[% IF orphans.size > 0 %]
[% FOREACH row IN orphans %] [%END%]
Device Location Contact Vendor Model
[% row.dns || row.name || row.ip | html_entity %] [% IF row.location %] [% row.location | html_entity %] [% ELSE %] [Not Set] [% END %] [% row.contact | html_entity %] [% row.vendor | html_entity %] [% row.model | html_entity %]
[% END %] [%# The largest graph is considered the main network, all others are considered orphaned, so we need two to generate div %] [% IF graphs.size > 1 %]
[% count = 0 %] [% FOREACH network IN graphs %] [% count = count + 1 %] [%# The largest is not an orphan, so skip %] [% NEXT IF count == 1 %]
[% FOREACH row IN network %] [% END %]
Device Location Contact Vendor Model
[% row.dns || row.name || row.ip | html_entity %] [% IF row.location %] [% row.location | html_entity %] [% ELSE %] [Not Set] [% END %] [% row.contact | html_entity %] [% row.vendor | html_entity %] [% row.model | html_entity %]
[% END %]
[% END %]