package Zabbix::Check; =head1 NAME Zabbix::Check - Zabbix Agent system and service checks =head1 VERSION version 1.06 =head1 SYNOPSIS Zabbix Agent system and service checks UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.version,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check -e_version =head3 version gets Zabbix::Check version =head2 Disk Zabbix check for disk UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.disk.discovery,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Disk -e_discovery UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.disk.bps[*],/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Disk -e_bps $1 $2 UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.disk.iops[*],/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Disk -e_iops $1 $2 UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.disk.ioutil[*],/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Disk -e_ioutil $1 $2 =head3 discovery discovers disks =head3 bps $1 $2 gets disk I/O traffic in bytes per second $1: I<device name, eg: sda, sdb1, dm-3, ...> $2: I<type: read|write|total> =head3 iops $1 $2 gets disk I/O transaction speed in transactions per second $1: I<device name, eg: sda, sdb1, dm-3, ...> $2: I<type: read|write|total> =head3 ioutil $1 $2 gets disk I/O utilization in percentage $1: I<device name, eg: sda, sdb1, dm-3, ...> $2: I<type: read|write|total> =head2 Supervisor Zabbix check for Supervisor service UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.supervisor.installed,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Supervisor -e_installed UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.supervisor.running,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Supervisor -e_running UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.supervisor.worker_discovery,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Supervisor -e_worker_discovery UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.supervisor.worker_status[*],/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Supervisor -e_worker_status $1 =head3 installed checks Supervisor is installed: 0 | 1 =head3 running checks Supervisor is installed and running: 0 | 1 | 2 = not installed =head3 worker_discovery discovers Supervisor workers =head3 worker_status $1 gets Supervisor worker status: RUNNING | STOPPED | ... $1: I<worker name> =head2 RabbitMQ Zabbix check for RabbitMQ service UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.rabbitmq.installed,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::RabbitMQ -e_installed UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.rabbitmq.running,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::RabbitMQ -e_running UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.rabbitmq.vhost_discovery,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::RabbitMQ -e_vhost_discovery UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.rabbitmq.queue_discovery,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::RabbitMQ -e_queue_discovery UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.rabbitmq.queue_status[*],/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::RabbitMQ -e_queue_status $1 $2 $3 =head3 installed checks RabbitMQ is installed: 0 | 1 =head3 running checks RabbitMQ is installed and running: 0 | 1 | 2 = not installed =head3 vhost_discovery discovers RabbitMQ vhosts =head3 queue_discovery discovers RabbitMQ queues =head3 queue_status $1 $2 $3 gets RabbitMQ queue status $1: I<vhost name> $2: I<queue name> $3: I<type: ready|unacked|total> =head2 Systemd Zabbix check for Systemd services UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.systemd.installed,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Systemd -e_installed UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.systemd.system_status,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Systemd -e_system_status UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.systemd.service_discovery,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Systemd -e_service_discovery UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.systemd.service_status[*],/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Systemd -e_service_status $1 =head3 installed checks Systemd is installed: 0 | 1 =head3 system_status gets Systemd system status: initializing | starting | running | degraded | maintenance | stopping | offline | unknown =head3 service_discovery discovers Systemd enabled services =head3 service_status $1 gets Systemd enabled service status: active | inactive | failed | unknown | ... $1: I<service name> =head2 Time Zabbix check for system time UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.time.epoch,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Time -e_epoch,/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Time -e_zone UserParameter=cpan.zabbix.check.time.ntp_offset[*],/usr/bin/perl -MZabbix::Check::Time -e_ntp_offset $1 $2 =head3 epoch gets system time epoch in seconds =head3 zone gets system time zone, eg: +0200 =head3 ntp_offset $1 $2 gets system time difference by NTP server $1: I<server, by defaut> $2: I<port, by default 123> =cut use strict; use warnings; no warnings qw(qw utf8); use v5.14; use utf8; use Config; use Switch; use FindBin; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Slurp; use JSON; use Net::NTP; use Lazy::Utils; BEGIN { require Exporter; # set the version for version checking our $VERSION = '1.06'; # Inherit from Exporter to export functions and variables our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Functions and variables which are exported by default our @EXPORT = qw(zbxEncode zbxDecode printDiscovery whereisBin _version); # Functions and variables which can be optionally exported our @EXPORT_OK = qw(); } our @zbxSpecials = (qw(\ ' " ` * ? [ ] { } ~ $ ! & ; ( ) < > | # @), "\n"); sub zbxEncode { my $result = ""; my ($str) = @_; return $result unless $str; for (my $i = 0; $i < length $str; $i++) { my $chr = substr $str, $i, 1; if (grep ($_ eq $chr, (@zbxSpecials, '%'))) { $result .= uc sprintf("%%%x", ord($chr)); } else { $result .= $chr; } } return $result; } sub zbxDecode { my $result = ""; my ($str) = @_; return $result unless $str; my ($i, $len) = (0, length $str); while ($i < $len) { my $chr = substr $str, $i, 1; if ($chr eq '%') { return $result if $len-$i-1 < 2; $result .= chr(hex(substr($str, $i+1, 2))); $i += 2; } else { $result .= $chr; } $i++; } return $result; } sub printDiscovery { my @items = @_; my $discovery = { data => [ map({ my $item = $_; my %newitem = map({ my $key = $_; my $val = $item->{$key}; my $newkey = zbxEncode($key); $newkey = uc("{#$newkey}"); my $newval = zbxEncode($val); $newkey => $newval; } keys(%$item)); \%newitem; } @items), ], }; my $result = to_json($discovery, {pretty => 1}); print $result; return $result; } sub whereisBin { my ($name) = @_; return grep(-x $_, map("$_/$name", split(":", "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"))); } sub _version { my $result = ""; $result = $Zabbix::Check::VERSION; print $result; return $result; } my $osname = $Config{osname}; warn "OS '$osname' is not supported" unless $osname eq 'linux'; 1; __END__ =head1 INSTALLATION To install this module type the following perl Makefile.PL make make test make install from CPAN cpan -i Zabbix::Check =head1 DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: =over =item * Switch =item * FindBin =item * Cwd =item * File::Basename =item * File::Slurp =item * JSON =item * Net::NTP =item * Lazy::Utils =back =head1 REPOSITORY B<GitHub> L<> B<CPAN> L<> =head1 AUTHOR Orkun Karaduman <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2016 Orkun Karaduman <> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. =cut