package Test::Class::Moose::Role::Parallel; { $Test::Class::Moose::Role::Parallel::VERSION = '0.42'; } # ABSTRACT: run tests in parallel (highly experimental) use Moose::Role; use Parallel::ForkManager; use Test::Builder; use TAP::Stream; use Test::Class::Moose::TagRegistry; use Carp; my $run_job = sub { my ( $self, $orig ) = @_; my $builder = Test::Builder->new; my $output; $builder->output( \$output ); $builder->failure_output( \$output ); $builder->todo_output( \$output ); $self->$orig; return $output; }; around 'runtests' => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; my $jobs = $self->test_configuration->jobs; return $self->$orig if $jobs < 2; my ( $sequential, @jobs ) = $self->schedule; # XXX for some reason, we need to fetch this output handle before forking # off jobs. Otherwise, we lose our test builder output if and only if we # have a sequential job after the parallel jobs. Weird. my $test_builder_output = Test::Builder->new->output; my $stream = TAP::Stream->new; my $fork = Parallel::ForkManager->new($jobs); $fork->run_on_finish( sub { my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $result ) = @_; if ( defined($result) ) { my ( $job_num, $tap ) = @$result; $stream->add_to_stream( TAP::Stream::Text->new( text => $tap, name => "Job #$job_num (pid: $pid)" ) ); } else { # problems occuring during storage or retrieval will throw a warning carp("No TAP received from child process $pid!"); } } ); my $job_num = 0; my $config = $self->test_configuration; foreach my $schedule (@jobs) { $job_num++; my $pid = $fork->start and next; $config->_current_schedule($schedule); my $output = $self->$run_job($orig); $fork->finish( 0, [ $job_num, $output ] ); } $fork->wait_all_children; if ($sequential) { $config->_current_schedule($sequential); my $output = $self->$run_job($orig); $stream->add_to_stream( TAP::Stream::Text->new( text => $output, name => 'Sequential tests run after parallel tests', ) ); } # this is where we print the TAP results print $test_builder_output $stream->tap_to_string; }; around 'test_classes' => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; my $config = $self->test_configuration; if ( $config->jobs < 2 or not $config->_has_schedule ) { return $self->$orig; } return sort keys %{ $config->_current_schedule }; }; around 'test_methods' => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; my @test_methods = $self->$orig; my $config = $self->test_configuration; if ( $config->jobs < 2 or not $config->_has_schedule ) { return @test_methods; } my $methods_for_jobs = $config->_current_schedule->{ $self->test_class } or return; return grep { $methods_for_jobs->{$_} } @test_methods; }; sub schedule { my $self = shift; my $config = $self->test_configuration; my $jobs = $config->jobs; my @schedule; my $current_job = 0; my %sequential; foreach my $test_class ( $self->test_classes ) { my $test_instance = $test_class->new( $config->args ); METHOD: foreach my $method ( $test_instance->test_methods ) { if ( Test::Class::Moose::TagRegistry->method_has_tag( $test_class, $method, 'noparallel' ) ) { $sequential{$test_class}{$method} = 1; next METHOD; } $schedule[$current_job] ||= {}; $schedule[$current_job]{$test_class}{$method} = 1; $current_job++; $current_job = 0 if $current_job >= $jobs; } } unshift @schedule => \%sequential; return @schedule; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test::Class::Moose::Role::Parallel - run tests in parallel (highly experimental) =head1 VERSION version 0.42 =head1 SYNOPSIS package TestsFor::Some::Class; use Test::Class::Moose; with 'Test::Class::Moose::Role::Parallel'; sub schedule { ... return \@schedule; } And in your test driver: my $test_suite = MyParallelTests->new( show_timing => 0, jobs => $jobs, statistics => 1, ); $test_suite->runtests; =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a very experimental role to add parallel testing to C<Test::Class::Moose>. The interface is subject to change and it probably won't magically make your tests I<successfully> run in parallel unless you're really lucky. If you've tried to parallelize your tests before, you understand why: database tests don't use transactions, or some test munges global state, and so on. B<Important>: At the present time, attempting to run jobs in parallel means that the C<Test::Class::Moose::test_report()> method will not return anything useful after the test suite is run, so don't try to call it afterwards. You may still call it inside of a test class or test method as normal. To use this role, simply include: with qw( Test::Class::Moose::Role::Parallel ); And in your driver script, the constructor takes a new argument, C<jobs>. my $test_suite = MyParallelTests->new( jobs => $jobs, ); $test_suite->runtests; If the C<jobs> is set to 1, then it's as if you've run things like normal. However, if C<jobs> is greater than 1, we'll fork off numerous jobs and run the tests in parallel according to the schedule. If you have L<Sub::Attribute> installed, then all test methods tagged with C<noparallel> will run sequentially after the parallel tests: sub test_destructive_code : Tags(noparallel) { my $test = shift; # run some tests here here that can't be run in parallel } If you need to write your own schedule, you can use the following naive schedule as a template: sub schedule { my $self = shift; my $config = $self->test_configuration; my $jobs = $config->jobs; my @schedule; my $current_job = 0; foreach my $test_class ( $self->test_classes ) { my $test_instance = $test_class->new( $config->args ); foreach my $method ( $test_instance->test_methods ) { $schedule[$current_job] ||= {}; # assign a method for a class to a given job $schedule[$current_job]{$test_class}{$method} = 1; $current_job++; $current_job = 0 if $current_job >= $jobs; } } unshift @schedule => undef; # we have no sequential jobs return @schedule; } Each job in the schedule is a hashref. The keys are the names of classes for that job and the values are a hashref. The keys of the latter hashref are methods for that class for that job and their values B<must> be true. For example, a single job with two classes and six methods (3 per class) may look like this: { 'TestsFor::Person' => { test_name => 1, test_age => 1, test_ssn => 1, }, 'TestsFor::Person::Employee' => { test_employee_number => 1, test_manager => 1, test_name => 1, }, } Note that a class may be spread over multiple jobs. That's perfectly fine. This is an example of a complete schedule from the test suite, spread across two jobs: @schedule = ( undef, # no sequential tests { # first job 'TestsFor::Alpha' => { test_alpha_first => 1 }, 'TestsFor::Alpha::Subclass' => { test_alpha_first => 1, test_second => 1 }, 'TestsFor::Beta' => { test_second => 1 } }, { # second job 'TestsFor::Alpha' => { test_second => 1 }, 'TestsFor::Alpha::Subclass' => { test_another => 1 }, 'TestsFor::Beta' => { test_beta_first => 1 } } ); If the first "job" listed in the schedule it not undef, it will be considered to be tests that must be run sequentially after all other tests have finished running in parallel. This is for tests methods which, for whatever reason, cannot run in parallel. In other words, the C<@schedule> returned looks like this if you request four jobs: my @schedule = ( \%jobs_to_run_sequentially_after_parallel_tests, \%classes_and_their_methods_for_job_1, \%classes_and_their_methods_for_job_2, \%classes_and_their_methods_for_job_3, \%classes_and_their_methods_for_job_4, ); =head1 CREATING YOUR OWN SCHEDULE You may wish to create your own C<schedule()> method, using the above above as a guideline. It naively walks your classes and their methods and distributes them evenly across your jobs. That probably won't work for you. For example, it's possible that you'll wind up accidentally grouping long-running test methods in a single job when you want them in separate jobs. Use the C<< $test_suite->test_report >> I<without> running the tests in parallel to determine which classes and methods take longer to run, save this information and then use that to build an effective schedule. Another reason the naive approach won't work is because you probably have tests that don't run in parallel (for example, they munge global state or they drop and recreate a database). You'll need to use your C<schedule()> to add them to the job listed in C<$schedule[0]>. However, if you have L<Sub::Attribute> installed, you can use the C<noparallel> tag to mark tests that must not be run in parallel: sub test_database_migrations : Tags(noparallel) { my $test = shift; # potentially destructive tests here } Of course, if you provide your own schedule, you'll need to account for the C<noparallel> tag yourself, or use something else. Or it could be that some tests run in parallel with some tests, but not others. Again, your schedule needs to be written to take that into account. To manage this information better, if you can use tags, you'll find that C<Test::Class::Moose::TagRegistry> can help: use aliased 'Test::Class::Moose::TagRegistry'; if ( TagRegistry->method_has_tag( $class, $method, $tag ) ) { # put the method in the appropriate job } =head1 INTERNALS This is all subject to wild change, but surprisingly, we didn't have to do any monkey-patching of code. It works like this: We use C<Parallel::ForkManager> to create our jobs. For each job, we grab the schedule for that job number and the C<test_classes> and C<test_methods> methods only return classes and methods in the current job schedule. Then we run only those tests, but capture the output like this: my $builder = Test::Builder->new; my $output; $builder->output( \$output ); $builder->failure_output( \$output ); $builder->todo_output( \$output ); $self->runtests; # $output contains the TAP Afterwards, if there are any sequential tests, we run them using the above procedure. All output is assembled using the experimental L<TAP::Stream> module bundled with this one. If it works, we may break it into a separate distribution later. That module allows you to combine multiple TAP streams into a single stream using subtests. Then we simply print the resulting combined TAP to the current L<Test::Builder> output handle (defaults to STDOUT) and C<prove> can read the output as usual. Note that because we're merging the regular output, failure output, and TODO output into a single stream, there could be side effects if your failure output or TODO output resembles TAP (and doesn't have a leading '#' mark to indicate that it should be ignored). =head1 PERFORMANCE For our C<t/parallellib> test suite, we go from 11 seconds on a regular test run down to 2 seconds when running with 8 jobs. =head1 AUTHOR Curtis "Ovid" Poe <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut