# Revision history for Perl extension Logfile.
# $Log:	Changes,v $
#Revision 1.7  98/03/24  12:52:46  12:52:46  paulg (Paul Gampe)
#Added reference to Changes file for credits to contributions.
#Revision 1.6  98/03/24  12:45:29  12:45:29  paulg (Paul Gampe)
#Switched from File::Copy::copy to File::Copy::move for rotating the old
#logfiles, to preserve permissions and reduce disk space consumption.  
#File::Copy::move will try to do a rename.  Suggested by: webmaster <webdata@web-datavision.com>
#and "Mike Arms (6531)" <marms@sass1633.csua35.sandia.gov>.
#Added code to copy the current log file permissions to first incremental.
#Code and concept by: "Mike Arms (6531)" <marms@sass1633.csua35.sandia.gov>.
#Revision 1.5  98/03/24  12:31:11  12:31:11  paulg (Paul Gampe)
#Added an argument Signal so that you can get a callback function executed 
#as soon as the rotation is complete.  Code and ideas contributed by:
#"M. S. Sriram" <sriram@research.bell-labs.com>, and Mike Frohme <frohme@memphis.edu>
# Revision 1.4  98/03/24  10:31:03  10:31:03  paulg (Paul Gampe)
# bug fix with flock reported by: <webdata@web-datavision.com>
# Revision 1.3  98/03/03  14:36:29  14:36:29  paulg (Paul Gampe)
# Adding copyright section to man page
# Revision 1.2  98/02/18  16:03:35  16:03:35  paulg (Paul Gampe)
# Format fixup to manpage
# Revision 1.1  97/12/08  14:32:31  14:32:31  paulg (Paul Gampe)
# Initial revision
# 0.01  Mon Dec  1 14:02:52 1997
# 	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18