1.110230 2011-01-23 10:11:17 Europe/London
* Rename from ::OLIVER to ::Author::OLIVER
1.103640 2010-12-30 20:57:45 Europe/London
* Add skip_deps configuration option for AutoPrereqs
1.103622 2010-12-28 20:45:51 Europe/London
* Add MetaJSON Plugin
1.103621 2010-12-28 14:35:19 Europe/London
* Add major_version configuration option for AutoVersion major
1.103620 2010-12-28 00:13:22 Europe/London
* Skip addition of POD to any file not containing ABSTRACT statement.
1.103611 2010-12-27 14:12:06 Europe/London
* Fix parsing of Changes file for CommitBuild message.
* Update the POD
1.103610 2010-12-27 13:58:18 Europe/London
* Change the commit messages to make more sense to me.
* Support NO_CPAN environment variable.
1.103592 2010-12-25 01:00:37 Europe/London
* Switch to using MetaResourcesFromGit
1.103581 2010-12-24 21:25:22 Europe/London
* Initial release on an unsuspecting CPAN.
1.103580 2010-12-24 21:16:25 Europe/London
* Initial non-release on an unsuspecting world.