0.150   2017-10-11 (PERLANCAR)

	- Split app backend to its own dist AppLib-CreateSelfSignedSSLCert so it
          can be used without having to depend on Perinci::CmdLine et al.

0.14    2017-07-08 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- Replace Log::Any with Log::ger.

0.13    2016-06-09 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - [dist] Replace Log::Any::For::Builtins with IPC::System::Options.

0.12    2016-01-18 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - [build] Rebuild to fix POD section ordering.

        - Bump prereq version Log::Any::IfLOG to 0.07.

0.11    2015-08-18 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
	  DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec

0.10    2015-08-17 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- Switch from Log::Any to Log::Any::IfLOG.

0.09    2015-04-02 (PERLANCAR)

	- [ux] Tweak Rinci metadata: add completion for ca (*.crt + *.pem
	  files) & ca_key (*.key + *.pem files).

0.08     2014-08-16 (SHARYANTO) - Happy 19th CPAN Day!

         - [build] CLI scripts are now generated automatically using
           Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ScriptFromFunc. The plugin is still at 0.01 so the
           generated script is not as polished as it should be. Stay tuned.

0.07     2014-07-22 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes.

         - Switch CLI scripts from using Perinci::CmdLine to
           Perinci::CmdLine::Any to reduce size of dependencies.

0.06    2014-07-02 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes.

        - [Bugfix] scripts/ or bin/ files need to have something like #!perl and
          not #!/usr/bin/env perl so it can be replaced to the path of perl when
          installing [RT#96884]

0.05    2014-06-19 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes.

        - Revert previous decision. App dist name should still be the name of
          the main module. When binary name is a single word (e.g. foo) then
          module name should be App::foo and dist App-foo. When binary name is
          multiple words (e.g. foo-bar-baz) then module name should use camel
          case App::FooBarBaz and dist App-FooBarBaz.

0.04    2014-06-19 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functinal changes.

        - Rename dist from App-CreateSelfSignedSSL to
          App-create-self-signed-ssl-cert, to reflect the name of the binary.

0.03    2014-05-22 (SHARYANTO)

        - Add utility: create-ssl-csr.

        - Add options: --csr-only.

        - [Bugfix] --wildcard option didn't create CN=*.host.com.

0.02    2014-03-26 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes.

        - Move function from bin/ to lib/ so it's accessible outside CLI

0.01    2014-03-26 (SHARYANTO)

        - First release.