0.018   2022-04-05  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

        - Mark the use of --get-product-detail option in filename.

0.017   2022-01-23  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Adjust with Perinci::Result::Format::Lite 0.285 & Rinci 1.1.100
          ('title' result metadata property becomes 'caption').

0.016   2021-12-09  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- [bugfix] Fix showing 'queries' (which is an arrayref not string)
	  in title.

0.015   2021-12-09  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Set 'title' property in result metadata.

0.014   2021-10-01  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- [cli cek-bpom-products] Enable reading config & env.

0.013   2021-02-19  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low

	- No functional changes.

	- [dist] Edit Changes: rename Backward-Compatible property in
	  Release Note to Backward-Incompatible.

0.012   2020-11-13  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium; Backward-Incompatible: yes

	- [incompatible change] Rename CLI cek-bpom to cek-bpom-products.

	[CLI cek-bpom-products]

        - Add option: --get-product-detail.

0.011   2020-10-23  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium; Backward-Incompatible: yes

	[Incompatible changes]

        - [ux] Remove short alias option -n because it's ambiguous (*n*omor izin
	  edar, *n*ama pendaftar, *n*ama produk), make -p as short alias for
	  --nama-produk instead and -P for --nama-pendaftar.

0.010   2020-10-22  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Add options: --query-log-file, --result-dump-dir, --note.

	- [bugfix] Tweak regex again to strip all trailing/leading blanks from
	  result fields.

0.009   2020-10-20  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- [bugfix] Tweak regex to remove leading blank in brand (merk),
	  packaging (kemasan), date of issue (tanggal terbit).

0.008   2020-10-16  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low

	- No functional changes.

	- [ux] When there are no results found, return a helpful tip to
	  search other spelling variations or try additional search types.

0.007   2020-09-09  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low

	- No functional changes.

	- [doc] Add examples.

0.006   2020-09-09  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- [ux] Allow multiple queries and search types (multiple HTTP query
	  per CLI invocation, results combined and duplicates removed).

0.005   2020-09-09  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low

        - No functional changes.

	- [ux] Log number of results for informative purposes.

0.004   2020-09-09  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- [ux] Add shortcut options: -m for --merk, -n for --nama-produk,
	  and -p for --nama-pendaftar.

0.003   2020-09-02  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- [bugfix] Remove occasional extra newline in 'kemasan' field.

0.002   2020-09-02  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- [ux] Add shortcut options --nama-produk, --nomor-registrasi,
	  --nama-pendaftar, etc.

0.001   2020-09-02  Released-By: PERLANCAR

        - First release.