=head1 NAME

AI::Prolog::Cookbook - Recipes for common Prolog problems


 $Id: Cookbook.pod,v 1.1 2005/08/06 23:28:40 ovid Exp $


Logic programming can take some time to get used to.  This document is intended
to provide solutions to common problems encountered in logic programming.  Many
of the predicates listed here will depend on other predicates defined here.  If
in doubt, see L<AI::Prolog::Builtins|AI::Prolog::Builtins> for which predicates
L<AI::Prolog|AI::Prolog> supports directly.

Like most predicates in Prolog, the following predicates can be reused in ways
to generate answers that a human could logically infer from the data presented.
However, many times those "answers" can result in infinite loops.  For example,
in the C<gather/3> predicate listed below, we can gather the items from a list
which match the supplied list of indices.

 gather([1,3], [a,b,c,d], Result). % Result is [a,c]

Or we can figure out which indices in a list match the resulting values:

 gather(Indices, [a,b,c,d], [a,d]). % Indices is [1,4]

However, if we wish to understand which lists will have the given lists for the
given indices, we have an infinite result set.  L<AI::Prolog|AI::Prolog> and
(other Prolog implementations) will return one result and then enter an
infinite loop if you request the goal be resatisfied (i.e., if you ask for
another result).  If you see behavior such as this in your programs, you can
issue the C<trace.> command to see how Prolog is internally attempting to
satisfy your goal.  C<notrace.> will turn off tracing.


=head2 Append two lists.

Usage:  C<append(List1, List2, Result).>

 append([], X, X). % appending an empty list to X yields X
 append([W|X], Y, [W|Z]) :-
    append(X, Y, Z).

=head2 Does a list contain a given term?

Usage:  C<member(Item, List).>

 member(X, [X|_]).
 member(X, [_|Tail]) :-
    member(X, Tail). 

=head2 Pick a list member by index.

Usage:  C<member(Index, Item, List).>

 member(1, SearchFor, [SearchFor|_]).
 member(Index, SearchFor, [_|Tail]) :-
    member(Previous, SearchFor, Tail),
    Index is Previous + 1.

Please note that assignment in Prolog is via the C<is/2> infix operator.  The
above code will fail if you use C<=/2>.  This is a common source of bugs for
programmers new to Prolog.  The C<=/2> predicate will unify the right hand side
with the left hand side.  It will I<not> evaluate the left hand side.  Thus:

 X = 3 + Y.
 % X is now plus(3,Y) (the internal form of the +/2 infix operator.)

If you prefer your list indices start with zero, alter the first clause as

  member(0, SearchFor, [SearchFor|_]).

=head2 Gather elements from a list by indices.

Usage:  C<gather(Indices, FromList, Result).>

This definition depends on the C<member/3> predicate defined in this document.

 gather([], _, []).
 gather([First|Remaining], FromList, [ResultHead|ResultTail]) :-
    member(First, ResultHead, FromList),
    gather(Remaining, FromList, ResultTail).

Example queries:

 gather([2,4], [a,b,c,d,e], Result).      % Result = [b,d]
 gather(FromIndices, [a,b,c,d,e], [b,d]). % FromIndices = [2,4]

This example is tricky when one realizes that one can reuse predicates.  In
this case, it might be tempting to see I<which> lists from which one can
gather certain values from certain indices.  The first time you try it, you
may get results as follows:

 gather([2,4], WhichList, [x,y]).

This query, when executed in the C<aiprolog> shell will output a response
similar to this:

 gather([2,4], [A,x,B,y|C], [b,d]).

When examining this, we see that the first, third, and fifth elements (and
beyond) of the list are variables.  Unfortunately, as an infinite number of
lists will satisfy this goal, attempting to fetch the a second result from the
same query will result in an infinite loop.

=head2 Determine the intersection of two lists.

