2.027008_001 - 2014-06-23


  * HTML tables now use DataTables, table plug-in for jQuery, to support
    pagination, results filtering, and multi-column ordering


  * Ignore devices with "phone" in their CDP/LLDP platform description
  * Change log format to contain UTC timestamp
  * Link to VLAN search by name from VLAN Inventory report
  * Neighbor device links to both device and port (fragfutter)
  * Optimization of multiple SQL queries to improve report performance
  * VendorMap and Delimiter enhancements to RANCID generator (LesB)


  * Fix for device counts in VLAN Inventory report
  * Forward port housekeeping/schedule and expiry/expire legacy config
  * Store started timestamp on job completion
  * Set UTF-8 mode on Pg database connection
  * Add netdisco-rancid-export to installed scripts

2.027007 - 2014-05-27


  * allow get_user_details to return truthy when it's OK to have no user

2.027006 - 2014-05-27


  * fix another bug in call to Daemon::Contol redirect_filehandles

2.027005_002 - 2014-05-22


  * Increase default snmptimeout from 1 to 3 seconds
  * Add documentation note about non-standard pg port


  * Unrouted VLAN interfaces have numbers on Cisco - ignore them
  * fix undefined key in Discover

2.027005_001 - 2014-05-21


  * Support offline update of oui.txt and MIBs bundle
  * Support Dancer::Debug at runtime with DANCER_DEBUG=1 env var
  * Merge pluggable job queue branch


  * Improve VLAN Inventory performance and show all VLANs (C. Stromsoe)

2.027004 - 2014-05-15


  * fix bug in call to Daemon::Contol redirect_filehandles (M. Planck)

2.027003 - 2014-05-14


  * fixed use of password instead of pass for Dancer::Plugin::DBIC
  * another check for macsuck_bleed (J. Leonhardt)

2.027002 - 2014-05-04


  * revert use password instead of pass for Dancer::Plugin::DBIC

2.027001 - 2014-05-03


  * get_port_macs returns all port MACs

2.027000 - 2014-04-30


  * Add FRU filter option to Module Inventory Report
  * Display Phone and Wifi icon on nodes even when not discovered as neighbors
  * Sort connected nodes first by VLAN
  * Add docs note about RC scripts


  * Search for localenv could not find $HOME
  * Fixes to allow output of get_init_file to be used as init script
  * Legitimate for same MAC to be in two VLANs on same switchport
  * Fix for broken [#82] (/etc/hosts check during ARP IP resolv)
  * Discover nodes on ports which have broken near-edge topology
  * Use password instead of pass for Dancer::Plugin::DBIC

2.025001 - 2014-04-08


  * Web and Backend daemons will restart when deployment.yml is updated
  * Web and Backend daemons will drop privilege to same uid/gid as their
    on-disk files (to allow run-control symlink as non-root)


  * Use daterange for IP Subnets (same as IP Inventory)
  * Run daemons as target binary's owning user (supports run control)
  * Clean up library path fiddling across all scripts
  * Rename housekeeping expiry task to be expire
  * Refactor nbtstat to group probes by device where node was arped
  * Add note about pgtune to install docs


  * Suggest installation of perl-core RPM (arguably Red Hat's bug not ours!)
  * FATAL warnings considered harmful
  * Only show STP blocked icon if port is UP
  * Store device model and serial via UTF8 conversion
  * Only set housekeeping default if user has enabled

2.024004 - 2014-03-04


  * Fix Login and Logout that were broken with SSL

2.024003_001 - 2014-03-03


  * Wildcard support on Device Port MAC Search
  * Wildcard support on Node name/MAC Search
  * User Reports appear in "My Reports" menu if no category is given
  * (beta) Support for data munging in User Reports
  * Permit clipboard copy of device IP from Job Queue rows
  * Failed Job Device IPs link to Discover form with pre-filled Discover IP
  * Unknown device page has pre-filled Discover IP
  * Set form focus to Username field on login form
  * Database host is commented out in example config

2.024003 - 2014-02-27


  * Cope with no defined User Reports

2.024002 - 2014-02-27


  * User Reports via config, without requiring HTML or Perl
  * Add netdisco-rancid-export script


  * Option to display Port SSID in Device Ports view

2.024001 - 2014-02-25


  * Fix NetBIOS report with search on blank domain
  * Fix database MAC lookup when MAC not returned by nbtstat
  * Fix partial name match on Node search

