1.29 2016-06-28
- Keep document's members order when doing an insert (thanks Stefan)
- Improve Mango->new documentation to explain why you need to use a
helper sub (#17)
1.28 2016-04-11
- Fix a BSON to JSON encoding test case failure due to changes in
Mojolicious 6.58. (#16)
1.27 2016-02-29
- Fix a reconnection error where Mango was trying to use an old
connection after a shutdown. Thanks to fortl.
- Fix a small bug in Mango::Bulk where connection errors would be
ignored resulting in a wrong error message. (#14)
1.26 2016-02-25
- Fix potential code injection when deserializing regex
1.25 2016-02-16
- Make Mango fork-safe again by fixing ObjectID generation which
I broke in the last update. Thanks to Andrey Khozov.
1.24 2016-01-01
- Small optimization in ObjectID generation
- Fix Collection::rename (bug #12 - thanks Isage)
- Change 'insert' behavior to avoid modifying the original document
during serialization. The documentation has also been updated. (#11)
- Fix 2 tests which failed with newer versions of Mojolicious.
1.23 2015-11-12
- Fix a nasty bug where Mango would not finish to authenticate to the
server before sending the first request, resulting in an authentication
error. More details in bug #10 on Github.
- Small documentation fix thanks to Mohammad S Anwar.
1.22 2015-11-06
- Fix test with BSON encoding of NaN with perl 5.23+
- Handle the deprecated BSON type 'Undefined' (very rare case)
- Fix BSON types MinKey and MaxKey. Their value was switched.
1.21 2015-11-04
- Add new subs: bson_int32, bson_int64 and bson_double to force the
type of a numeric value. This is useful when your database is used
by strongly typed applications.
- Randomize the ObjectID counter at startup (as required by the MongoDB specs)
1.20 2015-08-04
- Fix failing test case when Authen::SCRAM is not installed
1.19 2015-08-03
- Fix packaging issue: Auth::SCRAM was missing from v1.18
1.18 2015-06-04
- Added support for SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication using Authen::SCRAM (alexbyk)
The old MONGODB-CR method has been removed.
- Removed Mango::credentials
- Fix potential DoS attack by properly checking the ObjectID format.
Details here: http://sakurity.com/blog/2015/06/04/mongo_ruby_regexp.html
- A few documentation changes
1.17 2015-03-23
- ACHTUNG! MongoDB 3.0+ is now requiered.
Older versions are no longer supported.
- Added Mango::Database::list_collections to query collections with
a Mango::Cursor with optional filtering.
- Mango::Database::collection_names also gains optional filtering.
- Improved Mango::Collection::index_information to accept a maximum
number of results, and to be faster (alexbyk).
- Breaking change: Mango::Collection::options now returns the short name
of the collection instead of the full_name (alexbyk).
- Added Mango::Collection::rename.
1.16 2015-02-03
- Fix git repository in Makefile.PL
1.15 2014-10-01
- New Github repository: https://github.com/oliwer/mango
- Mango::Cursor::Query attributes 'fields' and 'query' are now
undefined by default. Thanks to alexbyk.
1.14 2014-09-22
- Fixed packaging bug.
1.13 2014-09-21
- Updated Makefile.PL for version 2 of the CPAN distribution metadata
1.12 2014-09-12
- Fixed small connection management bug.
1.11 2014-09-11
- Fixed test that was depending on Mojolicious internals.
1.10 2014-09-06
- Added module Mango::Cursor::Query.
1.09 2014-09-01
- Improved Makefile.PL error message for 64-bit requirement.
1.08 2014-08-24
- Improved to_datetime method in Mango::BSON::Time to be able to handle
higher precision times.
1.07 2014-08-23
- Fixed small JSON serialization bug in Mango::BSON::Time.
1.06 2014-08-22
- Added to_datetime method to Mango::BSON::Time.
1.05 2014-08-10
- Added read_preference attribute to Mango::Cursor.
1.04 2014-07-25
- Fixed connection leak.
1.03 2014-07-25
- Improved Mango to avoid secondary nodes.
1.02 2014-07-24
- Fixed version handling in Mango::GridFS.
1.01 2014-06-28
- Improved update method in Mango::Collection to accept object ids.
- Fixed small bug in Mango::Cursor where callbacks would sometimes get the
wrong number of arguments.
1.0 2014-06-24
- Removed experimental status from distribution.
0.43 2014-06-15
- Improved remove method in Mango::Collection to accept object ids.
0.42 2014-06-04
- Added md5 method to Mango::GridFS::Readers.
- Fixed bug in Mango::GridFS::Writer where files could get the wrong MD5
0.41 2014-06-02
- Added await_data attribute to Mango::Cursor.
0.40 2014-05-31
- Added inactivity_timeout attribute to Mango.
- Fixed Mojolicious 5.0 support.
0.39 2014-05-14
- Improved Mango::BSON performance.
0.38 2014-05-12
- Changed heuristics for number detection in Mango::BSON to better line up
with user expectations.
0.37 2014-05-12
- Added support for performing blocking and non-blocking operations at the
same time.
0.36 2014-05-05
- Added support for TO_BSON method to Mango::BSON.
0.35 2014-05-04
- Added num_to_return method to Mango::Cursor.
- Fixed bug where Mango::Cursor would request too many documents.
0.34 2014-05-02
- Fixed bug where some Mango::Collection methods passed the wrong invocant
to callbacks. (alexbyk)
0.33 2014-04-30
- Improved error message for old MongoDB versions.
