# SNMP::Info::Layer3::Netscreen # # Copyright (c) 2012 Eric Miller # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the University of California, Santa Cruz nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package SNMP::Info::Layer3::Netscreen; use strict; use Exporter; use SNMP::Info::Layer3; use SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11; @SNMP::Info::Layer3::Netscreen::ISA = qw/SNMP::Info::Layer3 SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11 Exporter/; @SNMP::Info::Layer3::Netscreen::EXPORT_OK = qw//; use vars qw/$VERSION %FUNCS %GLOBALS %MIBS %MUNGE/; $VERSION = '3.52'; %MIBS = ( %SNMP::Info::Layer3::MIBS, %SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11::MIBS, 'NETSCREEN-SMI' => 'netscreenSetting', 'NETSCREEN-PRODUCTS-MIB' => 'netscreenGeneric', 'NETSCREEN-INTERFACE-MIB' => 'nsIfIndex', 'NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB' => 'nsSetGenSwVer', 'NETSCREEN-IP-ARP-MIB' => 'nsIpArpAOD', ); %GLOBALS = ( %SNMP::Info::Layer3::GLOBALS, %SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11::GLOBALS, 'os_version' => 'nsSetGenSwVer', ); %FUNCS = ( %SNMP::Info::Layer3::FUNCS, %SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11::FUNCS, ns_i_index => 'nsIfIndex', ns_i_name => 'nsIfName', ns_i_description => 'nsIfDescr', ns_i_mac => 'nsIfMAC', ns_i_up => 'nsIfStatus', ns_ip_table => 'nsIfIp', ns_ip_netmask => 'nsIfNetmask', bp_index => 'nsIfInfo', std_at_paddr => 'ipNetToMediaPhysAddress', ns_at_paddr => 'nsIpArpMac', ); %MUNGE = ( %SNMP::Info::Layer3::MUNGE, %SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11::MUNGE, 'ns_i_mac' => \&SNMP::Info::munge_mac, 'ns_at_paddr' => \&SNMP::Info::munge_mac, 'std_at_paddr' => \&SNMP::Info::munge_mac, ); sub layers { return '01001110'; } sub vendor { return 'juniper'; } sub os { return 'screenos'; } sub os_ver { my $netscreen = shift; my $descr = $netscreen->description(); if ( $descr =~ m/version (\d\S*) \(SN: / ) { return $1; } return; } sub serial { my $netscreen = shift; my $e_serial = $netscreen->e_serial() || {}; my $serial = $e_serial->{1} || undef; return $1 if ( defined $serial and $serial =~ /(\d+)/ ); my $descr = $netscreen->description(); if ( $descr =~ m/version .*\(SN: (\d\S*),/ ) { return $1; } return; } sub model { my $netscreen = shift; my $id = $netscreen->id(); unless ( defined $id ) { print " SNMP::Info::Layer3::model() - Device does not support sysObjectID\n" if $netscreen->debug(); return; } my $model = &SNMP::translateObj($id); return $id unless defined $model; $model =~ s/^netscreen//i; return $model; } # provides mapping from IF-MIB to nsIf interfaces - many to 1 (!) # - on WLAN devices wireless0/0(|-[ag]) -> wireless0/0 !! sub _if_nsif_map { my $netscreen = shift; my $i_descr = $netscreen->SUPER::i_description; my $ns_descr = $netscreen->i_description; my %if_nsif_map = (); my @ikeys = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$i_descr; my @nskeys = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$ns_descr; my $i = 0; my $n = 0; # assumes descriptions are in the same order from both walks while ( $i < @ikeys && $n < @nskeys ) { # find matching sub interfaces while ( $i < @ikeys && substr( $i_descr->{ $ikeys[$i] }, 0, length $ns_descr->{ $nskeys[$n] } ) eq $ns_descr->{ $nskeys[$n] } ) { $if_nsif_map{ $ikeys[$i] } = $nskeys[$n]; $i++; } $n++; # skip non-matching interfaces (e.g. tunnel.N) while ( $i < @ikeys && substr( $i_descr->{ $ikeys[$i] }, 0, length $ns_descr->{ $nskeys[$n] } ) ne $ns_descr->{ $nskeys[$n] } && $n < @nskeys ) { $if_nsif_map{ $ikeys[$i] } = 0; # no matching interface $i++; } } return \%if_nsif_map; } # Provides mapping from nsIf interfaces to IF-MIB interfaces - many to 1 # Example, tunnel.