2.024000 - 2014-02-22


  * [#75] Device module inventory report / search
  * [#70] SSID Search (port)
  * [#72] Search on Vendor / OUI 
  * Password Change form for all users


  * Kwalitee fixes
  * Change default number of pollers to 10
  * Default netmap depth set to 8
  * Add a "waiting" message to the netmap whilst the data loads
  * Add a spinner to all waiting messages
  * Try to make the Job Queue page a little faster
  * Require the Net::LDAP module for all installs
  * Move system information to the Netdisco "home" page
  * Show all subnets (scrollable), and sort, in sidebar Prefix search


  * Workaround for https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=93244
  * Fix for crash when selecting Last Change column in device ports view
  * Fix IP Inventory Report to work without daterange
  * Fix "list IPs never seen" to work without daterange in IP Inventory Report
  * Correct "Archive" status of nodes in IP Inventory Report
  * Do not trigger userlog popups for all/walk jobs
  * No longer show warning notification when userlog retrieve fails

2.023002 - 2014-02-17


  * Deploy new admin user did not use resultset

2.023001 - 2014-02-14


  * Display clean version of creation stamp on port log
  * Make sure only to check for admins in deploy script
  * Allow Port Control users to see Port Config Log report


  * [89] Password fields in User Management panel should be masked

2.023000 - 2014-02-10


  * [#86] Use Vendor abbrevs to enhance node display in device port view
  * [#74] Device Name / DNS mismatches report
  * [#71] Node search by date (but not time)
  * [#73] NetBIOS Poller (nbtstat and nbtwalk), Node search by NetBIOS name,
    NetBIOS Node Report, and provide information when available in Node
    and Port views
  * [#56] Support API call to /login

  * [#69] Add search by layers to device search
  * [#77] Log user access 
  * Try to help users more easily get a default login
  * Support upgrade from Netdisco version 0.x
  * [#54] jobqueue_refresh config for number of seconds betwen queue refresh


  * [#84] No longer use dns as a key into devices; cope with dupe dns (LT)
  * Correct date formatting and logic in IP Inventory report
  * Fix redirect when accessing a deep link when unauthenticated
  * [#46] Sorting on Inventory page same as ND1
  * Quieten AnyEvent::DNS::EtcHosts check on PERL_ANYEVENT_HOSTS env var

2.022000 - 2014-01-26


  * Support for Link Aggregation (port-channel, etherchannel, "trunking", etc)
  * [#68] Devices orphaned by missing topology info report 


  * [#82] Check /etc/hosts before DNS when doing arp entry name lookup
  * [#59] Arpnip tries to resolve link local IPv6 addresses 


  * [#85] device property in _no/_only fails with error (R. Kerr)
  * Also prefer port filter when linking to connected devices
  * Fix SQL logic in PortMAC.pm (imperfectus)
  * Fix snmpv3 autovivication bug setting priv strings (LT)



  * [#81] Identify wireless nodes and provide information when available 
  * [#13] Support IP address ranges in *_only/*_no configuration
  * [#14] Support partial DNS names in *_only/*_no (via regexp)


  * [#32] Show device layers in Details tab
  * [#66] Remove reference to "native" VLAN in code and replace with "untagged"
  * [#66] DB Schema update to add "native" column to PK of device_port_vlan table
  * [#64] Addition of Wireshark abbreviations for OUI manufacturers
  * [#79] Support perlbrew environment as alternative to localenv
  * [#52] Check is neighbour remote_id is a MAC (R. Kerr)


  * Correct is_discoverable check in Undiscovered Neighbors report
  * Correct macsuck for Q-BRIDGE-MIB based devices
  * Allow cached SNMP community hint to override SNMP version cycle
  * [#76] Don't include wireless in ports with multiple nodes attached report 

2.021000 - 2014-01-08


  * Add IP Phones discovered through LLDP/CDP report
  * Add device/node/vlan/port specific search from Navbar
  * Add Undiscovered Neighbors admin report
  * [#3] [#47] Device Neighbor Map can have max depth and VLAN filter
  * [#31] get_community now supported
  * [#19] Ask for Reason when changing Port up/down Status, or VLAN
  * [#30] Support for expire_devices, expire_nodes, and expire_nodes_archive
  * Port Log viewable via an icon by device port name (Port Control rights req'd)
  * [#1] Subnet Utilization report (J. van Ingen)
  * Support for snmpforce_v1, snmpforce_v2, snmpforce_v3


