# SNMP::Info::CiscoStats # # Changes since Version 0.7 Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Max Baker and SNMP::Info Developers # All rights reserved. # # Copyright (c) 2003 Regents of the University of California # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the University of California, Santa Cruz nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package SNMP::Info::CiscoStats; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; use SNMP::Info; @SNMP::Info::CiscoStats::ISA = qw/SNMP::Info Exporter/; @SNMP::Info::CiscoStats::EXPORT_OK = qw//; our ($VERSION, %MIBS, %FUNCS, %GLOBALS, %MUNGE); $VERSION = '3.85'; %MIBS = ( 'SNMPv2-MIB' => 'sysDescr', 'CISCO-PROCESS-MIB' => 'cpmCPUTotal5sec', 'CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB' => 'ciscoMemoryPoolUsed', 'OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB' => 'writeMem', 'CISCO-PRODUCTS-MIB' => 'ciscoIGS', 'ENTITY-MIB' => 'entPhysicalSoftwareRev', 'CISCO-IMAGE-MIB' => 'ciscoImageString', # some older catalysts live here 'CISCO-STACK-MIB' => 'wsc1900sysID', 'CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB' => 'cevChassis', 'CISCO-FLASH-MIB' => 'ciscoFlashDeviceSize', ); %GLOBALS = ( 'description' => 'sysDescr', 'ent_physical_software_rev' => 'entPhysicalSoftwareRev.1', # We will use the numeric OID's so that we don't require people # to install v1 MIBs, which can conflict. # OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB:avgBusyPer 'ios_cpu' => '', 'ios_cpu_1min' => '', 'ios_cpu_5min' => '', # CISCO-PROCESS-MIB 'cat_cpu' => 'cpmCPUTotal5sec.9', 'cat_cpu_1min' => 'cpmCPUTotal1min.9', 'cat_cpu_5min' => 'cpmCPUTotal5min.9', # OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB 'write_mem' => 'writeMem', 'rom_id' => 'romId', ); %FUNCS = ( # CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolTable 'cisco_mem_free' => 'ciscoMemoryPoolFree', 'cisco_mem_used' => 'ciscoMemoryPoolUsed', # CISCO-FLASH-MIB::ciscoFlashDeviceTable 'cisco_flash_size' => 'ciscoFlashDeviceSize', # CISCO-IMAGE-MIB 'ci_images' => 'ciscoImageString', ); %MUNGE = (); sub vendor { return 'cisco'; } sub os { my $l2 = shift; my $descr = $l2->description() || ''; # order here matters - there are Catalysts that run IOS and have catalyst # in their description field, as well as Catalysts that run IOS-XE. return 'ios-xe' if ( $descr =~ /Denali/ ); return 'ios-xe' if ( $descr =~ /Fuji/ ); return 'ios-xe' if ( $descr =~ /Everest/ ); return 'ios-xe' if ( $descr =~ /Gibraltar/ ); return 'ios-xe' if ( $descr =~ /IOS-XE/ ); return 'ios-xr' if ( $descr =~ /IOS XR/ ); return 'ios' if ( $descr =~ /IOS/ ); return 'catalyst' if ( $descr =~ /catalyst/i ); return 'css' if ( $descr =~ /Content Switch SW/ ); return 'css-sca' if ( $descr =~ /Cisco Systems Inc CSS-SCA-/ ); return 'pix' if ( $descr =~ /Cisco PIX Security Appliance/ ); return 'asa' if ( $descr =~ /Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance/ ); return 'san-os' if ( $descr =~ /Cisco SAN-OS/ ); if ( $descr =~ /Application Control Engine Service Module/ ) { # Only the admin context implements the entity MIB return 'ace-admin' if defined $l2->ent_physical_software_rev(); return 'ace-context'; } # Pre-version 3 FWSMs return 'fwsm' if ( $descr =~ /Cisco Secure FWSM Firewall/ ); # Version 3+ FWSMs (currently untested against version 4) if ( $descr =~ /Firewall Services Module/ ) { my $model = $l2->model(); if ( defined $model && $model eq "WsSvcFwm1sc" ) { # Only the admin context implements the entity MIB return 'fwsm-admin' if defined $l2->ent_physical_software_rev(); return 'fwsm-context'; } # Non context mode FWSM return 'fwsm'; } return; } sub os_ver { my $l2 = shift; my $os = $l2->os(); my $descr = $l2->description(); # Older Catalysts if ( defined $os and $os eq 'catalyst' and defined $descr and $descr =~ m/V(\d{1}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})/ ) { return $1; } if ( defined $os and $os eq 'css' and defined $descr and $descr =~ m/Content Switch SW Version ([0-9\.