Changelog for Crixa

0.04 2012-06-08T01:41:11
 [Chris Prather <>]
 - fix a typo that Pod::Coverage caught just before release!

 - add docs and an IO-Async example

 - remove the channel calls we do not need anymore

 - break out fetching the message from the queue
   apeiron didn't like the pure callback method, and there is no reason why
   we should force it ... it's simple enough to break out the
   wait_for_message and the check_for_message into seperate methods so
   people can have access to every level that they want

 - add exchange() method to that allows us to hide the channel
   enitrely if we want

 - default queue bindings to an empty arrayref

 - move fix a missing reference maker

 - add the `$channel->ack()` to the callback.

0.03 2012-04-10T22:07:53
 [Chris Prather <>]
 - we just need to exclude ^perl5

 - Refactor the RabbitMQ Role into a Class
   We need to be able to easily subclass this, and provide it as an
   implementation ot the various internals. This is so we can build out
   different Async backends and (potentially) replace RabbitMQ with
   anything else that supports a similar API.

 - update dist.ini to generate Changes

0.02 2012-04-03T08:25:50
 [Chris Prather <>]
 - exclude stuff that we accidentally released in 0.01

 - move to the Git NextVersion plugin

0.01 2012-04-03T08:01:01
 [Chris Prather <>]
 - add Crixa-* to gitignore

 - add gitignore

 - rename CRIXA_HOST to RABBITMQ_HOST in live tests

 - clean up a little cruft

 - make live tests *more* optional

 - add some simple tests

 - add some more pod stubs and some test stubs

 - add inital pod

 - kill podweaver

 - fix a small potential bug

 - finish adding the examples from RabbitMQ

 - sweeping updates as we port the RabbitMQ examples over

 - add

 - initial draft

 - initial commit