  * Require SNMP::Info 3.10+, use new c_cap method to tag device remote_type
    as 'IP Phone:' or 'AP:' when those capabilities are advertised by LLDP
    or CDP
  * Port MAC query now only returns distinct MAC's
  * Keep a hint to SNMP community if new style snmp_auth config is in use
  * [#43] Add doc note about PostgreSQL MD5 authN
  * [#49] Allow device port searching with preference for port/name/vlan.
    This is to support some devices (HP?) which have plain numbers for port names
    and Netdisco defaults to assuming this is a VLAN number (R. Kerr)
  * Upgrade floatThead JS plugin to improve performance for large tables
  * Don't queue devices which are excluded by configuration or don't have the
    layers to support the operation


  * [#61] Arpnip debug text says it is resolving aliases instead of ARP
    entries (Robert Kerr)
  * [#60] Incorrect format string in store_vlans (Robert Kerr)
  * Fix form reset icon on ports tab when using custom path (Daniel Tuecks)
  * Don't store failed SNMP community in the database
  * [#51] Support DBD::Pg default for "host" field as local socket (R. Kerr)
  * [#58] Search by VLAN name now works (R. Kerr)
  * Make "Not" option work for vlan number search in Device Ports
  * [#48] Fix for netmap links when domain_suffix is set (R. Kerr)
  * [#57] Port sort order for Extreme switches "1:10" format
  * [#65] Ignore smmp_ver in DB when reconnecting to a device.

2.020002 - 2013-12-11


  * Support for Device Details plugins (see X::RANCID)
  * Add Slow Devices (for polling) report


  * Improvements in arpnip/arpwalk and macsuck/macwalk performance 


  * Respect macsuck_bleed on broken topology detection
  * Correct logic to prevent duplicate queuing of jobs during discover due
    to previous change in admin table

2.020001 - 2013-12-08


  * Plugin CSS and JS included file fix

2.020000 - 2013-12-08


  * Add Device PoE status report
  * Add Nodes with multiple IP addresses report
  * Add Device addresses with DNS entries report
  * Add Ports with multiple nodes attached report
  * Add Ports administratively disabled report
  * Add Ports that are blocking report
  * Add Access Point client count report
  * Move Obserivum plugin outside of this dist, into App::NetdiscoX::


  * Can now set untagged VLAN on trunking and non-trunking ports
  * Add user activity log to frontend admin menu
  * Add Poller Performance admin report
  * Add Slow Devices admin report
  * Add PoE module status in Device details


  * Set of Port Name (description) fixed to assume OK dialog response
  * Default class of a PoE port is 0 if not otherwise defined
  * Don't try to convert negative mW to dBm in AP power report
  * LDAP login fix (Daniel Tuecks)
  * Custom path handling corrections (Daniel Tuecks)

2.019003 - 2013-10-27


  * Use cursor to greatly speed up macsuck/arpnip startup code (jeneric)


  * Fix redirect in Dancer to not forcibly apply scheme+host

2.019002 - 2013-10-24


  * Fix HTTP redirects when running under HTTP/S

2.019001 - 2013-10-22


  * Fix syntax error in Util/SNMP.pm

2.019000 - 2013-10-22


  * Ports with active nodes are set to be "up" immediately (closes #9)
  * Avoid returning to the DB for every MAC on a neighbor port


  * Update Print media CSS to handle new UI components
  * Deadlock in Discover over access to the device_ports table
  * Set canonical IP failed on synthesized cols (and was wrong anyway) (closes #35)
  * Remove dupe restriction on job queue, try for smarter *all queuing (closes #41)
  * Remove scary message from Auth::Extensible (closes #38)
  * Return first port neighbor match, if multiple devices claim the IP (closes #42)
  * Should handle empty ports preferences (closes #39)
  * Decode more entPhysicalEntry columns as UTF-8 (closes #37)
  * Lock device_port table when updating Device Ports (closes #40)
  * Fix missing node age column in device ports CSV (closes #33)

2.018000 - 2013-10-08


  * Add VLAN Inventory Report
  * Add Wireless SSID Inventory Report
  * Add Device Inventory by Location Report
  * Node DNS names resolved in their own job - see nodenames_no and nodenames_only


