package App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet::DeviceModule; use base 'App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet'; use strict; use warnings; =head1 ADDITIONAL METHODS =head2 search_by_field( \%cond, \%attrs? ) This variant of the standard C<search()> method returns a ResultSet of Device Module entries. It is written to support web forms which accept fields that match and locate Device Modules in the database. The hashref parameter should contain fields from the Device Module table which will be intelligently used in a search query. In addition, you can provide the key C<matchall> which, given a True or False value, controls whether fields must all match or whether any can match, to select a row. Supported keys: =over 4 =item matchall If a True value, fields must all match to return a given row of the Device table, otherwise any field matching will cause the row to be included in results. =item description Can match the C<description> field as a substring. =item name Can match the C<name> field as a substring. =item type Can match the C<type> field as a substring. =item model Can match the C<model> field as a substring. =item serial Can match the C<serial> field as a substring. =item class Will match exactly the C<class> field. =item ips List of Device IPs containing modules. =back =cut sub search_by_field { my ( $rs, $p, $attrs ) = @_; die "condition parameter to search_by_field must be hashref\n" if ref {} ne ref $p or 0 == scalar keys %$p; my $op = $p->{matchall} ? '-and' : '-or'; return $rs->search_rs( {}, $attrs )->search( { $op => [ ( $p->{description} ? ( 'me.description' => { '-ilike' => "\%$p->{description}\%" } ) : () ), ( $p->{name} ? ( '' => { '-ilike' => "\%$p->{name}\%" } ) : () ), ( $p->{type} ? ( 'me.type' => { '-ilike' => "\%$p->{type}\%" } ) : () ), ( $p->{model} ? ( 'me.model' => { '-ilike' => "\%$p->{model}\%" } ) : () ), ( $p->{serial} ? ( 'me.serial' => { '-ilike' => "\%$p->{serial}\%" } ) : () ), ( $p->{class} ? ( 'me.class' => { '-in' => $p->{class} } ) : () ), ( $p->{ips} ? ( 'me.ip' => { '-in' => $p->{ips} } ) : () ), ], } ); } 1;