package App::Netdisco::Worker::Status; use strict; use warnings; use Dancer qw/:moose :syntax !error !info/; use Moo; use namespace::clean; has 'status' => ( is => 'rw', default => undef, ); has [qw/log phase/] => ( is => 'rw', default => '', ); =head1 INTRODUCTION The status can be: =over 4 =item * C<done> Indicates a state of success and a log message which may be used as the outcome for the action. =item * C<info> The worker has completed successfully and a debug log will be issued, but the outcome is not the main goal of the action. =item * C<defer> Issued when the worker has failed to connect to the remote device, or is not permitted to connect (through user config). =item * C<error> Something went wrong which should not normally be the case. =item * C<()> This is not really a status. The worker can return any value not an instance of this class to indicate a "pass", or non-error conclusion. =back =head1 METHODS =head2 done, info, defer, error Shorthand for new() with setting param, accepts log as arg. =cut sub _make_new { my ($self, $status, $log) = @_; die unless $status; my $new = (ref $self ? $self : $self->new()); $new->log($log); $new->status($status); return $new; } sub done { shift->_make_new('done', @_) } sub info { shift->_make_new('info', @_) } sub defer { shift->_make_new('defer', @_) } sub error { shift->_make_new('error', @_) } =head2 is_ok Returns true if status is C<done>. =cut sub is_ok { return $_[0]->status eq 'done' } =head2 not_ok Returns true if status is C<error>, C<defer>, or C<info>. =cut sub not_ok { return (not $_[0]->is_ok) } =head2 level A numeric constant for the status, to allow comparison. =cut sub level { my $self = shift; return (($self->status eq 'done') ? 4 : ($self->status eq 'info') ? 3 : ($self->status eq 'defer') ? 2 : 1); } 1;