  * Respect ignore_interfaces and i_ignore when detecting wrapped device uptime
  * Try NodeIp OUI company name search if no node results found
  * Format About page numbers


  * Update NodeWireless entries which match both MAC and SSID found, only
  * Fix SSL-proxy behaviour by using only path+query in links (W. Gould)
  * Avoid macsuck generated SQL bug when cleaning NULL VLAN (W. Gould)
  * During macsuck get VLAN from Q-BRIDGE if available (jeneric)
  * OK to include device ports when doing arpnip (jeneric)
  * Correct bulkwalk_off logic
  * Silence warnings when ports don't support i_lastchange
  * Correct *_only and *_no setting logic
  * Correct the instructions for runing dev instance of web and daemon

2.017000 - 2013-09-23


  * CSV download support for plugins
  * CSV download option for many reports and search/device results tabs
  * Icon in device port sidebar to reset to display defaults
  * Add "not" option in device port sidebar to invert Port/Name/VLAN filter


  * Try to make clear the intent of the navbar search and sidebar search
  * Device port sidebar legen display improvements
  * Minor CSS tweaks
  * Better logic for wildcarding on partial device port name match
  * Show manual topology links in device port table (yellow icon)
  * Change order or user tasks menu to have logout at the bottom
  * Show SNMP::Info version in the about page (if installed)
  * Navbar background image :-)
  * Documentation of the following features:
    Main App::Netdsisco page:
      - How to migrate from Netdisco 1.x
      - Suggest enable "housekeeping" setting in config after install
      - How to git clone and run web server in dev mode
      - Plugins can return CSV data
      - Dancer route handler Role Based Access Control
      - ~/site_plugins INC dir supported for locally developed Plugins
      - App::NetdiscoX::Web::Plugin:: namespace for non-core Plugins
      - How to load Javascript and CSS files in <head> from a Plugin
      - Advice on supporting config settings (deployment.yml) in Plugins
      - Device Port column Plugins
      - Observium plugin (an example of a device port column plugin)


  * Depend on newer Starman to avoid nasty EPIPE bug
  * Page title update fixes
  * Make sure navbar search field is always filled when internally linking
  * Fix APs channel list collapse when more than 10 APs
  * Make navbar search strikethrough work in more corner cases
  * Treat ifStatus "dormant" interfaces as "up"
  * Remove collision in "vendor" query string param name
  * Clear port remote_* details when manual topology is deleted
  * Misnamed no_port_control option is renamed to check_userlog

2.016003 - 2013-09-12


  * Fix for Node Age being very broken.
  * Port status icon logic was incorrect for some up/down states.

2.016002 - 2013-09-11


  * Fix device and device_port delete not to kill nodes during Discovery

2.016001 - 2013-09-11


  * Fix for broken free port status

2.016000 - 2013-09-10


  * Wireless AP Reports (jeneric)
  * About page (jeneric)
  * Allow port list filtering by port state (up/down/etc)
  * Explicit partial match setting for port filter


  * Store port control and device delete log messages


  * z-index fix for modals
  * Better toastr message on device delete
  * Delete manual topology on device delete
  * Fix Node age stamp option in ports
  * Prevent cascade operations on virtual tables in DBIC

2.015000 - 2013-09-06


  * Device Modules tab (jeneric)
  * Half Duplex Ports Report
  * Remember device ports columns and display options in a Cookie
  * Delete device button for admins


  * Change icon for shutdown ports
  * Modal confirm dialog boxes for dangerous admin actions


  * Check device is in storage before comparing last_* times with *_min_age
  * Handle UTF-8 data in device module hw_ver, sw_ver, fw_ver, model

2.014000 - 2013-08-26


  * Support store_modules config (default true)
  * Support for discover_min_age, macsuck_min_age, arpnip_min_age
  * Support for macsuck_no, macsuck_only, arpnip_no, arpnip_only
  * Support for macsuck_no_vlan and macsuck_no_devicevlan
  * Support for nonincreasing, bulkwalk_* settings and also property:match values


  * Display port descriptions in topology editing form


  * Wireless node counters should be bigint

2.013001 - 2013-08-23


  * Typo in authN module which prevented local auth

2.013000 - 2013-08-23


  * LDAP authentication support - see Configuration POD for details


  * Display "Auto" when there is no discovered duplex setting
  * Add suggest_guest option to display login banner offering Guest acct

