package App::BPOMUtils; use 5.010001; use strict 'subs', 'vars'; use utf8; use warnings; use Log::ger; use Exporter 'import'; use Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable qw(gen_read_table_func); our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:PERLANCAR'; # AUTHORITY our $DATE = '2022-10-27'; # DATE our $DIST = 'App-BPOMUtils'; # DIST our $VERSION = '0.009'; # VERSION our @EXPORT_OK = qw( bpom_list_food_categories bpom_list_food_types bpom_list_reg_code_prefixes bpom_show_nutrition_facts ); our %SPEC; $SPEC{':package'} = { v => 1.1, summary => 'Utilities related to BPOM', }; my $res; require App::BPOMUtils::Table; $res = gen_read_table_func( name => 'bpom_list_food_categories', summary => 'List food categories in BPOM processed food division', table_data => $App::BPOMUtils::Table::data_idn_bpom_kategori_pangan, table_spec => $App::BPOMUtils::Table::meta_idn_bpom_kategori_pangan, description => <<'_', _ extra_props => { examples => [ { summary => 'Print active categories codes matching "cokelat"', src_plang => "bash", src => "[[prog]] --status-is Aktif 'cokelat hitam'", test => 0, }, { summary => 'Print active records matching "cokelat hitam" in a formatted text table', src_plang => "bash", src => "[[prog]] --status-is Aktif 'cokelat hitam' -l --format text-pretty", test => 0, }, { summary => 'Print all category records with code', src_plang => "bash", src => "[[prog]] --code-matches '^14010402' -l --format text-pretty", test => 0, }, { summary => 'How many categories are active vs inactive?', src_plang => "bash", src => "echo -n 'Aktif: '; [[prog]] --status-is Aktif | wc -l; echo -n 'Tidak Aktif: '; [[prog]] --status-isnt Aktif | wc -l", test => 0, }, ], }, ); die "Can't generate function: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" unless $res->[0] == 200; $res = gen_read_table_func( name => 'bpom_list_food_types', summary => 'List food types in BPOM processed food division', table_data => $App::BPOMUtils::Table::data_idn_bpom_jenis_pangan, table_spec => $App::BPOMUtils::Table::meta_idn_bpom_jenis_pangan, description => <<'_', _ extra_props => { examples => [ ], }, ); die "Can't generate function: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" unless $res->[0] == 200; $res = gen_read_table_func( name => 'bpom_list_reg_code_prefixes', summary => 'List known alphabetical prefixes in BPOM registered product codes', table_data => $App::BPOMUtils::Table::data_reg_code_prefixes, table_spec => $App::BPOMUtils::Table::meta_reg_code_prefixes, description => <<'_', _ extra_props => { examples => [ ], }, ); die "Can't generate function: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" unless $res->[0] == 200; sub _nearest { require Math::Round; Math::Round::nearest(@_); } sub _fmt_num_id { require Number::Format; state $nf = Number::Format->new(THOUSANDS_SEP=>".", DECIMAL_POINT=>","); $nf->format_number(@_); } $SPEC{bpom_show_nutrition_facts} = { v => 1.1, summary => 'Round values and format them as nutrition fact table (ING - informasi nilai gizi)', args => { name => {schema=>'str*'}, # XXX output_format: vertical table, horizontal table, simple table, csv. currently only simple table is supported output_format => { schema => ['str*', {in=>[qw/ raw_table vertical_html_table vertical_text_table linear_html linear_text /]}], # horizontal_html_table horizontal_text_table formats not supported yet default => 'vertical_text_table', cmdline_aliases => { f=>{}, }, tags => ['category:output'], }, browser => { summary => 'View output HTML in browser instead of returning it', schema => 'true*', tags => ['category:output'], }, color => { schema => ['str*', in=>[qw/always auto never/]], default => 'auto', tags => ['category:output'], }, fat => {summary => 'Total fat, in g/100g' , schema => 'ufloat*', req=>1}, saturated_fat => {summary => 'Saturated fat, in g/100g' , schema => 'ufloat*', req=>1}, protein => {summary => 'Protein, in g/100g' , schema => 'ufloat*', req=>1}, carbohydrate => {summary => 'Total carbohydrate, in g/100g' , schema => 'ufloat*', req=>1}, sugar => {summary => 'Total sugar, in g/100g' , schema => 'ufloat*', req=>1}, sodium => {summary => 'Sodium, in mg/100g' , schema => 'ufloat*', req=>1, cmdline_aliases=>{salt=>{}}}, serving_size => {summary => 'Serving size, in g' , schema => 'ufloat*', req=>1}, package_size => {summary => 'Packaging size, in g' , schema => 'ufloat*', req=>1}, }, examples => [ { summary => 'An example, in linear text format (color/emphasis is shown with markup)', args => {fat=>0.223, saturated_fat=>0.010, protein=>0.990, carbohydrate=>13.113, sugar=>7.173, sodium=>0.223, serving_size=>175, package_size=>20, output_format=>"linear_text", color=>"never"}, test => 0, }, { summary => 'The same example in vetical HTML table format', args => {fat=>0.223, saturated_fat=>0.010, protein=>0.990, carbohydrate=>13.113, sugar=>7.173, sodium=>0.223, serving_size=>175, package_size=>20, output_format=>"vertical_html_table"}, test => 0, }, { summary => 'The same example, in vertical text format (color/emphasis is shown with markup)', args => {fat=>0.223, saturated_fat=>0.010, protein=>0.990, carbohydrate=>13.113, sugar=>7.173, sodium=>0.223, serving_size=>175, package_size=>20, output_format=>"vertical_text_table", color=>"never"}, test => 0, }, ], }; sub bpom_show_nutrition_facts { my %args = @_; my $output_format = $args{output_format} // 'raw_table'; my $color = $args{color} // 'auto'; my $is_interactive = -t STDOUT; ## no critic: InputOutput::ProhibitInteractiveTest my $use_color = $color eq 'never' ? 0 : $color eq 'always' ? 