#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

our $home;

  use FindBin;

  my $me = File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::RealBin, $FindBin::RealScript);
  my $uid = (stat($me))[4] || 0;

  $home = ($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || (getpwuid($uid))[7] || $ENV{HOME});

  # try to find a localenv if one isn't already in place.
  if (!exists $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}) {
      use File::Spec;
      my $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'localenv');
      exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv;
      $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($home, 'perl5', 'bin', 'localenv');
      exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv;

      die "Sorry, can't find libs required for App::Netdisco.\n"
        if !exists $ENV{PERLBREW_PERL};

  use Path::Class;

  # stuff useful locations into @INC and $PATH
  unshift @INC,
    dir($FindBin::RealBin, 'lib')->stringify;

  use Config;
  $ENV{PATH} = $FindBin::RealBin . $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{PATH};

use Daemon::Control;
use Filesys::Notify::Simple;
use IO::File;
use File::Copy;

use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through");

my ($logfiles, $logsize) = (8,10);
my $result = GetOptions(
  'logfiles=i' => \$logfiles,
  'logsize=i'  => \$logsize,

use App::Netdisco::Environment;
my $config = ($ENV{PLACK_ENV} || $ENV{DANCER_ENVIRONMENT}) .'.yml';

# make sure there is a config file in place
my $template_config = file($ENV{DANCER_CONFDIR}, 'environments', $config);
my $app_config = file($ENV{DANCER_ENVDIR}, $config);
if (! -e $app_config and -e $template_config) {
  copy $template_config, $app_config;
if (! -e $app_config) {
  die "error: cannot find Netdisco config at $template_config or $app_config\n";

my $netdisco = file($FindBin::RealBin, 'netdisco-web-fg');
my @args = (scalar @ARGV > 1 ? @ARGV[1 .. $#ARGV] : ());

if (exists $ENV{PORT} and 0 == scalar grep { $_ =~ m/port/ } @args) {
    push @args, "--port=$ENV{PORT}";

my $uid = (stat($netdisco->stringify))[4] || 0;
my $gid = (stat($netdisco->stringify))[5] || 0;

my $log_dir = dir($home, 'logs');
mkdir $log_dir if ! -d $log_dir;
chown $uid, $gid, $log_dir;

my $pid_file = file($home, 'netdisco-web.pid');
my $log_file = file($log_dir, 'netdisco-web.log');

# change ownership of key files to be netdisco user
foreach my $file ($pid_file, $log_file) {
    unless (-e $file) {
        sysopen my $fh, $file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_NONBLOCK|O_NOCTTY;
        print $fh '0' if $file eq $pid_file;
        close $fh;
    chown $uid, $gid, $file;

# clean old web sessions
my $sdir = dir($home, 'netdisco-web-sessions')->stringify;
unlink glob file($sdir, '*');

  name => 'Netdisco Web',
  program  => \&restarter,
  program_args => [
    '--user', $uid, '--group', $gid,
    @args, $netdisco->stringify
  pid_file => $pid_file,
  stderr_file => $log_file,
  stdout_file => $log_file,
  redirect_before_fork => 0,
  ((scalar grep { $_ =~ m/port/ } @args) ? ()
                                         : (uid => $uid, gid => $gid)),

# the guts of this are borrowed from Plack::Loader::Restarter - many thanks!!

sub restarter {
  my ($daemon, @program_args) = @_;

  my $child = fork_and_start($daemon, @program_args);
  exit(1) unless $child;

  my $watcher = Filesys::Notify::Simple->new([$ENV{DANCER_ENVDIR}, $log_dir]);
  warn "config watcher: watching $ENV{DANCER_ENVDIR} for updates.\n";

  # TODO: starman also supports TTIN,TTOU,INT,QUIT
  local $SIG{HUP}  = sub { signal_child('HUP',  $child); };
  local $SIG{TERM} = sub { signal_child('TERM', $child); exit(0); };

  while (1) {
      my @restart;

      # this is blocking
      $watcher->wait(sub {
          my @events = @_;
          @events = grep {$_->{path} eq $log_file or
                          file($_->{path})->basename eq $config} @events;
          return unless @events;
          @restart = @events;

      my ($hupit, $rotate) = (0, 0);
      next unless @restart;

      foreach my $f (@restart) {
          if ($f->{path} eq $log_file) {
          else {
              warn "-- $f->{path} updated.\n";

      rotate_logs($child) if $rotate;
      signal_child('HUP', $child) if $hupit;

sub fork_and_start {
  my ($daemon, @starman_args) = @_;
  my $pid = fork;
  die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined $pid;

  if ($pid == 0) { # child
      exec( 'starman', @starman_args );
  else {
      return $pid;

sub signal_child {
  my ($signal, $pid) = @_;
  return unless $signal and $pid;
  warn "config watcher: sending $signal to the server (pid:$pid)...\n";
  kill $signal => $pid;
  waitpid($pid, 0);

sub rotate_logs {
  my $child = shift;

  return unless (-f $log_file) and
    ((-s $log_file) > ($logsize * 1024768));

  my @files = grep { /$log_file\.\d+/ } glob file($log_dir, '*');
  foreach my $f (sort { $b cmp $a } @files) {
      next unless $f =~ m/$log_file\.(\d+)$/;
      my $pos = $1;
      unlink $f if $pos == ($logfiles - 1);
      my $next = $pos + 1;
      (my $newf = $f) =~ s/\.$pos$/.$next/;
      rename $f, $newf;

  # if the log file's about 10M then the race condition in copy/truncate
  # has a low risk of data loss. if the file's larger, then we rename and
  # kill.
  if ((-s $log_file) > (12 * 1024768)) {
      rename $log_file, $log_file .'.1';
      signal_child('HUP', $child);
  else {
      copy $log_file, $log_file .'.1';
      truncate $log_file, 0;

=head1 NAME

netdisco-web - Web Application Server for Netdisco

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *


