Revision history for Class-CGI
0.11 2006-04-19
- API change. errors() now returns a hash instead of an arrayref.
The keys are the param() names. This was necessary because pushing
errors onto a stack could make it very difficult to figure out which
param() call generated the error.
0.10 2006-04-16
- Add better error handling for the param() method. At this point,
Class::CGI is essentially feature complete, though enhancements to
various features may come at some point in the future.
0.04 2006-04-11
- Do not load Config::Std unless needed.
- handlers() method without arguments now returns the currently used
- Tremendously improved test coverage. Devel::Cover lists one branch
as untested (and I can't figure out why).
- Minor documentation clarifications.
- Updated the manifest to include the tests :/
0.03 2006-04-08
- Now passes the parameter name is the second argument to the handler
constructor. Thanks to Aristotle for pointing out how useful that
would be.
- Handlers can now be defined in a config file rather than being
continuously redefined in the code.
0.02 2006-04-07
- Added 'raw_param' method which allows the user to fetch the actual
value of a parameter and ignore handlers defined for it.
- Handlers now accept the Class::CGI object instead of the value of the
corresponding parameter. This makes them far more flexible (when
will I learn that I should default to passing objects instead of
0.01 2006-04-07
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.