1 : $is_interactive; my @rows; my $attr = $output_format =~ /html/ ? "raw_html" : "text"; my $code_fmttext = sub { my $text = shift; if ($output_format =~ /html/) { require Org::To::HTML; my $res = Org::To::HTML::org_to_html(source_str => $text, naked=>1); die "Can't convert Org to HTML: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" if $res->[0] != 200; $res->[2]; } else { my $res; if ($use_color) { require Org::To::ANSIText; $res = Org::To::ANSIText::org_to_ansi_text(source_str => $text); die "Can't convert Org to ANSI text: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" if $res->[0] != 200; } else { require Org::To::Text; $res = Org::To::Text::org_to_text(source_str => $text); die "Can't convert Org to text: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" if $res->[0] != 200; } $res->[2]; } }; my $per_package_ing = $args{serving_size} > $args{package_size} ? 1:0; my $size_key = $per_package_ing ? 'package_size' : 'serving_size'; my $BR = $output_format =~ /html/ ? "<br />" : "\n"; if ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>5, align=>'middle', $attr => $code_fmttext->("*INFORMASI NILAI GIZI*")}]; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { if ($output_format =~ /html/) { push @rows, "<big><b>INFORMASI NILAI GIZI</b></big> "; } else { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*INFORMASI NILAI GIZI* "); } } if ($per_package_ing) { } else { if ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>5, text=>''}]; push @rows, [{colspan=>5, align=>'left', bottom_border=>1, $attr => $code_fmttext->("Takaran saji "._fmt_num_id($args{serving_size})." g"). $BR . $code_fmttext->(_fmt_num_id(_nearest(0.5, $args{package_size} / $args{serving_size}))." Sajian per kemasan") }]; push @rows, [{colspan=>5, align=>'left', $attr => $code_fmttext->("*JUMLAH PER SAJIAN*")}]; push @rows, [{colspan=>5, text=>''}]; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("Takaran saji : " . _fmt_num_id($args{serving_size}) . " g, " . _fmt_num_id(_nearest(0.5, $args{package_size} / $args{serving_size}))." Sajian per kemasan "); } } ENERGY: { my $code_round_energy = sub { my $val = shift; if ($val < 5) { 0 } elsif ($val <= 50) { _nearest( 5, $val) } else { _nearest(10, $val) } }; if ($per_package_ing) { if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>5, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*JUMLAH PER KEMASAN ("._fmt_num_id($args{package_size})." g*)")}]; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*JUMLAH PER KEMASAN ("._fmt_num_id($args{package_size})." g*) : "); } } my $val0 = $args{fat} * 9 + $args{protein} * 4 + $args{carbohydrate} * 4; my $val = $val0*$args{$size_key}/100; my $valr = $code_round_energy->($val); my $pct_dv_R = _nearest(1, $val/2150*100); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Total energy', name_ind => 'Energi total', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, pct_dv => $val/2150*100, pct_dv_R => $pct_dv_R, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { if ($per_package_ing) { push @rows, [{bottom_border=>1, colspan=>5, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*Energi total $valr kkal*")}]; } else { push @rows, [{colspan=>3, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*Energi total*")}, {colspan=>2, align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*$valr kkal*")}]; } } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { if ($per_package_ing) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*Energi total $valr kkal*, "); } else { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*Energi total $valr kkal*, "); } } ENERGY_FROM_FAT: { my $val0 = $args{fat} * 9; my $val = $val0*$args{serving_size}/100; my $valr = $code_round_energy->($val); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Energy from fat', name_ind => 'Energi dari lemak', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { if ($per_package_ing) { } else { push @rows, ['', {colspan=>2, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("Energi dari lemak")}, {colspan=>2, align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("$valr kkal")}]; } } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("Energi dari lemak $valr kkal, "); } } ENERGY_FROM_SATURATED_FAT: { my $val0 = $args{saturated_fat} * 9; my $val = $val0*$args{$size_key}/100; my $valr = $code_round_energy->($val); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Energy from saturated fat', name_ind => 'Energi dari lemak jenuh', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { if ($per_package_ing) { } else { push @rows, [{bottom_border=>1, text=>''}, {colspan=>2, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("Energi dari lemak jenuh")}, {colspan=>2, align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("$valr kkal")}]; } } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("Energi dari lemak jenuh $valr kkal, "); } } } # ENERGY if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>3, text=>''}, {colspan=>2, align=>'middle', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*\% AKG**")}]; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { } FAT: { my $code_round_fat = sub { my $val = shift; if ($val < 0.5) { 0 } elsif ($val <= 5) { sprintf("%.1f", _nearest(0.5, $val)) } else { _nearest(1 , $val) } }; my $code_round_fat_pct_dv = sub { my ($val, $fat_valr) = @_; if ($fat_valr == 0) { 0 } else { _nearest(1 , $val) } }; my $val0 = $args{fat}; my $val = $val0*$args{$size_key}/100; my $valr = $code_round_fat->($val); my $pct_dv_R = $code_round_fat_pct_dv->($val/67*100, $valr); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Total