[% PROCESS 'externallinks.tt' -%] <table id="dp-data-table" class="table table-bordered table-striped" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th></th> [% FOREACH item IN settings.port_columns %] [% NEXT IF item.name == 'c_admin' %] [% NEXT IF item.name == 'c_links' AND settings.external_links.device_port.size == 0 %] [% NEXT IF item.name == 'c_nodes' AND params.c_nodes AND params.c_neighbors %] [% NEXT UNLESS params.${item.name} %] [% SET th_class = '' %] [% IF (item.name == 'c_port' OR item.name == 'c_descr' OR item.name == 'c_name') %] [% SET th_class = ' class="portsort"' %] [% END %] <th[% th_class | none %]> [% IF item.name == 'c_neighbors' %] [% IF params.c_nodes %] Connected Nodes & Devices [% ELSE %] Connected Devices [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% item.label | html_entity %] [% END %] </th> [% END %] </tr> </thead> <tbody> [% FOREACH row IN results %] [% SET portname = row.port %] <tr> <td class="nd_center-cell nd_devport-icon"> [% IF row.up_admin != 'up' %] <i class="icon-remove icon-large"></i> [% ELSIF row.up == 'up' AND row.stp == 'blocking' AND vlans.$portname.vlan_count < 2 %] <i class="icon-ban-circle text-info icon-large"></i> [% ELSIF row.error_disable_cause %] <i class="icon-exclamation-sign text-error icon-large"></i> [% ELSIF row.has_column_loaded('is_free') AND row.is_free %] <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down text-success icon-large"></i> [% ELSIF row.up_admin == 'up' AND (row.up != 'up' AND row.up != 'dormant') %] [% IF params.port_state == 'free' %] <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down text-success icon-large"></i> [% ELSE %] <i class="icon-arrow-down text-error icon-large"></i> [% END %] [% ELSE %] <i class="icon-angle-up text-success icon-large"></i> [% END %] [% IF row.slave_of %]<br/> [% IF row.get_column('agg_master_up_admin') != 'up' %] <small><i class="icon-group muted"></i></small> [% ELSIF row.get_column('agg_master_up') == 'up' %] <small><i class="icon-group text-success"></i></small> [% ELSE %] <small><i class="icon-group text-error"></i></small> [% END %] [% END %] </td> [% IF params.c_port %] [% IF params.c_admin AND row.port_acl_service %] [% IF row.up_admin == 'up' %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell" data-action="down" data-order="[% row.port | html_entity %]" data-filter="[% row.port | html_entity %]" data-field="c_port" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> [% ELSE %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell" data-action="up" data-order="[% row.port | html_entity %]" data-filter="[% row.port | html_entity %]" data-field="c_port" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> [% END %] [% ELSE %] <td nowrap data-order="[% row.port | html_entity %]" data-filter="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> [% END %] <a class="nd_log-icon" href="[% uri_for('/report/portlog') | none %]?q=[% device.ip | uri %]&f=[% row.port | uri %]"> <i class="icon-file-text-alt" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="View Port Log"></i> </a> [% IF params.c_admin AND row.port_acl_service %] [% IF row.up_admin == 'up' %] <span class="nd_hand-icon"> <i class="icon-bullseye" data-action="bounce" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="Bounce Port"></i> <i class="icon-hand-down" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="Disable Port"></i> </span> [% ELSE %] <span class="nd_hand-icon"> <i class="icon-bullseye" data-action="bounce" style="display: none" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="Bounce Port"></i> <i class="icon-hand-up" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="Enable Port"></i> </span> [% END %] [% END %] <a class="nd_this-port-only nd_port-only-first" href="[% device_ports | none %]&q=[% params.q | uri %]&f=[% row.port | uri %]&prefer=port"> [% IF row.is_master OR row.has_subinterfaces %] <small><i class="icon-group muted"></i></small> [% END %] [% row.port | html_entity %]</a> [% IF row.slave_of %]<br/> <a class="nd_this-port-only" href="[% device_ports | none %]&q=[% params.q | uri %]&f=[% row.slave_of | uri %]&prefer=port"> [% row.slave_of | html_entity %]</a> [% END %] </td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_descr %] <td nowrap>[% row.descr | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_comment %] <td nowrap>[% row.last_comment | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_type %] <td>[% row.type | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_ifindex %] <td>[% row.ifindex | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_lastchange %] <td>[% row.lastchange_stamp | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_name %] [% IF params.c_admin AND row.port_acl_name %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell" contenteditable="true" data-field="c_name" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> <i class="icon-edit nd_edit-icon"></i> [% ELSE %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell"> [% END %] <div class="nd_editable-cell-content"> [% row.name | html_entity %] </div> </td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_tags %] <td> [% FOREACH t IN row.filtered_tags.sort %] <span class="badge badge-success">[% t | html_entity %]</span> [% END %] </td> [% END %] [% FOREACH config IN settings._extra_device_port_cols %] [% NEXT UNLESS config.position == 'left' AND params.${config.name} %] [% NEXT UNLESS permitted_by_acl(row, config) %] [% TRY %] <td> [% INCLUDE "plugin/${config.name}/device_port_column.tt" %] </td> [% CATCH %] [% CLEAR %] [% IF params.c_admin AND config.editable AND row.port_acl_name %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell" contenteditable="true" data-field="[% config.field | html_entity %]" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> <i class="icon-edit nd_edit-icon"></i> [% ELSE %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell"> [% END %] <div class="nd_editable-cell-content"> [% row.get_column(config.field) | html_entity %] </div> </td> [% END %] [% END %] [% IF params.c_links AND settings.external_links.device_port.size > 0 %] <td> [% INCLUDE external_device_port_links item = row d = device %] </td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_speed_admin %] <td>[% row.speed_admin | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_speed %] <td>[% row.speed_running | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_duplex_admin %] <td>[% row.duplex_admin.ucfirst | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_duplex %] <td>[% row.duplex.ucfirst | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_error %] <td>[% row.error_disable_cause | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_mac %] <td>[% row.mac | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_mtu %] <td>[% row.mtu | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_pvid %] [% IF params.c_admin AND row.port_acl_pvid %] <td class="nd_editable-cell" contenteditable="true" data-default="[% row.vlan | html_entity %]" data-field="c_pvid" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> <i class="icon-edit nd_edit-icon"></i> <div class="nd_editable-cell-content"> [% IF row.vlan AND row.vlan > 0 %][% row.vlan | html_entity %][% END %] </div> </td> [% ELSE %] <td> [% IF row.vlan AND row.vlan > 0 %] <a class="nd_linkcell" [% IF params.p_vlan_names %] href="[% uri_for('/search') | none %]?tab=vlan&q=[% row.get_column('native_vlan_name') | uri %]"> [% row.get_column('native_vlan_name') | html_entity %]</a> [% ELSE %] href="[% uri_for('/search') | none %]?tab=vlan&q=[% row.vlan | uri %]"> [% row.vlan | html_entity %]</a> [% END %] [% END %] </td> [% END %] [% END %] [% IF params.c_vmember %] <td> [% IF vlans.$portname.size %] [% IF vlans.$portname.vlan_count <= settings.devport_vlan_limit %] [% SET vlan_count = vlans.$portname.vlan_count %] [% IF params.p_vlan_names %][% SET vlanlist = vlans.$portname.vlan_name_set %] [% ELSE %][% SET vlanlist = vlans.$portname.vlan_set %][% END %] [% IF vlan_count > 10 %] [%# TODO make this a settable variable %] <div class="nd_vlan-total">([% vlan_count %])</div><span class="nd_linkcell nd_collapse-vlans"> <div class="nd_arrow-up-down-left icon-chevron-up icon-large"></div>Show VLANs</span> <div class="nd_collapsing nd_collapse-pre-hidden"> [% END %] [% FOREACH vlan IN vlanlist %] <a href="[% uri_for('/search') %]?tab=vlan&q=[% vlan | uri %]">[% vlan | html_entity %]</a> [% ', ' IF NOT loop.last %] [% END %] [% IF vlan_count > 10 %] [%# TODO make this a settable variable %] </div> [% END %] [% ELSE %] <i class="icon-asterisk text-warning"></i> ([% vlans.