#!/usr/bin/env perl # # test_class_mocked.pl # # Copyright (c) 2012 Eric Miller # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the University of California, Santa Cruz nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib"; use File::Slurp qw(slurp); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use SNMP::Info; use Test::MockObject::Extends; my $EMPTY = q{}; # Default Values my $class = $EMPTY; my @dump = (); my $debug = 0; my $mibdirs; my $ignore = 0; my $help = 0; my $file; my %dumped; GetOptions( 'c|class=s' => \$class, 'i|ignore' => \$ignore, 'p|print=s' => \@dump, 'x|debug+' => \$debug, 'm|mibdir=s' => \$mibdirs, 'file=s' => \$file, 'h|?|help' => sub { pod2usage(1); }, ); if ( !$file ) { pod2usage(1); } if ( $ignore && !defined $mibdirs ) { print "mibdirs must be provided if ignoring snmp.conf \n\n"; pod2usage(1); } local $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = $EMPTY if $ignore; local $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = "$mibdirs" if $ignore; if ( defined $mibdirs ) { SNMP::addMibDirs($mibdirs); } $class = $class ? "SNMP::Info::$class" : 'SNMP::Info'; ( my $mod = "$class.pm" ) =~ s{::}{/}g; # SNMP::Info::Layer3 => SNMP/Info/Layer3.pm if ( !eval { require $mod; 1; } ) { croak "Could not load $class. Error Message: $@\n"; } my $class_ver = $class->VERSION(); print "Class $class ($class_ver) loaded from SNMP::Info $SNMP::Info::VERSION.\n"; if ( scalar @dump ) { print 'Dumping : ', join( q{,}, @dump ), "\n" } my $mocked = create_mock_session(); my $dev = $class->new( 'AutoSpecify' => 0, 'BulkWalk' => 0, 'Debug' => $debug, 'Session' => $mocked, ) or die "\n"; print 'Detected Class: ', $dev->device_type(), "\n"; print "Using Class: $class (-c to change)\n"; my $layers = $dev->layers(); my $descr = $dev->description(); if ( !defined $layers || !defined $descr ) { die "Are you sure you specified a file created with make_snmpdata.pl ?\n"; } print "\nFetching base info...\n\n"; my @base_fns = qw/vendor model os os_ver description contact location layers mac serial/; foreach my $fn (@base_fns) { test_global( $dev, $fn ); } print "\nFetching interface info...\n\n"; my @fns = qw/interfaces i_type i_ignore i_description i_mtu i_speed i_mac i_up i_up_admin i_name i_duplex i_duplex_admin i_stp_state i_vlan i_pvid i_lastchange/; foreach my $fn (@fns) { test_fn( $dev, $fn ); } print "\nFetching VLAN info...\n\n"; my @vlan = qw/v_index v_name/; foreach my $fn (@vlan) { test_fn( $dev, $fn ); } print "\nFetching topology info...\n\n"; my @topo = qw/c_if c_ip c_port c_id c_platform/; foreach my $fn (@topo) { test_fn( $dev, $fn ); } print "\nFetching module info...\n\n"; my @modules = qw/e_descr e_type e_parent e_name e_class e_pos e_hwver e_fwver e_swver e_model e_serial e_fru/; foreach my $fn (@modules) { test_fn( $dev, $fn ); } foreach my $fn (@dump) { if ( !$dumped{$fn} ) { test_fn( $dev, $fn ) } } #-------------------------------- sub load_snmpdata { my $data_file = shift; my @lines = slurp($data_file); my $snmp_data = {}; foreach my $line (@lines) { next if !$line; next if ( $line =~ /^#/ ); if ( $line =~ /^(\S+::\w+)[.]?(\S+)*\s=\s(.*)$/ ) { my ( $leaf, $iid, $val ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); next if !$leaf; $iid ||= 0; $val =~ s/\"//g; $snmp_data->{$leaf}->{$iid} = $val; } } return $snmp_data; } sub create_mock_session { my $snmp_data = load_snmpdata($file); my $session = SNMP::Session->new( UseEnums => 1, RetryNoSuch => 1, Data => $snmp_data, DestHost => '', Community => 'public', Version => 2, ); my $mock_session = Test::MockObject::Extends->new($session); mock_get($mock_session); mock_getnext($mock_session); return $mock_session; } sub mock_get { my $mock_session = shift; $mock_session->mock( 'get', sub { my $self = shift; my $vars = shift; my ( $leaf, $iid, $oid, $oid_name ); my $c_data = $self->{Data}; # From SNMP::Info get will only be passed either an OID or # SNMP::Varbind with a fully qualified leaf and potentially # a partial if ( ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/ ) { ( $leaf, $iid ) = @{$vars}; } else { $oid = $vars; $oid_name = SNMP::translateObj( $oid, 0, 1 ) || $EMPTY; ( $leaf, $iid ) = $oid_name =~ /^(\S+::\w+)[.]?