fat', name_ind => 'Lemak total', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, pct_dv => $val/67*100, pct_dv_R => $pct_dv_R, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>2, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*Lemak total*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*$valr g*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>"$pct_dv_R %"}, '']; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*Lemak total $valr g ($pct_dv_R% AKG)*, "); } SATURATED_FAT: { my $val0 = $args{saturated_fat}; my $val = $val0*$args{$size_key}/100; my $valr = $code_round_fat->($val); my $pct_dv_R = $code_round_fat_pct_dv->($val/20*100, $valr); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Saturated fat', name_ind => 'Lemak jenuh', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, pct_dv => $val/20*100, pct_dv_R => $pct_dv_R, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>2, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*Lemak jenuh*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*$valr g*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>"$pct_dv_R %"}, '']; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*Lemak jenuh $valr g ($pct_dv_R% AKG)*, "); } } } # FAT PROTEIN: { my $code_round_protein = sub { my $val = shift; if ($val < 0.5) { 0 } else { _nearest(1 , $val) } }; my $code_round_protein_pct_dv = sub { my ($val, $fat_valr) = @_; if ($fat_valr == 0) { 0 } else { _nearest(1 , $val) } }; my $val0 = $args{protein}; my $val = $val0*$args{$size_key}/100; my $valr = $code_round_protein->($val); my $pct_dv_R = $code_round_protein_pct_dv->($val/60*100, $valr); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Protein', name_ind => 'Protein', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, pct_dv => $val/60*100, pct_dv_R => $pct_dv_R, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>2, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*Protein*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*$valr g*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>"$pct_dv_R %"}, '']; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*Protein $valr g ($pct_dv_R% AKG)*, "); } } CARBOHYDRATE: { my $code_round_carbohydrate = sub { my $val = shift; if ($val < 0.5) { 0 } else { _nearest(1 , $val) } }; my $code_round_carbohydrate_pct_dv = sub { my ($val, $fat_valr) = @_; if ($fat_valr == 0) { 0 } else { _nearest(1 , $val) } }; my $val0 = $args{carbohydrate}; my $val = $val0*$args{$size_key}/100; my $valr = $code_round_carbohydrate->($val); my $pct_dv_R = $code_round_carbohydrate_pct_dv->($val/325*100, $valr); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Total carbohydrate', name_ind => 'Karbohidrat total', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, pct_dv => $val/325*100, pct_dv_R => $pct_dv_R, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>2, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*Karbohidrat total*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*$valr g*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>"$pct_dv_R %"}, '']; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*Karbohidrat total $valr g ($pct_dv_R% AKG)*, "); } } SUGAR: { my $code_round_sugar = sub { my $val = shift; if ($val < 0.5) { 0 } else { _nearest(1 , $val) } }; my $val0 = $args{sugar}; my $val = $val0*$args{$size_key}/100; my $valr = $code_round_sugar->($val); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Total sugar', name_ind => 'Gula total', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>2, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*Gula*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*$valr g*")}, '', '']; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*Gula $valr g*, "); } } SODIUM: { my $code_round_sodium = sub { my $val = shift; if ($val < 5) { 0 } elsif ($val <= 140) { _nearest( 5, $val) } else { _nearest(10, $val) } }; my $code_round_sodium_pct_dv = sub { my ($val, $fat_valr) = @_; if ($fat_valr == 0) { 0 } else { _nearest(1 , $val) } }; my $val0 = $args{sodium}; my $val = $val0*$args{$size_key}/100; my $valr = $code_round_sodium->($val); my $pct_dv_R = $code_round_sodium_pct_dv->($val/325*100, $valr); if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { push @rows, { name_eng => 'Salt (Sodium)', name_ind => 'Garam (Natrium)', val_per_100g => $val0, (val_per_srv => $val, val_per_srv_R => $valr) x ($per_package_ing ? 0:1), (val_per_pkg => $val, val_per_pkg_R => $valr) x $per_package_ing, pct_dv => $val/325*100, pct_dv_R => $pct_dv_R, }; } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{bottom_border=>1, colspan=>2, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*Garam (Natrium)*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>$code_fmttext->("*$valr mg*")}, {align=>'right', $attr=>"$pct_dv_R %"}, '']; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->("*Garam (Natrium) $valr mg ($pct_dv_R% AKG)*. "); } } if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { } elsif ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { push @rows, [{colspan=>5, $attr=>$code_fmttext->("/*Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah./")}]; } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { push @rows, $code_fmttext->( "/Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah./"); } OUTPUT: if ($output_format eq 'raw_table') { return [200, "OK", \@rows, {'table.fields'=>[qw/name_eng name_ind val_per_100g val_per_srv val_per_srv_R val_per_pkg val_per_pkg_R pct_dv pct_dv_R/]}]; } my $text; if ($output_format =~ /vertical/) { if ($output_format =~ /html/) { require Text::Table::HTML; my $table = Text::Table::HTML::table(rows => \@rows, header_row=>0); $table =~ s!