\(\)]+) with SNMPv1\/v2c Agent/ ) { return $1; } if ( defined $os and $os eq 'css-sca' and defined $descr and $descr =~ m/Cisco Systems Inc CSS-SCA-2FE-K9, ([0-9\.\(\)]+) Release / ) { return $1; } if ( defined $os and $os eq 'pix' and defined $descr and $descr =~ m/Cisco PIX Security Appliance Version ([0-9\.\(\)]+)/ ) { return $1; } if ( defined $os and $os eq 'asa' and defined $descr and $descr =~ m/Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version ([0-9\.\(\)]+)/ ) { return $1; } if ( defined $os and $os =~ /^ace/ ) { return $l2->ent_physical_software_rev(); } if ( defined $os and $os =~ /^fwsm/ and defined $descr and $descr =~ m/Version (\d+\.\d+(\(\d+\)){0,1})/ ) { return $1; } if ( defined $os and $os eq 'ios-xr' and defined $descr and $descr =~ m/Version (\d+[\.\d]+)/ ) { return $1; } # Newer Catalysts and IOS devices if ( defined $descr and $descr =~ m/Version (\d+\.\d+\([^)]+\)[^,\s]*)(,|\s)+/ ) { return $1; } # Generic fallback: try to determine running image from CISCO-IMAGE-MIB my $image_info = $l2->ciscoImageString() || {}; foreach my $row (keys %$image_info) { my $info_string = $image_info->{$row}; if ($info_string =~ /CW_VERSION\$([^\$]+)\$/) { return $1; } } return; } sub os_bin { my $self = shift; my $rom_id = $self->rom_id(); if ($rom_id =~ m/Version ([^,]+),/) { return $1; } return; } sub cpu { my $self = shift; my $ios_cpu = $self->ios_cpu(); return $ios_cpu if defined $ios_cpu; my $cat_cpu = $self->cat_cpu(); return $cat_cpu; } sub cpu_1min { my $self = shift; my $ios_cpu_1min = $self->ios_cpu_1min(); return $ios_cpu_1min if defined $ios_cpu_1min; my $cat_cpu_1min = $self->cat_cpu_1min(); return $cat_cpu_1min; } sub cpu_5min { my $self = shift; my $ios_cpu_5min = $self->ios_cpu_5min(); return $ios_cpu_5min if defined $ios_cpu_5min; my $cat_cpu_5min = $self->cat_cpu_5min(); return $cat_cpu_5min; } sub mem_free { my $self = shift; my $mem_free; my $cisco_mem_free = $self->cisco_mem_free() || {}; foreach my $mem_free_val ( values %$cisco_mem_free ) { $mem_free += $mem_free_val; } return $mem_free; } sub mem_used { my $self = shift; my $mem_used; my $cisco_mem_used = $self->cisco_mem_used() || {}; foreach my $mem_used_val ( values %$cisco_mem_used ) { $mem_used += $mem_used_val; } return $mem_used; } sub mem_total { my $self = shift; my $mem_total; my $cisco_mem_free = $self->cisco_mem_free() || {}; my $cisco_mem_used = $self->cisco_mem_used() || {}; foreach my $mem_entry ( keys %$cisco_mem_free ) { my $mem_free = $cisco_mem_free->{$mem_entry} || 0; my $mem_used = $cisco_mem_used->{$mem_entry} || 0; $mem_total += ( $mem_free + $mem_used ); } return $mem_total; } sub flashmem_total { my $self = shift; my $flashmem_total; my $flash_sizes = $self->cisco_flash_size; foreach my $flash_index ( keys %$flash_sizes ) { $flashmem_total += $flash_sizes->{$flash_index}; } return $flashmem_total; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME SNMP::Info::CiscoStats - Perl5 Interface to CPU and Memory stats for Cisco Devices =head1 AUTHOR Eric Miller, Max Baker, Sam Stickland =head1 SYNOPSIS # Let SNMP::Info determine the correct subclass for you. my $ciscostats = new SNMP::Info( AutoSpecify => 1, Debug => 1, # These arguments are passed directly on to SNMP::Session DestHost => 'myswitch', Community => 'public', Version => 2 ) or die "Can't connect to DestHost.