package App::Netdisco::Web::Plugin::Search::Device; use Dancer ':syntax'; use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC; use Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible; use List::MoreUtils (); use App::Netdisco::Web::Plugin; register_search_tab({ tag => 'device', label => 'Device', provides_csv => 1, api_endpoint => 1, api_parameters => [ q => { description => 'Partial match of Device contact, serial, chassis ID, module serials, location, name, description, dns, or any IP alias', }, name => { description => 'Partial match of the Device name', }, location => { description => 'Partial match of the Device location', }, dns => { description => 'Partial match of any of the Device IP aliases', }, ip => { description => 'IP or IP Prefix within which the Device must have an interface address', }, description => { description => 'Partial match of the Device description', }, mac => { description => 'MAC Address of the Device or any of its Interfaces', }, model => { description => 'Exact match of the Device model', }, os => { description => 'Exact match of the Device operating system', }, os_ver => { description => 'Exact match of the Device operating system version', }, vendor => { description => 'Exact match of the Device vendor', }, layers => { description => 'OSI Layer which the device must support', }, matchall => { description => 'If true, all fields (except "q") must match the Device', type => 'boolean', default => 'false', }, seeallcolumns => { description => 'If true, all columns of the Device will be shown', type => 'boolean', default => 'false', }, ], }); # device with various properties or a default match-all get '/ajax/content/search/device' => require_login sub { my $has_opt = List::MoreUtils::any { param($_) } qw/name location dns ip description model os os_ver vendor layers mac/; my $rs; my $rs_columns; my $see_all = param('seeallcolumns'); if ($see_all) { $rs_columns = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('Device'); } else { $rs_columns = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('Device')->columns( [ "ip", "dns", "name", "location", "model", "os_ver", "serial", "chassis_id" ] ); } if ($has_opt) { $rs = $rs_columns->with_times->search_by_field( scalar params ); } else { my $q = param('q'); send_error( 'Missing query', 400 ) unless $q; $rs = $rs_columns->with_times->search_fuzzy($q); } my @results = $rs->hri->all; return unless scalar @results; if ( request->is_ajax ) { my $json = to_json( \@results ); template 'ajax/search/', { results => $json }, { layout => 'noop' };; } else { header( 'Content-Type' => 'text/comma-separated-values' ); template 'ajax/search/', { results => \@results, }, { layout => 'noop' }; } }; 1;