[% PROCESS 'externallinks.tt' -%] [% SET user_can_port_control = user_has_role('port_control', d) %] [% IF user_can_port_control %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF user_can_port_control %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF settings._extra_device_details.size %] [% FOREACH config IN settings._extra_device_details %] [% NEXT UNLESS permitted_by_acl(d, config) %] [% TRY %] [% CATCH %] [% CLEAR %] [% IF config.editable AND user_can_port_control %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF p.size %] [% END %] [% IF user_has_role('admin') %] [% END %]
System Name [% d.name | html_entity %]
Canonical IP [% d.ip | html_entity %]
Location [% IF user_can_port_control %] [% END %] [% d.location | html_entity %] [% d.location | html_entity %]
Contact [% IF user_can_port_control %] [% END %] [% d.contact | html_entity %] [% d.contact | html_entity %]
Vendor / Model [% d.vendor | html_entity %] / [% d.model | html_entity %]
OS / Version [% d.os | html_entity %] / [% d.os_ver | html_entity %]
Serial Number(s) [% FOREACH s IN serials %] [% s | html_entity %] [% ' (primary)' IF s == d.serial AND serials.size > 1 %]
[% END %]
Chassis ID [% d.chassis_id | html_entity %]
Description [% d.description | html_entity | html_line_break %]
Tags [% FOREACH t IN filtered_tags %] [% t | html_entity %] [% END %]
[% config.label | html_entity %] [% IF config.editable AND user_can_port_control %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE "plugin/${config.name}/device_details.tt" %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% FOREACH record IN d.${config.field} %] [% record | html_entity %] [% '
' IF loop.size > 1 %] [% END %]
External Links SSH Telnet Web [% INCLUDE external_device_links item = d %]
SNMP Class [% d.snmp_class | html_entity %]
Uptime [% d.uptime_age | html_entity %][% ' at last poll' IF d.uptime_age %]
Layers [% (d.layers.substr(7,1) ? '1' : ' ') | none %] [% (d.layers.substr(6,1) ? '2' : ' ') | none %] [% (d.layers.substr(5,1) ? '3' : ' ') | none %] [% (d.layers.substr(4,1) ? '4' : ' ') | none %] [% (d.layers.substr(3,1) ? '5' : ' ') | none %] [% (d.layers.substr(2,1) ? '6' : ' ') | none %] [% (d.layers.substr(1,1) ? '7' : ' ') | none %]
First Discovered [% d.first_seen_stamp | html_entity %]
Latest Discover [% d.last_discover_stamp | html_entity %]
Latest Arpnip [% d.last_arpnip_stamp | html_entity %]
Latest Macsuck [% d.last_macsuck_stamp | html_entity %]
NAC / 802.1X [% IF d.pae_is_enabled %] Enabled [% END %]
Hardware Status Fan: [% d.fan | html_entity %]
PS1 [[% d.ps1_type | html_entity %]]: [% d.ps1_status | html_entity %]
PS2 [[% d.ps2_type | html_entity %]]: [% d.ps2_status | html_entity %]
PoE Status [% FOREACH m IN p %] [% UNLESS m.module == 1 %]
[% END %] Module [% m.module | html_entity %]: [% m.status | html_entity %], [% m.poe_capable_ports | html_entity %] power-capable ports, [% m.poe_powered_ports | html_entity %] powered ([% m.poe_disabled_ports | html_entity %] admin disabled, [% m.poe_errored_ports | html_entity %] errors), [% m.poe_power_committed | html_entity %]/[% m.power | html_entity %] watts committed. [% END %]
MAC Address [% d.mac | html_entity %]
VTP Status Mode: [% d.vtp_mode.ucfirst || 'n/a' | html_entity %]
Domain: [% d.vtp_domain || 'n/a' | html_entity %]
Admin Tasks [% IF d.layers.substr(5,1) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF d.layers.substr(6,1) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]