2.012006 - 2013-08-23


  * Duplicate port names are handled without error

2.012005 - 2013-08-16


  * Improved handling of automatic macsuck/arpnip after initial discover


  * Fix no_auth to work with new Auth::Extensible plugin
  * Remove done job from local queue regardless of exit status
  * Set last arpnip timestamp

2.012002 - 2013-08-07


  * Tidy up Device IP after deleting a pseudo device

2.012001 - 2013-08-06


  * Add missing dependency on Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible

2.012000 - 2013-08-06


  * Use icons for port status and archive presentation
  * Always offer to discover device on site homepage
  * Device re-discover/arpnip/macsuck is async with toastr notify
  * Implement extensible authN and role based access control
  * RW snmp community strings now in the "community" table


  * Floating table headers not compatible with in-header drop-down menus
  * Fix blur events on editable cells
  * Pseudo device ports being counted properly since Port Utilization report
  * Manual topology is preserved when re-discovering neighbors

2.011000 - 2013-07-29


  * Port Utilization report
  * User Management (for admins only)


  * Add docs note about SSL support
  * Button to empty the job queue, and improve display when the queue is empty
  * Table headers float on the page when scrolling


  * REMOTE_USER is an env var, not an HTTP Header
  * Swap play/pause icons in jobqueue
  * Find the RW snmp community string correctly now

2.010004 - 2013-07-24


  * Navbar query box was being cleared sometimes under admin task panels

2.010002 - 2013-07-23


  * Nullify unused schema changes


  * Fix FF bug with forms embedded in tables
  * Fix bugs in topo update code

2.010001_003 - 2013-06-20


   * Pass event param to all js functions which require it
   * Handle UTF-8 data in the device port remote_id

2.010000 - 2013-06-16


  * Support for delegated authentication with REMOTE_USER and X-REMOTE_USER
  * Ask to set up guest user for Admin/Port Control rights in deploy script
  * Job Queue page play/pause/refresh controls


  * Database config simplified to only four essential settings
  * Use DBIx::Class new collapsed query support when we can
  * Add discoverall, macwalk, arpwalk items to the Admin Tasks menu
  * Increase default frequency of job queue polling to 2 seconds
  * Add tooltip showing the job queue item logged status message


  * Macwalk and Arpwalk job defer fixed
  * Sort VLANs, MACs, IPs properly in Device Port view
  * Fix hyperlinks when running behind reverse proxy on custom path
  * Add workaround for https://github.com/PerlDancer/Dancer/issues/935
  * Fix Plack middleware config for Expiry

2.008002 - 2013-06-11


  * Initial (bootstrap) discover now queues an arpwalk and macwalk as well


  * Fix logging when daemonized
  * Remove bad constraint on device_ip table
  * Limit queueing of discovery to things which can be discovered

2.008001 - 2013-06-11


  * More fixes for localenv discovery in scripts

2.008000 - 2013-06-09


  * localenv discovery in scripts is now more reliable

2.007000_002 - 2013-06-03


  * Finally we have a discover/refresh/arpnip/macsuck daemon jobs :)
  * Also... a Scheduler which removes need for crontab installation
  * The netdisco-do script can queue any one-off job
  * Select MAC Address display format on Node and Device Port search
  * Helper script to import the Netdisco 1.x Topology file to the database
  * Support for pseudo devices (useful for dummy device links)
  * Manual Topology editing via the web
  * Job Queue view and delete page
  * Empty device table prompts initial discover on homepage
  * Support for App::NetdiscoX::Web::Plugin namespace
  * Plugins can add columns to Device Ports display
  * Observium Sparklines port column plugin
  * Plugins can have CSS and Javascript loaded within <head>


  * SNMP connection now uses cached info if available
  * Better handling of MIBs home location in deploy script
  * Port filter in device port display is now highlighted green
  * Navbar search is fuzzier
  * Phone node icon is a little phone handset
  * User icon color indicates port_control/admin ability
  * Buttons for discover/macsuck/arpnip on device details page
  * Support 'path' config option as alternative to --path /mountpoint
  * Local plugins can be placed in ${NETDISCO_HOME}/site_plugins/...
  * Missing mibdirs causes all MIBs to be loaded (with a warning)
  * Include qtip2 libraries


