Revision history for Netflow-Parser

0.6.001 2016.06.14
        update pod description
        test version

0.5     2016.02.02
        MIN_PERL_VERSION requires ExtUtils::MakeMaker at least 6.48

0.4     2016.01.28
        min perl 5.8 required to fit unpack template grouping

0.3     2016.01.20
        add briefly ABSTRACT description
        bug parse_template_v9 fixed
        bug in add_template fixed
        add 01-run.t to MANIFEST

0.02    2014.12.29
        bug fixing _parse_flowset_v9
        refactoring: parse method returns a Netflow::Parser::Packet object

0.01    2014.12.23
        First release supports v9