0.53 -- Detected a bug in Term::Screen v1.01 (for solaris). Waiting
for a patch.
Line 290-297
if ($r == 0 || $c == 0) # try getting rows and cols some other way
if (exists $ENV{'LINES'}) { $r = $ENV{'LINES'}; }
else { $r = $this->{TERM}{'_li'}; } # this is often wrong
if (exists $ENV{'COLUMNS'}) { $r = $ENV{'COLUMNS'}; }
else { $r = $this->{TERM}{'_co'}; }
should read
if ($r == 0 || $c == 0) # try getting rows and cols some other way
if (exists $ENV{'LINES'}) { $r = $ENV{'LINES'}; }
else { $r = $this->{TERM}{'_li'}; } # this is often wrong
if (exists $ENV{'COLUMNS'}) { $c = $ENV{'COLUMNS'}; }
else { $c = $this->{TERM}{'_co'}; }
As solaris doesn't support stty -size, and the Term::Screen
v1.01 code has a little bug here, Term::Sceen::Wizard 0.52
does not work. Term::Screen::Wizard 0.53 dies on COLS and ROWS
having a wrong value.
0.52 -- use strict in again, no strict 'refs' added. Thanks to Andreas
Marcel Riechert.
0.51 -- As I don't know how to remove 'strict refs', I commented out
use strict.
0.49 -- Fixed a bug. Makefile.PL should now require Term::Screen::ReadLine
to be at least version 0.33.
0.48 -- Fixed a bug. The Esc, F1, F3 (previous screen) key should work;
also when the validator function returns 'false'.
0.47 -- Added an extra parameter to the VALIDATOR function, namely
$self. So the wizard is given to the validator function as
the first argument and the inputted line as the second.
0.46 -- Removed a bug. When the user inputs a password, after the
user leaves the field, the password isn't starred out.
-- A validator function has been added to validate a field().
-- A readonly option has been added to a screen.
0.45 -- Removed a bug. When the wizard was called with specific screens,
all variables were cleared. This has been corrected.
-- Removed function get_screen() (this has become an internal
-- Added a function set() to set keywords of a screen, or to set
values of prompts.
0.41 -- Made some changes to the wizard() and get_keys() functions.
Extended them with the possibility to ask a number of screens.
This makes it possible to use a selection of all possible
screens from the wizard.
0.33 -- Enhanced documentation of wizard() function.
-- Little bug fix. wizard() function now also returns "next", if
the last prompt of the wizard() has option NOFINISH set.
0.32 -- Converted all files to UNIX format.
0.31 -- Forgot to include the dependencies in Makefile.PL, added them.
0.30 -- Structured the tests in test.pl
-- Debugged Wizard.pm according to test results.
-- Extended Makefile.PL to have dependencies.
-- Added ChangeLog
0.20 -- Initial upload