$portname.vlan_count %] is too many to list) [% END %] [% END %] </td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_power %] [% IF row.power %] [% IF row.power.admin == 'true' %] [% IF params.c_admin AND row.port_acl_service %] <td nowrap data-action="false" data-field="c_power" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> <i class="icon-off nd_power-icon nd_power-on" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="Disable Power"></i> [% ELSE %] <td nowrap> <i class="icon-off nd_power-on"></i> [% END %] <span> [% IF row.power.power AND row.power.power > 0 %] [% row.power.power | html_entity %] mW [% ELSE %] ([% row.power.status | html_entity %]) [% END %] </span> [% ELSE %] [% IF params.c_admin AND row.port_acl_service %] <td nowrap data-action="true" data-field="c_power" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> <i class="icon-off nd_power-icon" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="Enable Power"></i> [% ELSE %] <td> <i class="icon-off"></i> [% END %] [% END %] </td> [% ELSE %] <td></td> [% END %] [% END %] [% IF params.c_ssid %] <td>[% row.ssid.ssid | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_nac_summary %] <td> [% IF row.up == 'up' AND (row.pae_authconfig_port_status OR row.pae_authconfig_state) %] <i class="icon-[% row.pae_authconfig_port_status == 'authorized' ? 'ok-sign' : 'ban-circle' %]" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="[% row.pae_authconfig_port_status %]"></i> <i class="icon-[% row.pae_authconfig_state == 'authenticated' ? 'link' : 'unlink' %]" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="[% row.pae_authconfig_state %]"></i> <i class="icon-[% row.pae_authsess_mab ? 'laptop' : 'user' %]"></i> [% SET sessuser = (row.pae_authsess_user_net_mac.$mac_format_call || row.pae_authsess_user.remove(settings.domain_suffix)) %] <a href="[% search_node | none %]&q=[% sessuser | uri %]">[% sessuser | html_entity %]</a> [% END %] </td> [% END %] [% FOREACH config IN settings._extra_device_port_cols %] [% NEXT UNLESS config.position == 'mid' AND params.${config.name} %] [% NEXT UNLESS permitted_by_acl(row, config) %] [% TRY %] <td> [% INCLUDE "plugin/${config.name}/device_port_column.tt" %] </td> [% CATCH %] [% CLEAR %] [% IF params.c_admin AND config.editable AND row.port_acl_name %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell" contenteditable="true" data-field="[% config.field | html_entity %]" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> <i class="icon-edit nd_edit-icon"></i> [% ELSE %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell"> [% END %] <div class="nd_editable-cell-content"> [% row.get_column(config.field) | html_entity %] </div> </td> [% END %] [% END %] [% IF params.c_nodes OR params.c_neighbors %] <td> [% IF params.c_neighbors AND (row.remote_ip OR row.is_uplink) %] [% IF row.get_column('neighbor_ip') %] <i class="icon-link[% ' text-warning' IF row.manual_topo %]"></i> [% IF row.remote_is_phone %] <i class="icon-phone"></i> [% ELSIF row.remote_is_wap %] <i class="icon-rss"></i> [% END %] <a href="[% device_ports | none %]&q=[% row.get_column('neighbor_ip') | uri %]"> [% row.get_column('neighbor_dns').remove(settings.domain_suffix) || row.get_column('neighbor_ip') | html_entity %]</a> [% IF row.remote_port %] - <a href="[% device_ports | none %]&q=[% row.get_column('neighbor_ip') | uri %]&f=[% row.remote_port | uri %]&prefer=port"> [% row.remote_port | html_entity %]</a> [% END %] <br/> [% IF params.n_inventory and row.remote_inventory %] [% row.remote_inventory | html_entity %]<br/> [% END %] [% IF params.n_detailed_inventory %] ([% 'IP: '_ row.remote_ip IF row.remote_ip %] [% ' id: '_ row.remote_id IF row.remote_id %] [% ' type: '_ row.remote_type IF row.remote_type %])<br/> [% END %] [% ELSIF row.remote_ip %] <i class="icon-[% row.remote_is_discoverable ? 'unlink' : 'eye-close' %] text-error"></i> [% IF row.remote_is_phone %] <i class="icon-phone"></i> [% ELSIF row.remote_is_wap %] <i class="icon-rss"></i> [% END %] <a href="[% search_node | none %]&q=[% row.remote_ip | uri %]">[% row.remote_dns || row.remote_ip | html_entity %]</a> [% IF row.remote_port %] - [% row.remote_port | html_entity %] [% END %] <br/> [% IF params.n_inventory and row.remote_inventory %] [% row.remote_inventory | html_entity %]<br/> [% END %] [% IF params.n_detailed_inventory and (row.remote_id or row.remote_type) %] ([% 'id: '_ row.remote_id IF row.remote_id %] [% ' type: '_ row.remote_type IF row.remote_type %])<br/> [% END %] [% ELSE %] <i class="icon-unlink text-error"></i> (possible uplink) [% END %] [% END %] [% IF params.c_nodes %] [% FOREACH node IN row.