  * Rename plugins developer doc to .pod
  * Update to latest Bootstrap and JQuery, and temp. fix #7326 in Bootstrap
  * Partial Name in Port search now working
  * Add unique constraints to topology table
  * Handle whitespace ahead of OUI data
  * Wasn't using Bootstrap table class properly

2.007000_001 - 2013-03-17


  * Reports are implemented (as plugins) - new Duplex Mismatch plugin
  * Plugins can now 'register_template_path' and supply their own HTML templates


  * Upgraded to Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.1 - customized for 13px font 18px line


  * Convert useless die to error+return in Plugin.pm
  * Documentation fixups

2.006000 - 2013-03-07


  * Documentation fixups

2.005000_004 - 2013-03-05


  * Documentation fixups

2.005000_003 - 2013-03-05


  * Partial Match option when searching on device port name
  * web,daemon,deploy scripts will try to find "localenv" automatically
  * Scripts can be run from a git clone
  * New NETDISCO_HOME env var to override Netdisco's HOME


  * random() and LIMIT the number of daemon jobs requested from Netdisco queue
  * Remove Daemon's job queue DBIC schema from user config
  * Add log messages to the Daemon
  * Use Path::Class for path and file name construction consistently
  * All links and redirects are now relative
  * More documentation on developing and deployment


  * Avoid use of DNS when looking up devices in DB by IP
  * Search by device port MAC no longer fatal
  * URI and HTML escape template variables
  * Prevent duplicate requets caused by favicon.ico link
  * DB Schema upgrades are now all single-step in case user has applied any already

2.005000_002 - 2013-02-10


  * When linking to devices, use the DNS name in preference to the IP
    (makes for more attractive navigation search bar, but need to watch for aliases)
  * In general, device names do not have domain_suffix trimmed, but nodes do
  * Search on device interface alias now works for typeahead and device redirect


  * Updated the print CSS
  * Minor fixes to POD

2.005000_001 - 2013-02-09


  * Support for Web Plugins (see App::Netdisco::Web::Plugin)


  * Do not include inventory items which don't have full OS details
  * Hide Legend item relating to port control if not an admin
  * No-Wrap on port name column


  * Change port ordering for Arista and Foundry platforms

2.004002 - 2013-01-30


  * Typo in one of the schema migration files

2.004001 - 2013-01-29


  * Device Port filter by vlan includes both tagging and untagged (closes #37)
  * Change colour and name of Port Control toggle option in Device Port View
  * Incorporate latest DB schema changes from upstream
  * Add some doc clarifcations


  * No longer prompt for demo/demo credentials (closes #38) (J. Binks)
  * Display IP in Vlan search if device has no DNS (closes #36) (J. Binks)

2.004000 - 2013-01-14


  * Very naughty typo in netmap code, which I forgot to merge a fix for.
  * Typo in installation docs (S. Gupta)

2.002000 - 2013-01-06


  * Syntax error in netdisco-daemon-fg
  * Missing installation of netdisco-web-fg

2.001000_001 - 2013-01-06


  * Added daemonized version of the web-app server also using Daemon::Control


  * Daemons now log to ~/logs/netdisco-{web,daemon}.log
  * Finally wrote the DEVELOPING.pod documentation
  * Removed the MCE workarounds as upstream merged fixes


  * Fix sloppy schema calls which broke netmap

2.01_001 - 2013-01-05


  * Rewrite of the daemon to use Daemon::Control and MCE (cleaner netdisco
    code and fewer deps)
  * Version bump so that we'll be releasing odd numbered beta dists

2.00_012 - 2012-12-21


  * Move Changes file to be in CPAN Dist
  * Update install docs to use URL for package until we are CPAN-indexed

2.00_011 - 2012-12-20


  * store daemon db in the netdisco home area
  * confirm db schema deployed


  * fix mistake in docs for schema file name
  * bug with using last inside try{}
  * bug with txn_do in Manager worker

2.00_010 - 2012-12-20


  * new netdisco-deploy script to do all deployment tasks at once


  * update README with full deployment instructions
  * add SNMP settings for daemon to environment


  * upgrade db incrementally
  * rename schema files to be App-*
  * fix for older Perl which warns about a bug in File::Slurp
  * fix bug with empty DANCER_APPDIR
  * fix version strings for platform warning
  * add missing JSON dependency
  * fix sharedir to use dist dir not module dir
  * remove redundant lines in Makefile.PL