Usage: C<intersection(List1, List2, Intersection).>

This definition depends on the C<member/2> predicate defined in this document.

 intersection([H|T], L, [H|U]) :-
 intersection([_|T], L, U) :-

The C<intersection/3> predicate will compute the intersection of two lists.
You probably only want the first result from this predicate.  See C<trace/0>
to understand why it returns more than one intersection.

=head2 Reverse a list.

Usage:  C<reverse(List, ReversedList).>

 reverse(List, Reverse) :-
    reverse_accumulate(List, [], Reverse).
 reverse_accumulate([], List, List).
 reverse_accumulate([Head|Tail], Accumulate, Reverse) :-
    reverse_accumulate(Tail, [Head|Accumulate], Reverse).

Reversing a list is tricky.  If this predicate were written in an imperative
manner, it might look something like this:

 sub reverse {
   my @list = @_;
   my @reverse;
   while (my $element = shift @list) {
     unshift @reverse, $element;
   return @reverse;

This method of reversing a list runs in C<O(n)> time.  However, new Prolog
programmers often  write what is known as the "naive reverse" which uses the
C<append/3> predicate to reverse a list:

 reverse([Head|Tail], Reverse) :- 
    reverse(Tail, ReverseTail), 
    append(ReverseTail, [Head], Reverse).

For this, you take the tail of the list, reverse it and append the head of the
list to it.  However, this runs in C<O(N^2)>.  This runs so slowly that
reversing a 30 element list takes 496 logical inferences.  As a result, the
naive reverse is frequently used as a benchmarking tool for logic programs.

If reversing a 30 element list via the naive reverse takes .1 seconds, we can
say that the Prolog implementation is running at about 5000 logical inferences
per second.  This is known by the unfortunate acronym of LIPS, the standard
measure of the speed of logic programs.  Modern Prolog implementations
frequently measure their performance in MLIPS, or MegaLIPS.  By contrast, the
human mind is frequently estimated to run between 1 to 4 LIPS.  This
demonstrates that there's much more to cognition than logic.

=head2 Checking if a list is a subset of another list.

Usage:  C<subset(Subset, List).>

This definition depends on the C<member/2> predicate defined in this document.

 subset([Head|Tail], List) :-
    member(Head, List),
    subset(Tail, List).
 subset([], _). % The empty list is a subset of all lists

=head2 Delete all occurences of a term from a list, giving a new list.

Usage:  C<delete(Term, List, Result).>

 delete(_,[],[]). % deleting anything from an empty list yields an empty list
 delete(Term, [Term|Tail], Result) :- 
    delete(Term, Tail, Result).
 delete(Term, [Head|Tail], [Head|TailResult]) :- 
    delete(Term, Tail, TailResult).

=head2 Partition a list where list values <= Value.

Usage: C<partition(Value, List, LHS, RHS).>

Note that the term at I<Value> will be included in the I<LHS>.

 partition(Value, [Head|Tail], [Head|LHS], RHS) :-
    Head <= Value,
    partition(Value, Tail, LHS, RHS).
 partition(Value, [Head|Tail], LHS, [Head|RHS]) :-
    partition(Value, Tail, LHS, RHS).

=head2 Quicksort.

Usage: C<sort(List, Sorted).>

This definition depends on the C<partition/4> and C<append/3> predicates
defined in this document.

 sort([], []).
 sort([Head|Tail], Sorted) :-
    partition(Head, Tail, LHS, RHS),
    sort(LHS, Temp1),
    sort(RHS, Temp2),
    append(Temp1, [Head|Temp2], Sorted).

Note that (currently), this will only sort numeric values.

=head1 SEE ALSO




W-Prolog:  L<http://goanna.cs.rmit.edu.au/~winikoff/wp/>

X-Prolog:  L<http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~vaucher/XProlog/>

Roman BartE<225>k's online guide to programming Prolog:

=head1 AUTHOR

Curtis "Ovid" Poe, E<lt>moc tod oohay ta eop_divo_sitrucE<gt>

Reverse the name to email me.


Copyright 2005 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