$nodes %] [% '<br/>' IF (row.remote_ip OR row.is_uplink) OR NOT loop.first %] [% '<i class="icon-book"></i> ' IF NOT node.active %] [% '<i class="icon-signal"></i> ' IF node.wireless.defined %] <a href="[% search_node | none %]&q=[% node.net_mac.$mac_format_call | uri %]"> [% node.net_mac.$mac_format_call | html_entity %]</a> [% IF (node.vlan > 0) && (node.vlan != row.vlan) %] (on vlan [% node.vlan | html_entity %]) [% END %] [% IF params.n_ssid AND node.wireless.defined %] (SSID: [% FOREACH wlan IN node.wireless %] <a href="[%+ uri_for('/report/portssid') %]?ssid=[% wlan.ssid | uri %]">[% wlan.ssid | html_entity %]</a> [% END %] ) [% END %] [% IF params.n_vendor AND node.manufacturer.defined %] (Vendor: [% FOREACH manufacturer IN node.manufacturer %] <a href="[%+ uri_for('/report/nodevendor') %]?vendor=[% manufacturer.abbrev | uri %]">[% manufacturer.abbrev | html_entity %]</a> [% END %] ) [% END %] [% ' (' _ node.time_last_age _ ')' IF params.n_age %] [% IF params.n_ip4 OR params.n_ip6 %] [% FOREACH ip IN node.$ips %] <br/> [% '<i class="icon-book"></i> ' IF NOT ip.active %] [% SET dns = ip.dns %] [% IF dns %] <a href="[% search_node | none %]&q=[% ip.ip | uri %]">[% dns | html_entity %] ([% ip.ip | html_entity %])</a> [% ELSE %] <a href="[% search_node | none %]&q=[% ip.ip | uri %]">[% ip.ip | html_entity %]</a> [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF params.n_netbios %] [% FOREACH nbt IN node.netbios %] <br/> \\<a href="[% uri_for('/report/netbios') | none %]?domain=[% nbt.domain | uri %]" title="Nodes in this Domain">[% nbt.domain | html_entity %]</a>\<a href="[% search_node | none %]&q=[% nbt.nbname | uri %]">[% nbt.nbname | html_entity %]</a> <br/> [% nbt.nbuser || '[No User]' | html_entity %]@<a href="[% search_node | none %]&q=[% nbt.ip | uri %]">[% nbt.ip | html_entity %]</a> [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF params.c_admin AND settings.portctl_topology AND row.port_acl_service %] <a class="nd_log-icon" href="[% uri_for('/admin/topology') | none %]?dev1=[% device.ip | uri %]&port1=[% row.port | uri %]"> <i class="icon-link text-warning" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-offset="3" data-animation="" data-title="Manual Topology"></i> </a> [% END %] </td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_stp %] <td>[% row.stp | html_entity %]</td> [% END %] [% IF params.c_up %] <td> [% row.up_admin.ucfirst | html_entity %] / [% row.up.ucfirst | html_entity %] </td> [% END %] [% FOREACH config IN settings._extra_device_port_cols %] [% NEXT UNLESS config.position == 'right' AND params.${config.name} %] [% NEXT UNLESS permitted_by_acl(row, config) %] [% TRY %] <td> [% INCLUDE "plugin/${config.name}/device_port_column.tt" %] </td> [% CATCH %] [% CLEAR %] [% IF params.c_admin AND config.editable AND row.port_acl_name %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell" contenteditable="true" data-field="[% config.field | html_entity %]" data-for-device="[% device.ip | html_entity %]" data-for-port="[% row.port | html_entity %]"> <i class="icon-edit nd_edit-icon"></i> [% ELSE %] <td nowrap class="nd_editable-cell"> [% END %] <div class="nd_editable-cell-content"> [% row.get_column(config.field) | html_entity %] </div> </td> [% END %] [% END %] </tr> [% END %] </tbody> </table> [% IF params.c_admin AND user_has_role('port_control', device.ip) %] <div id="nd_portlog" class="nd_modal nd_deep-horizon modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-body"> <blockquote> <ul><li><p>Please provide a reason for changing the Port Configuration</p></li></ul> </blockquote> <select id="nd_portlog-reason" class="input-block-level" name="reason"> [% FOREACH pair IN settings.port_control_reasons.pairs %] <option[% ' selected="selected"' IF pair.key == 'other' %] value="[% pair.key | html_entity %]"> [% pair.value | html_entity %]</option> [% END %] </select> <textarea id="nd_portlog-log" class="input-block-level" rows="2" name="log" placeholder="Enter a log message"></textarea> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Cancel</button> <button id="nd_portlog-submit" class="btn btn-info" data-dismiss="modal">Continue</button> </div> </div> [% END %] <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#dp-data-table').dataTable({ "columnDefs": [ { "sortable": false, "targets": 0 }, { "searchable": false, "targets": 0 }, { "type": 'portsort', "targets": [ 'portsort' ] } ], "order": [[ 1, 'asc' ]], [% INCLUDE 'ajax/datatabledefaults.tt' -%] } ); } ); </script>