Revision history for Task-Kensho
0.10 2009-05-23
+ Change dep for XXX to as per #epo
0.0.7 2008-12-12
+ Add MooseX::StrictConstructor as per Dave Rolsky and Ricardo Signes
+ Add MooseX::SimpleConfig
0.0.6 2008-12-12
+ Fix Module::CoreList to be spelt with a capital L
0.0.5 2008-12-11
+ Add documentation on the Script Hackery section to clarify that it's
not intended for *production* but for hacking up prototypes and
+ Add Test::Most (RT #39594)
0.0.4 2008-09-28
Fix bad tarball
0.0.3 2008-09-28
Remove author tests
0.0.2 2008-09-23
Add Perl::Tidy
Fix missing inc/ from Module::Install
0.0.1 2008-09-05
Initial release.