(\S+)*$/; } $iid ||= 0; my $new_iid = $iid; my $val = $EMPTY; my $data = $c_data->{$leaf} || {}; my $count = scalar keys %{$data} || 0; if ( $count > 1 ) { my $found = 0; foreach my $d_iid ( sort keys %{$data} ) { if ( $d_iid eq $iid ) { $val = $data->{$d_iid}; $found = 1; next; } elsif ( $found == 1 ) { $new_iid = $d_iid; last; } } if ( $found && ( $new_iid eq $iid ) ) { $leaf = 'unknown'; } } else { $val = $data->{$iid}; $leaf = 'unknown'; } if ( ref $vars =~ /SNMP::Varbind/ ) { $vars->[0] = $leaf; $vars->[1] = $new_iid; $vars->[2] = $val; } return ( wantarray() ? $vars : $val ); } ); return; } sub mock_getnext { my $mock_session = shift; $mock_session->mock( 'getnext', sub { my $self = shift; my $vars = shift; my ( $leaf, $iid, $oid, $oid_name ); my $c_data = $self->{Data}; # From SNMP::Info getnext will only be passed a SNMP::Varbind # with a fully qualified leaf and potentially a partial ( $leaf, $iid ) = @{$vars}; unless (defined $iid) { $iid = -1; } my $new_iid = $iid; my $val = $EMPTY; my $data = $c_data->{$leaf}; my $count = scalar keys %{$data} || 0; if ( $count ) { my $found = 0; foreach my $d_iid ( sort keys %{$data} ) { if ( $d_iid gt $iid && !$found ) { $val = $data->{$d_iid}; $new_iid = $d_iid; $found = 1; next; } elsif ( $found == 1 ) { last; } } if ( $found && ( $new_iid eq $iid ) ) { $leaf = 'unknown'; } } else { $val = $data->{$iid}; $leaf = 'unknown'; } $vars->[0] = $leaf; $vars->[1] = $new_iid; $vars->[2] = $val; return ( wantarray() ? $vars : $val ); } ); return; } sub test_global { my $device = shift; my $method = shift; my $value = $device->$method(); if ( !defined $value ) { printf "%-20s Does not exist.\n", $method; return 0; } $value =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]+/ /g; if ( length $value > 60 ) { $value = substr $value, 0, 60; $value .= '...'; } printf "%-20s %s \n", $method, $value; return 1; } sub test_fn { my $device = shift; my $method = shift; my $results = $device->$method(); # If accidentally called on a global, pass it along nicely. if ( defined $results && !ref $results ) { return test_global( $dev, $method ); } if ( !defined $results && !scalar keys %{$results} ) { printf "%-20s Empty Results.\n", $method; return 0; } printf "%-20s %d rows.\n", $method, scalar keys %{$results}; if ( grep {/^$method$/} @dump ) { $dumped{$method} = 1; foreach my $iid ( keys %{$results} ) { print " $iid : "; if ( ref( $results->{$iid} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { print '[ ', join( ', ', @{ $results->{$iid} } ), ' ]'; } else { print $results->{$iid}; } print "\n"; } } return 1; } __END__ =head1 NAME test_class_mocked.pl - Test a device against an SNMP::Info class using output from make_snmpdata.pl stored in a text file. =head1 AUTHOR Eric Miller =head1 SYNOPSIS test_class_mocked.pl [options] Options: -class SNMP::Info class to use, Layer2::Catalyst -file File containing data gathered using make_snmpdata.pl -print Print values -debug Debugging flag -ignore Ignore Net-SNMP configuration file -mibdir Directory containing MIB Files -help Brief help message =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-class> Specific SNMP::Info class to use. Defaults to SNMP::Info if no specific class provided. -class Layer2::Catalyst =item B<-file> File containing data gathered using make_snmpdata.pl. No default and a mandatory option. -file /data/mydevice.txt =item B<-print> Print values of a class method rather than summarizing. May be repeated multiple times. -print i_description -print i_type =item B<-debug> Turns on SNMP::Info debug. -debug =item B<-ignore > Ignore Net-SNMP configuration file snmp.conf. If this used mibdirs must be provided. -ignore =item B<-mibdir> Directory containing MIB Files. Multiple directories should be separated by a colon ':'. -mibdir /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/rfc:/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/net-snmp =item B<-help> Print help message and exits. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B<test_class_mocked.pl> will test a device against an SNMP::Info class using snmpwalk output from the utility B<make_snmpdata.pl> stored in a text file. This allows debugging and testing without requiring network access to the device being tested. =cut