package Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry; $Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry::VERSION = '0.53'; ## ABSTRACT: Global registry of tags by class and method. use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Class::MOP; use List::MoreUtils qw( any uniq ); my %BY_METHOD = ( tags => {}, # {$method}{$test_class} plans => {}, ); sub add_plan { my ( $class, $test_class, $method, $plan ) = @_; if ( defined $plan ) { $plan =~ s/\D//g; undef $plan unless $plan =~ /\d/; # no_plan } $BY_METHOD{plans}{$method}{$test_class} = $plan; } sub get_plan { my ( $class, $test_class, $method ) = @_; return $BY_METHOD{plans}{$method}{$test_class}; } sub has_test_attribute { my ( $class, $test_class, $method ) = @_; return exists $BY_METHOD{plans}{$method}{$test_class}; } sub add_tags { my ( $class, $test_class, $method, $tags ) = @_; my @tags_copy = @{$tags}; # check for additions or deletions to the inherited tag list if (any { /^[-+]/ } @tags_copy) { @tags_copy = $class->_augment_tags($test_class, $method, $tags); } foreach my $tag ( @tags_copy ) { if ( $tag !~ /^\w+$/ ) { die "tags must be alphanumeric\n"; } } # dedupe tags my %tags = map { $_ => 1 } @tags_copy; if (exists $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method} && exists $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}{$test_class}) { die "tags for $test_class->$method already exists, method redefinition perhaps?\n"; } $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}{$test_class} = \%tags; return; } sub tags { my @tags; for my $method ( keys %BY_METHOD ) { for my $test_class ( keys %{ $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method} } ) { push @tags, keys %{ $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}{$test_class} }; } } return sort( uniq(@tags) ); } sub class_has_tag { my ( $class, $test_class, $tag ) = @_; croak("no class specified") if not defined $test_class; croak("no tag specified") if not defined $tag; # XXX a naïve implementation, but it does the job for now. my $test_class_meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($test_class); foreach my $method ( $test_class_meta->get_all_method_names ) { next unless $method =~ /test_/; return 1 if $class->method_has_tag( $test_class, $method, $tag ); } return; } sub method_has_tag { my ( $class, $test_class, $method, $tag ) = @_; croak("no class specified") if not defined $test_class; croak("no method specified") if not defined $method; croak("no tag specified") if not defined $tag; # avoid auto-vivication return if not exists $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}; if (not exists $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}{$test_class}) { # If this method has no tag data at all, then inherit the tags from # from the superclass $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}{$test_class} = $class->_superclass_tags($test_class, $method); } return exists $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}{$test_class}{$tag}; } sub _superclass_tags { my ( $class, $test_class, $method ) = @_; croak("no class specified") if not defined $test_class; croak("no method specified") if not defined $method; return {} if not exists $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}; my $test_class_meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($test_class); my $method_meta; $method_meta = $test_class_meta->find_next_method_by_name($method) if $test_class_meta->can('find_next_method_by_name'); if(!$method_meta){ #Might be a from a role or this class my $mm = $test_class_meta->find_method_by_name($method); my $orig = $mm->original_method; if($orig && ($mm->package_name ne $orig->package_name)){ $method_meta = $orig; } } # no method, so no tags to inherit return {} if not $method_meta; my $super_test_class = $method_meta->package_name(); if ( exists $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}{$super_test_class} ) { # shallow copy the superclass method's tags, because it's possible to # change add/remove items from the subclass's list later my %tags = map { $_ => 1 } keys %{ $BY_METHOD{tags}{$method}{$super_test_class} }; return \%tags; } # nothing defined at this level, recurse return $class->_superclass_tags($super_test_class, $method); } sub _augment_tags { my ( $class, $test_class, $method, $tags ) = @_; croak("no class specified") if not defined $test_class; croak("no method specified") if not defined $method; # Get the base list from the superclass my $tag_list = $class->_superclass_tags($test_class, $method); for my $tag_definition (@{$tags}) { my $direction = substr($tag_definition, 0, 1); my $tag = substr($tag_definition, 1); if ($direction eq '+') { $tag_list->{$tag} = 1; } elsif ($direction eq '-') { # die here if the tag wasn't inherited? delete $tag_list->{$tag}; } else { die "$test_class->$method attempting to override and modify tags, did you forget a '+'?\n"; } } return keys %{$tag_list}; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry - Global registry of tags by class and method. =head1 VERSION version 0.53 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry; my @tags = Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry->tags; print Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry->method_has_tag( 'TestsFor::FooBar', 'test_baz', 'network' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class permits addition and querying of the tags and plans defined on methods via attributes. It's been gleefully stolen from L<Attribute::Method::Tags> and is for internal use only. Don't rely on this code. =head1 METHODS All the following are class methods, as the attribute registry is shared globally. Note that all parameters for any of the methods below are required. =over 4 =item add_plan( $class, $method, plan ) Add a numeric (or undef) plan to a method. =item get_plan( $class, $method ) Returns the numeric (or undef) plan for a method if that was set via the C<Test> or C<Tests> attributes. =item has_test_attribute( $class, $method ) Returns true if either C<Test> or C<Tests> was declared for a method. Used to identify something as a test method even if the method name doesn't begin with C<test_>. =item add_tags( $class, $method, $tags_ref ) Adds the given list of tags (as an array-ref) for the specified class/method combination. An exception will be raised if either the tags are non-alphanumeric or the method is one that has already had tags registered for it. =item tags Find all tags defined for all methods. Returns a sorted list of tags. =item method_has_tag( $class, $method, $tag ) Returns a boolean (0|1), indicating whether the given method in the given class has the specified tag. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item L<Attribute::Method::Tags> Attribute-based interface for adding tags to methods. Your author "liberated" this code from L<Attribute::Method::Tags::Registry> (with a tip 'o the keyboard to Mark Morgan for his work on this). =back =head1 AUTHOR Curtis "Ovid" Poe <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut