Revision history for App-CompleteCLIs
0.12 2017-01-01 (PERLANCAR)
- Add CLI script: complete-riap-url-clientless.
0.11 2016-12-31 (PERLANCAR)
- Add utilities: complete-regexp-pattern-{module,pattern},
0.10 2016-10-19 (PERLANCAR)
- Add utilities: complete-perl-builtin-function,
complete-perl-builtin-symbol, complete-perl-version,
complete-known-mac, complete-env-elem, complete-path-env-elem.
0.09 2016-10-18 (PERLANCAR)
- Add utility: complete-known-host.
0.08 2016-10-15 (PERLANCAR)
- Add utility: complete-manpage-section.
0.07 2016-10-15 (PERLANCAR)
- Add utility: complete-locale.
0.06 2015-09-18 (PERLANCAR)
- Adjust to Complete::Util 0.36 being split to
- Add complete-{float,int} from Complete::Number & complete-tz from
0.05 2015-09-09 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Remove prereq: Complete because it is not directly used.
0.04 2015-08-19 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [dist] [Bugfix] Complete is a runtime requires, not just spec.
0.03 2015-08-18 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec
0.02 2014-12-31 (PERLANCAR)
- Add workaround for Complete::Util scripts which didn't work
before with error 'ERROR 500: No metadata for ...'.
- Add CLIs from Complete::{Dist,Dist::Zilla,Pod::Weaver}.
0.01 2014-12-27 (PERLANCAR)
- First release.