentation layout and clarity
            Removed documentation for parser() method -- seems like a bad idea

0.01    2009-09-17
        - Beta release