0.32 2014-04-24
- Added to_bytes method to Mango::BSON::ObjectID.
- Improved Mango::BSON performance.
0.31 2014-04-23
- Improved support for pre-encoded BSON documents.
0.30 2014-04-08
- Removed delete, insert and update methods from Mango.
- Removed build_delete, build_insert and build_update methods from
- Removed decode_int32, decode_int64, encode_int32 and encode_int64 methods
from Mango::BSON.
- Renamed timeout attribute in Mango::Cursor to max_time_ms.
- Added support for MongoDB 2.6 wire protocol, MongoDB 2.4 is no longer
- Added support for bulk operations.
- Added max_bson_size and max_write_batch_size attributes to Mango.
- Added build_write_concern method to Mango::Database.
- Added bulk method to Mango::Collection.
- Added write_error method to Mango::Protocol.
- Added bson_raw function to Mango::BSON.
- Improved aggregate method in Mango::Collection to return cursors by
- Improved aggregate method in Mango::Collection with explain support.
- Improved connection management with wire protocol version check.
- Improved Mango::BSON performance.
- Improved command performance.
- Improved storage efficiency of Mango::GridFS::Writer by lowering the
default chunk size to 255KB.
0.24 2014-02-27
- Added comment and timeout attributes to Mango::Cursor.
0.23 2014-01-22
- Fixed a few small operator overloading bugs.
0.22 2013-12-18
- Added options method to Mango::Collection.
0.21 2013-12-04
- Improved handling of missing files in Mango::GridFS::Reader.
0.20 2013-11-30
- Added from_string method to Mango.
0.19 2013-11-18
- Improved Mango::Cursor to allow $query key in queries.
0.18 2013-11-11
- Fixed concurrency bugs in Mango.
- Fixed bug in Mango::BSON where all objects that stringify to "1" were
considered booleans.
0.17 2013-10-30
- Added cursor and collection support for aggregation.
- Added add_batch method to Mango::Cursor.
- Added from_epoch method to Mango::BSON::ObjectID.
0.16 2013-10-12
- Added support for fallback servers.
- Fixed reconnect bugs.
0.15 2013-10-11
- Fixed mongos compatibility bugs.
0.14 2013-10-06
- Added DBRef support.
- Added dereference method to Mango::Database.
- Added bson_dbref function to Mango::BSON.
0.13 2013-09-21
- Added fields argument to find and find_one methods in Mango::Collection.
0.12 2013-08-17
- Fixed rewind bug in Mango::Cursor where the cursor would not be killed on
the server.
0.11 2013-08-14
- Changed return values of remove and update methods in Mango::Collection.
0.10 2013-08-06
- Improved connection management to be more fault-tolerant.
0.09 2013-07-28
- Added connection event to Mango.
- Improved connection management to be fork-safe.
0.08 2013-07-20
- Removed is_active method from Mango.
- Added max_scan attribute to Mango::Cursor.
- Added backlog method to Mango.
0.07 2013-07-18
- Added is_closed method to Mango::GridFS::Writer.
0.06 2013-07-17
- Added GridFS support.
- Added modules Mango::GridFS, Mango::GridFS::Reader and
- Added gridfs method to Mango::Database.
- Improved Mango::BSON performance. (avkhozov)
- Fixed non-blocking connection pool timing bug.
- Fixed ensure_index argument bug.
0.05 2013-07-06
- Changed heuristics for number detection in Mango::BSON to better line up
with user expectations.
- Changed to_epoch in Mango::BSON::Time to return a high resolution time.
- Added connection pool support for non-blocking operations.
- Added max_connections attribute to Mango.
- Added drop_index, index_information and stats methods to
- Added to_string method to Mango::BSON::ObjectID.
- Added to_string method to Mango::BSON::Time.
- Added stats method to Mango::Database.
- Added TO_JSON method to Mango::BSON::Binary.
- Added TO_JSON method to Mango::BSON::Time.
- Improved compatibility with Mojolicious 4.0.
- Improved Mango::BSON performance. (avkhozov)
- Improved Mango::BSON::ObjectID to validate object ids.
- Improved exception handling for commands.
- Fixed support for empty keys in Mango::BSON.
- Fixed a few memory leaks.
0.04 2013-02-10
- Added collection_names method to Mango::Database.
- Added aggregate, build_index_name, find_and_modify map_reduce and save
methods to Mango::Collection.
- Added distinct method to Mango::Cursor.
- Changed remove and update methods in Mango::Collection to return the
number of documents affected.
- Fixed exception handling for commands.
0.03 2013-02-09
- Added hint, snapshot and tailable attributes to Mango::Cursor.
- Added create, drop and ensure_index methods to Mango::Collection.
- Added build_query, clone and explain methods to Mango::Cursor.
- Added command_error and query_failure methods to Mango::Protocol.
- Fixed array encoding in Mango::BSON.
- Fixed small exception handling bugs in Mango.
0.02 2013-02-07
- Added batch_size attribute to Mango::Cursor.
- Added count method to Mango::Cursor.
- Added next_id method to Mango::Protocol.
- Added multi and upsert options to update method in Mango::Collection.
- Added single option to remove method in Mango::Collection.
- Changed reply format from array to hash.
- Fixed a few exception handling bugs.
- Fixed limit functionality in Mango::Cursor.
- Fixed a few small timing bugs in Mango::Cursor.
0.01 2013-02-06
- First release.