\n"; my $class = $ciscostats->class(); print "SNMP::Info determined this device to fall under subclass : $class\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION SNMP::Info::CiscoStats is a subclass of SNMP::Info that provides cpu, memory, os and version information about Cisco Devices. Use or create in a subclass of SNMP::Info. Do not use directly. =head2 Inherited Classes None. =head2 Required MIBs =over =item F<CISCO-PRODUCTS-MIB> =item F<CISCO-PROCESS-MIB> =item F<CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB> =item F<SNMPv2-MIB> =item F<OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB> =item F<CISCO-STACK-MIB> =item F<CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB> =item F<CISCO-FLASH-MIB> =item F<ENTITY-MIB> =item F<CISCO-IMAGE-MIB> =back =head1 GLOBALS =over =item $ciscostats->cpu() Returns ios_cpu() or cat_cpu(), whichever is available. =item $ciscostats->cpu_1min() Returns ios_cpu_1min() or cat_cpu1min(), whichever is available. =item $ciscostats->cpu_5min() Returns ios_cpu_5min() or cat_cpu5min(), whichever is available. =item $ciscostats->mem_total() Returns mem_free() + mem_used() =item $ciscostats->vendor() 'cisco' =item $ciscostats->os() Tries to parse if device is running 'IOS', 'CatOS', 'IOS-XE' or something else from description() Available values: 'ios' for Cisco IOS 'ios-xe' for Cisco IOS XE 'ios-xr' for Cisco IOS XR 'pix' for Cisco PIX 'asa' for Cisco ASA 'fwsm' for Single-mode FWSM 'fwsm-admin' for Admin context of multi-context FWSM 'fwsm-context' for Standard context of multi-context FWSM 'ace-admin' for Admin context of ACE module 'ace-context' for Standard context of ACE module (NB: No OS version detection is available, but will be the same as it's 'ace admin') 'css' for Cisco Content Switch 'css-sca' for Cisco Content Switch Secure Content Acceleration 'san-os' for Cisco SAN-OS =item $ciscostats->os_ver() Tries to parse device operating system version from description(), falls back to parsing C<CISCO-IMAGE-MIB::ciscoImageString> if needed =item $ciscostats->os_bin() Tries to parse C<ROMMON> version from rom_id() string =item $ciscostats->ios_cpu() Current CPU usage in percent. C<> = C<OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB:avgBusyPer> =item $ciscostats->ios_cpu_1min() Average CPU Usage in percent over the last minute. C<> =item $ciscostats->ios_cpu_5min() Average CPU Usage in percent over the last 5 minutes. C<> =item $ciscostats->cat_cpu() Current CPU usage in percent. C<CISCO-PROCESS-MIB::cpmCPUTotal5sec.9> =item $ciscostats->cat_cpu_1min() Average CPU Usage in percent over the last minute. C<CISCO-PROCESS-MIB::cpmCPUTotal1min.9> =item $ciscostats->cat_cpu_5min() Average CPU Usage in percent over the last 5 minutes. C<CISCO-PROCESS-MIB::cpmCPUTotal5min.9> =item $ciscostats->mem_free() Main DRAM free of the device in bytes. C<CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolFree> =item $ciscostats->mem_used() Main DRAM used of the device in bytes. C<CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolUsed> =item $ciscostats->mem_total() Main DRAM of the device in bytes. C<CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolFree> + C<CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolUsed> =item $ciscostats->flashmem_total() Flash memory of the device in bytes. C<CISCO-FLASH-MIB::ciscoFlashDeviceSize> =back =head1 TABLE METHODS =head2 Cisco Memory Pool Table (C<ciscoMemoryPoolTable>) =over =item $ciscostats->cisco_mem_free() The number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. (C<ciscoMemoryPoolFree>) =item $ciscostats->cisco_mem_used() The number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device. (C<ciscoMemoryPoolUsed>) =back =head2 Cisco Flash Device Table (C<ciscoFlashDeviceTable>) =over =item $ciscostats->cisco_flash_size() Total size of the Flash device. For a removable device, the size will be zero if the device has been removed. (C<ciscoFlashDeviceSize>) =back =head2 Cisco Image Table (C<ciscoImageTable>) =over =item $ci->ci_images() Returns the table of image strings. C<ciscoImageString> =back =cut