Revision history for Perl extension HTTP::BrowserDetect.

1.00 2009-10-19
    - Applied patch from RT #47271 (Denis F. Latypoff), which adds support for
    - Have moved repository to GitHub

0.99 Thu Feb 22 16:47:00 2007
    - Modifications by Peter Walsham
    - Added support for Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista

0.98 Tue Jun 21 00:39:00 2004
    - Added more browsers including Mozilla, Firefox, Safari
    - added Mac OS X, WinXP, Win2k detection
    - added more test cases

0.962 Tues Jan 31 12:45:00 2001
    - changed how minor() method to return minor version as a floating point
    - added additional browsers
    - added additional 'up' methods
    - added detection for mobile devices: wap, avantgo, audrey, etc.
    - added netscape 6 detection and gecko
    - added Windows ME detection
    - updated url to javascript browser sniffer page

0.95 Sat Aug 4  09:08:00 2000
    - added additional browsers

0.94 Sun Mar 19 18:51:00 2000
    - changed copyright notice
    - changed object's internal structure
    - added Windows 2000 detection
    - eliminated AUTOLOAD subroutine

0.92 Mon Feb 7  12:34:56 2000
    - fixed version numbering problem, would return '.' instead of
      undef if useragent's version couldn't be found
    - added more detection for AOL

0.9  Wed Feb 17 23:45:52 1999
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.18