# interfaces are not present in IF-MIB. There exist no # mapping of index IID's between the tables so create mapping based on names sub _nsif_if_map { my $netscreen = shift; my $i_descr = $netscreen->SUPER::i_description; my $ns_descr = $netscreen->i_description; my %rev_i_descr = reverse %$i_descr; my %rev_ns_descr = reverse %$ns_descr; my %nsif_if_map = (); foreach my $value ( values %$ns_descr ) { if ( exists $rev_i_descr{$value} ) { $nsif_if_map{ $rev_ns_descr{$value} } = $rev_i_descr{$value}; } else { $nsif_if_map{ $rev_ns_descr{$value} } = 0; } } return \%nsif_if_map; } sub interfaces { my $netscreen = shift; return $netscreen->i_description(); } sub i_index { my $netscreen = shift; return $netscreen->ns_i_index(); } sub i_name { my $netscreen = shift; return $netscreen->ns_i_name(); } sub i_description { my $netscreen = shift; # Versions prior to 5.4 do not support nsIfDescr but do have nsIfName return $netscreen->ns_i_description() || $netscreen->ns_i_name(); } sub i_mac { my $netscreen = shift; my $ns_mac = $netscreen->ns_i_mac() || {}; my $if_i_mac = $netscreen->SUPER::i_mac() || {}; my $ns_i_map = $netscreen->_nsif_if_map(); my %i_mac = (); foreach my $iid ( keys %$ns_i_map ) { $i_mac{$iid} = $ns_mac->{$iid} || $if_i_mac->{ $ns_i_map->{$iid} }; } return \%i_mac; } sub i_lastchange { my $netscreen = shift; my $if_i_lastchange = $netscreen->SUPER::i_lastchange() || {}; my $ns_i_map = $netscreen->_nsif_if_map(); my %i_lastchange; foreach my $iid ( keys %$ns_i_map ) { $i_lastchange{$iid} = $if_i_lastchange->{ $ns_i_map->{$iid} }; } return \%i_lastchange; } sub i_up { my $netscreen = shift; return $netscreen->ns_i_up(); } sub i_up_admin { my $netscreen = shift; my $i_up = $netscreen->i_up(); my $i_up_admin = $netscreen->SUPER::i_up_admin(); my $ns_i_map = $netscreen->_nsif_if_map(); my %i_up_admin; foreach my $iid ( keys %$ns_i_map ) { $i_up_admin{$iid} = $i_up->{$iid} eq "up" && "up" || $i_up_admin->{ $ns_i_map->{$iid} } || 0; } return \%i_up_admin; } sub i_type { my $netscreen = shift; my $if_i_type = $netscreen->SUPER::i_type() || {}; my $ns_i_map = $netscreen->_nsif_if_map(); my %i_type; foreach my $iid ( keys %$ns_i_map ) { $i_type{$iid} = $if_i_type->{ $ns_i_map->{$iid} } || "tunnel"; } return \%i_type; } sub i_mtu { my $netscreen = shift; my $i_type = $netscreen->SUPER::i_mtu() || {}; my $ns_i_map = $netscreen->_nsif_if_map(); my %i_mtu; foreach my $iid ( keys %$ns_i_map ) { $i_mtu{$iid} = $i_type->{ $ns_i_map->{$iid} }; } return \%i_mtu; } sub i_ignore { return; } sub i_speed { my $netscreen = shift; my $i_speed = $netscreen->SUPER::i_speed(); my $i_name = $netscreen->i_name(); my $ns_i_map = $netscreen->_nsif_if_map; my %i_speed; foreach my $iid ( keys %$ns_i_map ) { $i_speed{$iid} = $i_speed->{ $ns_i_map->{$iid} } || $i_name->{$iid} =~ /tunnel/ && "vpn" || 0; } return \%i_speed; } sub _mac_map { my $netscreen = shift; my $arp_mac = $netscreen->nsIpArpMac() || {}; my %mac_map = (); foreach my $iid ( keys %$arp_mac ) { my $oid = join( ".", ( unpack( "C6", $arp_mac->{$iid} ) ) ); $mac_map{$oid} = $iid; } return \%mac_map; } # Interfaces can have two addresses, we want to capture both the network # address and the management address sub ip_index { my $netscreen = shift; my $ns_ip = $netscreen->ns_ip_table() || {}; my $if_mng_ip = $netscreen->nsIfMngIp() || {}; my %ip_index = (); foreach my $iid ( keys %$ns_ip ) { $ip_index{ $ns_ip->{$iid} } = $iid if $ns_ip->{$iid} ne ""; } foreach my $iid ( keys %$if_mng_ip ) { $ip_index{ $if_mng_ip->{$iid} } = $iid if $if_mng_ip->{$iid} ne ""; } return \%ip_index; } sub ip_table { my $netscreen = shift; my $ip_index = $netscreen->ip_index() || {}; my $if_mng_ip = $netscreen->nsIfMngIp() || {}; my %ip_table = (); foreach my $iid ( keys %$ip_index ) { my $mgmt_ip = $if_mng_ip->{$iid}; if ( defined $mgmt_ip && $mgmt_ip ne '' ) { $ip_table{$iid} = $mgmt_ip; } else { $ip_table{$iid} = $iid; } } return \%ip_table; } # There is only one netmask for the interface both network and management # addresses should have the same netmask sub ip_netmask { my $netscreen = shift; my $ip_index = $netscreen->ip_index() || {}; my $ns_netmask = $netscreen->ns_ip_netmask(); my %ip_netmask = (); foreach my $iid ( keys %$ip_index ) { $ip_netmask{$iid} = $ns_netmask->{ $ip_index->{$iid} }; } return \%ip_netmask; } sub fw_index { my $netscreen = shift; my %fw_index = (); my $arp_mac = $netscreen->nsIpArpMac() || {}; foreach my $iid ( keys %$arp_mac ) { my $oid = join( ".", ( unpack( "C6", $arp_mac->{$iid} ) ) ); $fw_index{$iid} = $oid; } return \%fw_index; } sub fw_mac { my $netscreen = shift; my $mac_map = $netscreen->_mac_map() || {}; my %fw_mac = (); foreach my $oid ( keys %$mac_map ) { my $mac = join( ":", ( map { sprintf "%lx", $_ } split( /\./, $oid ) ) ); $fw_mac{$oid} = $mac; } return \%fw_mac; } sub bp_index { my $netscreen = shift; my $if_info = $netscreen->nsIfInfo() || {}; my %bp_index = (); foreach my $iid ( keys %$if_info ) { $bp_index{ $if_info->{$iid} } = $iid; } return \%bp_index; } sub fw_port { my $netscreen = shift; my $fw_index = $netscreen->fw_index(); my $arp_if = $netscreen->nsIpArpIfIdx() || {}; my %fw_port; foreach my $iid ( keys %$arp_if ) { $fw_port{ $fw_index->{$iid} } = $arp_if->{$iid} if defined $fw_index->{$iid}; } return \%fw_port; } # need to remap from IF-MIB index to nsIf index sub i_ssidlist { my $netscreen = shift; my $i_ssidlist = $netscreen->SUPER::i_ssidlist() || {}; my $ns_i_map = $netscreen->_if_nsif_map(); my %i_ssidlist; foreach my $iid ( keys %$i_ssidlist ) { $i_ssidlist{ $ns_i_map->{$iid} } = $i_ssidlist->{$iid}; } return \%i_ssidlist; } sub i_80211channel { my $netscreen = shift; my $i_80211channel = $netscreen->SUPER::i_80211channel() || {}; my $ns_i_map = $netscreen->_if_nsif_map(); my %i_80211channel; foreach my $iid ( keys %$i_80211channel ) { $i_80211channel{ $ns_i_map->{$iid} } = $i_80211channel->{$iid}; } return \%i_80211channel; } sub at_index { my $netscreen = shift; my $std = $netscreen->ipNetToMediaIfIndex(); return $std if (ref {} eq ref $std and scalar keys %$std); return $netscreen->nsIpArpIfIdx(); } sub at_paddr { my $netscreen = shift; my $std = $netscreen->std_at_paddr(); return $std if (ref {} eq ref $std and scalar keys %$std); return $netscreen->ns_at_paddr(); } sub at_netaddr { my $netscreen = shift; my $std = $netscreen->ipNetToMediaNetAddress(); return $std if (ref {} eq ref $std and scalar keys %$std); return $netscreen->nsIpArpIp(); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME SNMP::Info::Layer3::Netscreen - SNMP Interface to Juniper Netscreen Devices =head1 AUTHOR Kent Hamilton =head1 SYNOPSIS #Let SNMP::Info determine the correct subclass for you. my $netscreen = new SNMP::Info( AutoSpecify => 1, Debug => 1, DestHost => 'myswitch', Community => 'public', Version => 2 ) or die "Can't connect to DestHost.\n"; my $class = $netscreen->class(); print "SNMP::Info determined this device to fall under subclass : $class\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION Provides abstraction to the configuration information obtainable from a Juniper Netscreen devices through SNMP. For speed or debugging purposes you can call the subclass directly, but not after determining a more specific class using the method above. my $netscreen = new SNMP::Info::Layer3::Netscreen(...); =head2 Inherited Classes =over =item SNMP::Info::Layer3 =item SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11 =back =head2 Required MIBs =over =item F<NETSCREEN-SMI> =item F<NETSCREEN-PRODUCTS-MIB> =item F<NETSCREEN-INTERFACE-MIB> =item F<NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB> =item F<NETSCREEN-IP-ARP-MIB> =item Inherited Classes' MIBs See L<SNMP::Info::Layer3/"Required MIBs"> for its MIB requirements. See L<SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11/"Required MIBs"> for its MIB requirements. =back =head1 GLOBALS These are methods that return scalar value from SNMP =over =item $netscreen->model() Tries to reference $netscreen->id() to F<NETSCREEN-PRODUCTS-MIB> =item $netscreen->vendor() Returns C<'juniper'> =item $netscreen->os() Returns C<'screenos'> =item $netscreen->os_ver() Extracts the OS version from the description string. =item $netscreen->serial() Returns serial number. =back =head2 Overrides =over =item $netscreen->layers() Returns 01001110. Device doesn't report layers properly, modified to reflect Layer 2 and 3 functionality. =back =head2 Globals imported from SNMP::Info::Layer3 See L<SNMP::Info::Layer3/"GLOBALS"> for details. =head2 Globals imported from SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11 See L<SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11/"GLOBALS"> for details. =head1 TABLE METHODS These are methods that return tables of information in the form of a reference to a hash. =head2 Overrides =head3 Interface Information =over =item $netscreen->interfaces() Creates a map between the interface identifier (iid) and the physical port name. Defaults to C<insIfDescr> if available, uses C<nsIfName> if not. =item $netscreen->i_description() Description of the interface. Uses C<insIfDescr> if available, C<nsIfName> if not. =item $netscreen->i_ignore() Returns without defining any interfaces to ignore. =item $netscreen->i_index() Default SNMP IID to Interface index. (C<nsIfIndex>) =item $netscreen->i_lastchange() The value of C<sysUpTime> when this port last changed states (up,down), maps from C<ifIndex> to C<nsIfIndex>. (C<ifLastChange>) =item $netscreen->i_mac() MAC address of the interface. Note this is just the MAC of the port, not anything connected to it. Uses C<nsIfMAC> if available, C<ifPhysAddress> if not. =item $netscreen->i_mtu() INTEGER. Interface MTU value, maps from C<ifIndex> to C<nsIfIndex>. (C<ifMtu>) =item $netscreen->i_name() Interface Name field. (C<nsIfName>) =item $netscreen->i_speed() Speed of the link, maps from C<ifIndex> to C<nsIfIndex>. =item $netscreen->i_type() Interface type. Maps from C<ifIndex> to C<nsIfIndex>. (C<ifType>) =item $netscreen->i_up() Link Status of the interface. Typical values are 'up' and 'down'. (C<nsIfStatus>) =item $netscreen->i_up_admin() Administrative status of the port. Checks both C<ifAdminStatus> and C<nsIfStatus>. =back =head3 IP Address Table Each entry in this table is an IP address in use on this device. =over =item $netscreen->ip_index() Maps the IP Table to the IID =item $netscreen->ip_table() Maps the Table to the IP address (C<nsIfIp>) =item $netscreen->ip_netmask() Gives netmask setting for IP table entry. (C<nsIfNetmask>) =back =head3 Forwarding Table Uses C<nsIpArpTable> to emulate the forwarding table. =over =item $netscreen->fw_index() Maps the Forwarding Table to the IID =item $netscreen->fw_mac() Returns reference to hash of forwarding table MAC Addresses. =item $netscreen->fw_port() Returns reference to hash of forwarding table entries port interface identifier (IID). =item $netscreen->bp_index() Returns reference to hash of bridge port table entries map back to interface identifier (IID). =back =head2 Arp Cache Table =over =item $netscreen->at_index() Returns reference to hash. Maps ARP table entries to Interface IIDs If the device doesn't support C<ipNetToMediaIfIndex>, this will try the proprietary C<nsIpArpIfIdx>. =item $netscreen->at_paddr() Returns reference to hash. Maps ARP table entries to MAC addresses. If the device doesn't support C<ipNetToMediaPhysAddress>, this will try the proprietary C<nsIpArpMac>. =item $netscreen->at_netaddr() Returns reference to hash. Maps ARP table entries to IP addresses. If the device doesn't support C<ipNetToMediaNetAddress>, this will try the proprietary C<nsIpArpIp>. =back =head3 Wireless Information =over =item $dot11->i_ssidlist() Returns reference to hash. SSID's recognized by the radio interface. Remaps from C<ifIndex> to C<nsIfIndex>. (C<dot11DesiredSSID>) =item $dot11->i_80211channel() Returns reference to hash. Current operating frequency channel of the radio interface. Remaps from C<ifIndex> to C<nsIfIndex>. =back =head2 Table Methods imported from SNMP::Info::Layer3 See L<SNMP::Info::Layer3/"TABLE METHODS"> for details. =head2 Table Methods imported from SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11 See L<SNMP::Info::IEEE802dot11/"TABLE METHODS"> for details. =cut