<table>!<table><colgroup><col style="width:16pt;"><col style="width:200pt;"><col style="width:48pt;"><col style="width:48pt;"><col style="width:36pt;"></colgroup>!; $text = " <style> table { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid; } tr.has_bottom_border { border-bottom: 1pt solid black; } // td:first-child { background: red; } </style>\n" . $table; } else { require Text::Table::More; $text = Text::Table::More::generate_table(rows => \@rows, color=>1, header_row=>0); } } elsif ($output_format =~ /linear/) { $text = join("", @rows). "\n"; } if ($output_format =~ /html/ && $args{browser}) { require Browser::Open; require File::Slurper; require File::Temp; my $tempdir = File::Temp::tempdir(); my $temppath = "$tempdir/ing.html"; File::Slurper::write_text($temppath, $text); my $url = "file:$temppath"; my $err = Browser::Open::open_browser($url); return [500, "Can't open browser"] if $err; return [200]; } return [200, "OK", $text, {'cmdline.skip_format'=>1}]; } 1; # ABSTRACT: Utilities related to BPOM __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME App::BPOMUtils - Utilities related to BPOM =head1 VERSION This document describes version 0.009 of App::BPOMUtils (from Perl distribution App-BPOMUtils), released on 2022-10-27. =head1 SYNOPSIS # Use via the included scripts =head1 DESCRIPTION This distribution includes CLI utilities related to BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, Indonesian equivalent of Food & Drug Administration authority). =over =item * L<bpom-daftar-jenis-pangan> =item * L<bpom-daftar-kategori-pangan> =item * L<bpom-daftar-kode-prefiks-reg> =item * L<bpom-list-food-categories> =item * L<bpom-list-food-types> =item * L<bpom-list-reg-code-prefixes> =item * L<bpom-show-nutrition-facts> =item * L<bpom-tampilkan-ing> =back =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 bpom_list_food_categories Usage: bpom_list_food_categories(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta] List food categories in BPOM processed food division. This function is not exported by default, but exportable. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): =over 4 =item * B<code> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value. =item * B<code.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'code' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value. =item * B<code.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<code.matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field matches specified regular expression pattern. =item * B<code.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<code.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<code.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<code.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'code' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<code.not_matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field does not match specified regular expression. =item * B<code.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is less than specified value. =item * B<code.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<detail> => I<bool> (default: 0) Return array of full records instead of just ID fields. By default, only the key (ID) field is returned per result entry. =item * B<exclude_fields> => I<array[str]> Select fields to return. =item * B<fields> => I<array[str]> Select fields to return. =item * B<name> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field equals specified value. =item * B<name.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'name' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field equals specified value. =item * B<name.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<name.matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field matches specified regular expression pattern. =item * B<name.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<name.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<name.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<name.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'name' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<name.not_matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field does not match specified regular expression. =item * B<name.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field is less than specified value. =item * B<name.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'name' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<query> => I<str> Search. =item * B<random> => I<bool> (default: 0) Return records in random order. =item * B<result_limit> => I<int> Only return a certain number of records. =item * B<result_start> => I<int> (default: 1) Only return starting from the n'th record. =item * B<sort> => I<array[str]> Order records according to certain field(s). A list of field names separated by comma. Each field can be prefixed with '-' to specify descending order instead of the default ascending. =item * B<status> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field equals specified value. =item * B<status.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'status' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field equals specified value. =item * B<status.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<status.matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field matches specified regular expression pattern. =item * B<status.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<status.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<status.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<status.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'status' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<status.not_matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field does not match specified regular expression. =item * B<status.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field is less than specified value. =item * B<status.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'status' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<summary> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field equals specified value. =item * B<summary.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'summary' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field equals specified value. =item * B<summary.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<summary.matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field matches specified regular expression pattern. =item * B<summary.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<summary.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<summary.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<summary.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'summary' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<summary.not_matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field does not match specified regular expression. =item * B<summary.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field is less than specified value. =item * B<summary.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<with_field_names> => I<bool> Return field names in each record (as hashE<sol>associative array). When enabled, function will return each record as hash/associative array (field name => value pairs). Otherwise, function will return each record as list/array (field value, field value, ...). =back Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata. Return value: (any) =head2 bpom_list_food_types Usage: bpom_list_food_types(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta] List food types in BPOM processed food division. This function is not exported by default, but exportable. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): =over 4 =item * B<code> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value. =item * B<code.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'code' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value. =item * B<code.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<code.matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field matches specified regular expression pattern. =item * B<code.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<code.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<code.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<code.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'code' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<code.not_matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field does not match specified regular expression. =item * B<code.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is less than specified value. =item * B<code.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<detail> => I<bool> (default: 0) Return array of full records instead of just ID fields. By default, only the key (ID) field is returned per result entry. =item * B<exclude_fields> => I<array[str]> Select fields to return. =item * B<fields> => I<array[str]> Select fields to return. =item * B<query> => I<str> Search. =item * B<random> => I<bool> (default: 0) Return records in random order. =item * B<result_limit> => I<int> Only return a certain number of records. =item * B<result_start> => I<int> (default: 1) Only return starting from the n'th record. =item * B<sort> => I<array[str]> Order records according to certain field(s). A list of field names separated by comma. Each field can be prefixed with '-' to specify descending order instead of the default ascending. =item * B<summary> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field equals specified value. =item * B<summary.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'summary' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field equals specified value. =item * B<summary.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<summary.matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field matches specified regular expression pattern. =item * B<summary.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<summary.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<summary.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<summary.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'summary' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<summary.not_matches> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field does not match specified regular expression. =item * B<summary.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field is less than specified value. =item * B<summary.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<with_field_names> => I<bool> Return field names in each record (as hashE<sol>associative array). When enabled, function will return each record as hash/associative array (field name => value pairs). Otherwise, function will return each record as list/array (field value, field value, ...). =back Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata. Return value: (any) =head2 bpom_list_reg_code_prefixes Usage: bpom_list_reg_code_prefixes(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta] List known alphabetical prefixes in BPOM registered product codes. This function is not exported by default, but exportable. