Revision history for Catalyst-Plugin-HashedCookies

0.02    Mon Aug 22 16:28:31 BST 2005
        - Lots of tweaks to the POD; a few bugs and a few clarifications.
        - Small fixup to config parameter checking code.
        - Ran the source through perltidy.
        - Refactored the implementation of my Catalyst::Request extensions,
          so that (hopefully) cpan2rpm and the PAUSE indexer don't think
          I'm working on that module.
        - setup() now die()s rather than croak()s.
        - finalize_cookies() now sets $c->error rather than die()ing.
        - Changed dependencies to omit those in Perl core
        - Added 133 tests.
          "Code has bugs. Tests are code. Ergo tests have bugs."
          Please report any broken tests via

0.01    Sat Aug 20 17:14:23 BST 2005
        - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.