#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; our $home; BEGIN { use FindBin; FindBin::again(); $home = ($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME}); # try to find a localenv if one isn't already in place. if (!exists $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}) { use File::Spec; my $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::RealBin, 'localenv'); exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv; $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($home, 'perl5', 'bin', 'localenv'); exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv; die "Sorry, can't find libs required for App::Netdisco.\n" if !exists $ENV{PERLBREW_PERL}; } } BEGIN { use Path::Class; # stuff useful locations into @INC and $PATH unshift @INC, dir($FindBin::RealBin)->parent->subdir('lib')->stringify, dir($FindBin::RealBin, 'lib')->stringify; use Config; $ENV{PATH} = $FindBin::RealBin . $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{PATH}; } use App::Netdisco; use Dancer ':script'; use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema'; use App::Netdisco::Util::Permission ':all'; # silent exit unless explicitly requested exit(0) unless setting('use_legacy_rancidexport'); my $settings = setting( 'rancid' ); my $domain_suffix = setting( 'domain_suffix' ); my $delimiter = $settings->{ 'delimiter' } || ':'; my $down_age = $settings->{ 'down_age' } || '1 day'; my $rancidhome = $settings->{ 'rancid_home' } || '/var/lib/rancid'; my $config_vendormap = $settings->{ 'vendormap' } || {}; my $by_ip = {}; foreach my $g (@{$settings->{ 'by_ip' }}) { $by_ip->{$g} = 1; } my $by_hostname = {}; foreach my $g (@{$settings->{ 'by_hostname' }}) { $by_hostname->{$g} = 1; } my @devices = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Device')->search({}, { '+columns' => { old => \"age(now(), last_discover) > interval '$down_age'" } })->all; my $groups = $settings->{ 'groups' }; my $list = {}; foreach my $d (@devices) { my $old = $d->get_column( 'old' ); my $devgroup = 'other'; foreach my $g (keys %$groups) { if (check_acl_only( $d, $groups->{$g} )) { $devgroup = $g; last; } } push(@{$list->{$devgroup}}, $d); } my %VENDORMAP = ( # If netdisco vendor name and rancid vendor name # do not map 1:1, map it here. # eg: # 'dell:2024' => 'dellnseries', # 'dell:3024' => 'dellnseries' ); foreach my $group (keys %$list) { open(ROUTER, ">${rancidhome}/${group}/router.db") || die "${rancidhome}/${group}/router.db: $!\n"; foreach my $dev (sort {$a->ip cmp $b->ip} @{$list->{$group}}) { my $vendor = $dev->vendor; my $vendormodel = join(':',$dev->vendor,$dev->model); my $name; if ( $VENDORMAP{$vendor} or $VENDORMAP{$vendormodel} ) { $vendor = $VENDORMAP{$vendormodel} || $VENDORMAP{$vendor}; } if ( $config_vendormap->{$vendor} or $config_vendormap->{$vendormodel} ) { $vendor = $config_vendormap->{$vendormodel} || $config_vendormap->{$vendor}; } if ($by_ip->{$group}) { $name = $dev->ip; } else { $name = ($dev->dns || $dev->name); } if ($by_hostname->{$group}) { $name =~ s/$domain_suffix//; } printf ROUTER "%s$delimiter%s$delimiter%s\n", $name, $vendor, $dev->get_column( 'old' ) ? "down" : "up"; } close(ROUTER); } =head1 NAME netdisco-rancid-export - DEPRECATED! =head1 DEPRECATED! Note! This script is now deprecated and no longer maintained. The replacement is built in to Netdisco core, so can be scheduled in the backend, and also has more powerful configuration. See L<App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin::MakeRancidConf>. =head1 CONFIGURATION This script requires some configuration to be added to your Netdisco "C<~/environments/deployment.yml>" file, for example: rancid: rancid_home: /var/lib/rancid down_age: '1 day' delimiter: ':' by_ip: [ other ] by_hostname: [ other2 ] groups: switch: [ 'name:.*[Ss][Ww].*' ] rtr: [ 'name:[rR]tr.*' ] ap: [ 'name:[aA][pP].*' ] vendormap: "dell": force10 "dell:2024": dellnseries Note that C<netdisco-rancid-export> is not part of the automatic scheduler built in to Netdisco. You should run this script via C<cron> just after your periodic C<discoverall>. =head2 C<rancid_home> The location to write RANCID Group configuration files into. A subdirectory for each Group will be created. Default: "C</var/lib/rancid>". =head2 C<down_age> This should be the same or greater than the interval between regular discover jobs on your network. Devices which have not been discovered within this time will be marked as "C<down>" to RANCID. Default: "C<1 day>". =head2 C<delimiter> RANCID version 3 uses a semicolon as delimiter. Set this to the delimiter character if needed to be different from the default. Default: "C<:>". =head2 C<vendormap> If the device Vendor in Netdisco is not the same as the RANCID vendor script, configure a mapping here. The left hand side (key) should be the Netdisco vendor, the right hand side (value) should be the RANCID vendor script name. You can also set the Netdisco vendor to be "C<vendor:model>" for fine-grained control. See the synopsis for an example. =head2 C<groups> This dictionary maps RANCID Group names with configuration which will match devices in the Netdisco database. The configuration is the same as any of Netdisco's "C<*_only>" settings, and accepts IP, prefix, device property. =head2 C<by_ip> List of RANCID Groups which will have Device IPs written to the RANCID configuration file, instead of DNS or SNMP host names. =head2 C<by_hostname> List of RANCID Groups which will have Device Hostname written to the RANCID configuration file, instead of FQDN. This is done simply by stripping the C<domain_suffix> configuration item from the FQDN. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L<App::Netdisco> =back =cut