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): =over 4 =item * B<code> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value. =item * B<code.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'code' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value. =item * B<code.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<code.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<code.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<code.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<code.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'code' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<code.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is less than specified value. =item * B<code.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<detail> => I<bool> (default: 0) Return array of full records instead of just ID fields. By default, only the key (ID) field is returned per result entry. =item * B<division> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field equals specified value. =item * B<division.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'division' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field equals specified value. =item * B<division.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<division.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<division.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<division.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<division.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'division' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<division.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field is less than specified value. =item * B<division.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'division' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<exclude_fields> => I<array[str]> Select fields to return. =item * B<fields> => I<array[str]> Select fields to return. =item * B<query> => I<str> Search. =item * B<random> => I<bool> (default: 0) Return records in random order. =item * B<result_limit> => I<int> Only return a certain number of records. =item * B<result_start> => I<int> (default: 1) Only return starting from the n'th record. =item * B<sort> => I<array[str]> Order records according to certain field(s). A list of field names separated by comma. Each field can be prefixed with '-' to specify descending order instead of the default ascending. =item * B<summary_eng> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field equals specified value. =item * B<summary_eng.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field equals specified value. =item * B<summary_eng.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<summary_eng.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<summary_eng.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<summary_eng.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<summary_eng.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<summary_eng.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is less than specified value. =item * B<summary_eng.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<summary_ind> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field equals specified value. =item * B<summary_ind.contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field contains specified text. =item * B<> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is in the specified values. =item * B<> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field equals specified value. =item * B<summary_ind.isnt> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field does not equal specified value. =item * B<summary_ind.max> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is less than or equal to specified value. =item * B<summary_ind.min> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is greater than or equal to specified value. =item * B<summary_ind.not_contains> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field does not contain specified text. =item * B<summary_ind.not_in> => I<array[str]> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is not in the specified values. =item * B<summary_ind.xmax> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is less than specified value. =item * B<summary_ind.xmin> => I<str> Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is greater than specified value. =item * B<with_field_names> => I<bool> Return field names in each record (as hashE<sol>associative array). When enabled, function will return each record as hash/associative array (field name => value pairs). Otherwise, function will return each record as list/array (field value, field value, ...). =back Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata. Return value: (any) =head2 bpom_show_nutrition_facts Usage: bpom_show_nutrition_facts(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta] Round values and format them as nutrition fact table (ING - informasi nilai gizi). Examples: =over =item * An example, in linear text format (colorE<sol>emphasis is shown with markup): bpom_show_nutrition_facts( carbohydrate => 13.113, color => "never", fat => 0.223, output_format => "linear_text", package_size => 20, protein => 0.99, saturated_fat => 0.01, serving_size => 175, sodium => 0.223, sugar => 7.173 ); Result: [ 