2.00_009 - 2012-12-17


  * Relocate into App::Netdisco namespace
  * Make a proper CPAN-ready dist using Module::Install
  * Update OUI data when the DB schema is deployed/upgraded

2.00_008 - 2012-12-16


  * Refactor to make less webby and more suitable to be a complete Netdisco app
  * Network Map now shows all device neighbors and allows click-through nav
  * Add new netdisco-daemon to handle port_control actions
  * Add PoE control to port_control (+ up/down,vlan,name,location,contact)


  * eradicate checks for dns column in node_ip table - now assumed to be there
  * remove .pl from script names
  * no longer deploy FK constraints with DB schema as they upset legacy netdisco.pm


  * port cotrol user log check now looks for all actions
  * node search switchport link shows connected nodes again
  * show device IP in search results when DNS is not available

0.7 - 2012-11-25


  * Add Port Control (admin table) features to web
  * Implement DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned support - DB schema is now versioned
  * Navbar query for device with single hit redirects to Device details page
  * Show device name on device details views (closes #30)
  * Migrated to Font Awesome for a wider range of icon fonts
  * Simple network map showing *some* links between devices
  * Individual column selections for connected nodes and devices


  * Move DBIC virtual tables into Virtual:: namespace (closes #19)
  * Maintain node search options when changing navbar query (closes #27)
  * Device port connected devices now off, Display Cols shown by default
  * Remove various dummy <a> tags that were encouraged by Bootstrap
  * Node search link enables connected devices column (closes #31)
  * Better layout of sidebar pinning


  * Fix netgear port ordering (closes #26)
  * Fix Foundry 10GE port ordering

0.6 2012-08-28


  * Icon to copy Navbar search text to Device Search Options field (closes #11)
  * Typeahead on the main navbar search (for devices only)
  * Support for have_nodeip_dns_col setting (closes #14)
  * Set focus to navbar search on initial login or when changing to home (closes #24)
  * Port filter supports basic */?/%/_ wildcards (closes #25)


  * Native copy of the Netdisco sort_port routine (#17)
  * Refactor begin hooks (closes #16)
  * Re-engineer link generation to ensure sane defaults and remembered options.
    This came as a side-effect of removing JS-only links (closes #21)
  * Replace jquery-collapser with Bootstrap's collapser
  * Upgraded to Twitter Bootstrap 2.1.0 - customized for 13px font 18px line
  * Factor out inventory queries to the Device ResultSet (closes #20)
  * Clicking on a port to restrict search now uses AJAX instead of page get


  * Fix sidebar hiding not making main content reflow to full window width (#15)

0.5 2012-03-09


  * Inventory page
  * Migrate to Twtitter Bootstrap v2.x (thanks Eric Miller!)


  * Device Ports table port name is clickable to limit to that port only
  * Tidy up display of Device Port Neighbors
  * Refactor all SQL/DBIC to be smarter and more efficient


  * Fix Net::MAC explosion (#8)
  * Fix partial IP Addr explosion (#7)
  * Set distinct on device search (#12)
  * Fix strikethrough on tab change (#9)

0.4 2012-02-19


  * Sidebar can be pinned in place to keep it visible when scrolling.

0.3  2011-02-03


  * Browser History is updated with each tab change (HTML5 State). Also
    the browser url is updated, meaning the Bookmark icon is no longer

  * Sidebar is now on the right hand side of the window, and is only
    displayed when there are options for the current tab.


  * Refactor Javascript to place most in a static file, speed templating.
  * Refactor Stylsheets to better organise and comment the settings.
  * When Device Search sidebar is in use, strikethrough the navbar search.

0.2  2011-01-22


  * "Show All Ports" in Device Ports view:
    A little sweeping brush icon appears when the ports view is filtered.
    Clicking the icon will clear the filter and resubmit the form.

  * Sidebar can be hidden and unhidden to assist viewing of wide tables.

  * Added Print Stylesheet (hides navbar and sidebar).


  * Added this Changes file.
  * Reorganised TT template file names and locations.
  * Connected device Age is now rounded to the minute.


  * Join type to OUI table is now "LEFT" to allow empty OUI table.
  * Device Ports Legend show/hide arrow was pointing the wrong way.
  * Increase TT WHILE_MAX to allow very long lists of ports.

0.1  2011-01-18

  * Initial release on an unsuspecting world.