200, "OK", "*INFORMASI NILAI GIZI* *JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g*) : *Energi total 10 kkal*, Energi dari lemak 0 kkal, Energi dari lemak jenuh 0 kkal, *Lemak total 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Lemak jenuh 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Protein 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Karbohidrat total 3 g (1% AKG)*, *Gula 1 g*, *Garam (Natrium) 0 mg (0% AKG)*. /Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah./\n", { "cmdline.skip_format" => 1 }, ] =item * The same example in vetical HTML table format: bpom_show_nutrition_facts( carbohydrate => 13.113, fat => 0.223, output_format => "vertical_html_table", package_size => 20, protein => 0.99, saturated_fat => 0.01, serving_size => 175, sodium => 0.223, sugar => 7.173 ); Result: [ 200, "OK", "\n<style>\n table { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid; }\n tr.has_bottom_border { border-bottom: 1pt solid black; }\n // td:first-child { background: red; }\n</style>\n<table><colgroup><col style=\"width:16pt;\"><col style=\"width:200pt;\"><col style=\"width:48pt;\"><col style=\"width:48pt;\"><col style=\"width:36pt;\"></colgroup>\n<tr><td colspan=5 align=\"middle\"><b>INFORMASI NILAI GIZI</b></td></tr>\n<tbody>\n<tr><td colspan=5><b>JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g</b>)</td></tr>\n<tr class=has_bottom_border><td colspan=5><b>Energi total 10 kkal</b></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=3></td><td colspan=2 align=\"middle\"><b>% AKG</b>*</td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Lemak total</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>0 g</b></td><td align=\"right\">0 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Lemak jenuh</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>0 g</b></td><td align=\"right\">0 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Protein</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>0 g</b></td><td align=\"right\">0 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Karbohidrat total</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>3 g</b></td><td align=\"right\">1 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Gula</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>1 g</b></td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n<tr class=has_bottom_border><td colspan=2><b>Garam (Natrium)</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>0 mg</b></td><td align=\"right\">0 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=5><i>*Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah.</i></td></tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n", { "cmdline.skip_format" => 1 }, ] =item * The same example, in vertical text format (colorE<sol>emphasis is shown with markup): bpom_show_nutrition_facts( carbohydrate => 13.113, color => "never", fat => 0.223, output_format => "vertical_text_table", package_size => 20, protein => 0.99, saturated_fat => 0.01, serving_size => 175, sodium => 0.223, sugar => 7.173 ); Result: [ 200, "OK", ".---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n| *INFORMASI NILAI GIZI* |\n| *JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g*) |\n| *Energi total 10 kkal* |\n+-----------------------|----------------------|-----------------------+----------------------|-----------------------+\n| | *% AKG** |\n| *Lemak total* | *0 g* | 0 % | |\n| *Lemak jenuh* | *0 g* | 0 % | |\n| *Protein* | *0 g* | 0 % | |\n| *Karbohidrat total* | *3 g* | 1 % | |\n| *Gula* | *1 g* | | |\n| *Garam (Natrium)* | *0 mg* | 0 % | |\n+-----------------------|----------------------+-----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+\n| /*Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah./ |\n`---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'\n", { "cmdline.skip_format" => 1 }, ] =back This function is not exported by default, but exportable. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): =over 4 =item * B<browser> => I<true> View output HTML in browser instead of returning it. =item * B<carbohydrate>* => I<ufloat> Total carbohydrate, in gE<sol>100g. =item * B<color> => I<str> (default: "auto") (No description) =item * B<fat>* => I<ufloat> Total fat, in gE<sol>100g. =item * B<name> => I<str> (No description) =item * B<output_format> => I<str> (default: "vertical_text_table") (No description) =item * B<package_size>* => I<ufloat> Packaging size, in g. =item * B<protein>* => I<ufloat> Protein, in gE<sol>100g. =item * B<saturated_fat>* => I<ufloat> Saturated fat, in gE<sol>100g. =item * B<serving_size>* => I<ufloat> Serving size, in g. =item * B<sodium>* => I<ufloat> Sodium, in mgE<sol>100g. =item * B<sugar>* => I<ufloat> Total sugar, in gE<sol>100g. =back Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata. Return value: (any) =head1 HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at L<>. =head1 SOURCE Source repository is at L<>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<> L<Business::ID::BPOM> =head1 AUTHOR perlancar <> =head1 CONTRIBUTING To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub. Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via: % prove -l If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install L<Dist::Zilla>, L<Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR>, L<Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR>, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2022, 2021 by perlancar <>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<> When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =cut