0.483 2022-10-11 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add utilities: org-to-ansi-text, org-to-text.
0.482 2021-07-04 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [ux] Add orgstat as shortcut for stat-org-document.
- [ux] Add orgdump as shortcut for dump-org-structure.
- [ux] Add orgdump-tiny as shortcut for dump-org-structure-tiny.
- Rename script move-done-todos -> move-done-org-todos, for consistency
with other scripts.
0.481 2020-10-14 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [cli list-org-headlines][ux] Allow --has-tag and --lacks-tag in
addition to --has-tags & --lacks-tags.
0.480 2020-10-14 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
[cli move-done-todos]
- [doc] Add warning about the utility modifying the todo file.
- [ux] By default use dry-run mode, add examples.
0.479 2020-07-21 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- move-done-todos: Add --dry-run, --include-pat, --exclude-pat, and
some logging statements.
0.478 2020-04-29 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- Tweak Rinci metadata: replace deprecated
x.schema.{,element_}entity with more specific schema.
0.477 2020-04-27 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- No functional changes.
- [build] Rebuild with newer Perinci::CmdLine::POD to render a more
complete usage line of Perinci::CmdLine scripts in POD (now all
options are listed, not just '[options]').
0.476 2020-04-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [incompatible change] org2html by default now uses the emacs
backend; you have to specify --backend Org::To::HTML to use the
other backend.
0.475 2020-04-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [ux] org2html: Add -b as shortcut for --browser.
0.474 2020-04-12 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Allow adding a reminded date to silence an anniversary.
- [bugfix] When listing anniversaries, forgot to load Org::Parser before
instantiating the parser.
0.473 2020-02-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add CLIs: sort-org-headlines, reverse-org-headlines.
0.472 2020-02-06 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- dump-org-structure-tiny: Also dump using Org::Dump instead of
0.471 2019-12-30 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add utility: dump-org-structure-tiny.
- Simplify many scripts by turning off config/env reading.
0.470 2018-06-30 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- org2html: Add --browser option.
- Add utility: browse-org.
0.46 2017-07-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Fix Rinci metadata: Used wrong attribute summary.alt.bool.neg
instead of summary.alt.bool.not.
- Replace Log::Any with Log::ger.
0.45 2016-12-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add scripts: org-to-html (moved from Org-To-HTML),
org-to-html-wordpress (moved from Org-To-HTML-WordPress dists),
org2html, org2html-wp.
0.44 2016-11-06 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- dump-org-structure: Add option: --ignore-unknown-settings.
0.43 2016-07-14 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add utility: move-done-todos.
0.42 2016-04-30 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- ListOrgHeadlines: add option 'allow_duplicates' and default it to
0.41 2016-04-01 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Removed] select-org-elements is renamed to 'orgsel' and spun off to
its own distro (App-orgsel).
- [Removed] Remove 'cache_dir' option because Org::Parser 0.47 uses a
default cache directory (~/.cache/perl-org-parser). Caching can be
enabled by setting PERL_ORG_PARSER_CACHE=1, but App::OrgUtils enables
this by default unless user specifically turns off caching using
0.40 2016-03-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- stat-org-document: Report number of objects at each level, tree
- Add logging (time select).
0.39 2016-03-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- select-org-elements: more tweaks (add --version, add shortcut options
-c and -p for `--count` and `--print` respectively, fix newline
behavior when printing matching elements).
0.38 2016-03-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- select-org-elements: add --count option, documentation, fixes.
0.37 2016-03-23 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add script: select-org-elements.
0.36 2016-03-23 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add script: stat-org-document.
0.35 2016-01-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [build] Rebuild to fix POD section ordering.
0.34 2015-12-25 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add option has_tags and lacks_tags for *-fast scripts.
0.33 2015-09-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec
0.32 2015-08-17 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Switch from Log::Any to Log::Any::IfLOG.
0.31 2015-05-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add utils: list-org-headlines-fast, list-org-todos-fast,
count-org-headlines-fast, count-org-todos-fast.
- filter-org-by-headlines: Add option --return-array.
- [doc] Include list of scripts in Description.
0.30 2015-04-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [ux] Add x.schema.entity hint for timezone argument.
0.29 2015-04-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Incompatible change] Rename back 'file' argument to 'files' as
they are more suitable as function argument, and anyway CLI
option name will become singular automatically using the new
0.28 2015-04-01 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add scripts: list-org-priorities, list-org-tags,
- [Incompatible change] Rename 'files' argument to 'file' so it's nicer
for CLI script ('--file blah --file another' instead of '--files blah
--files another').
0.27 2015-03-30 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [ux] Add completion for tags, states, priorities.
0.26 2015-03-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Bugfix] Fix calculating delta days, don't use manual epoch
arithmetics because that will expose previous bug of timezone
- [Bugfix] Fix date calculation: make sure today() also uses the
same timezone, otherwise epoch arithmetics possible will yield <
86400 even though date differs by 1 day.
0.25 2015-03-15 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add options --minimum-priority, --maximum-priority,
--with-unknown-priority to list-org-todos.
0.24 2015-03-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Change result metadata 'result_format_options' ->
0.23 2015-01-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add utility: filter-org-by-headlines.
0.22 2014-07-22 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes.
- Switch CLI scripts from using Perinci::CmdLine to
Perinci::CmdLine::Any to reduce size of dependencies.
0.21 2014-03-08 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Rebuild with DZP::Rinci::Wrap to test embedding
wrapper code.
0.20 2013-11-20 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Adjustment to newer perls (e.g. 'use
experimental smartmatch', some warnings).
0.19 2013-11-12 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Rebuild to fix t/00-compile.t generated by
older DZP::Test::Compile (2.019 < x < 2.033).
0.18 2013-09-23 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Fix examples in Synopsis.
- Show day of week name after X days ago/again.
0.17 2013-05-09 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add scripts: count-{org,undone-org,done-org}-todos
0.16 2013-01-09 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- list-org-headlines: Allow due_in to be undef, which will use warning
period, or 14 days. So todo items with warning period of 1 day, for
example, won't show up too early.
0.15 2012-07-25 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Fix outputing Unicode text when format=text [RT #78490].
0.14 2012-07-22 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- list-org-headlines: Add 'today' option.
- list-org-headlines: Add 'cache_dir' option. UPDATE: this option has
been removed because Org::Parser 0.47+ selects a default cache
0.13 2012-06-13 Released-By: SHARYANTO
No functional changes. Properly name the POD of scripts [RT#77794].
0.12 2012-05-30 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Change 'lack_tags' argument to 'lacks_tag' (English consistency with
- Add 'group_by_tags' option.
0.11 2012-03-02 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Replace Sub::Spec::CmdLine with
0.10 2012-02-14 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add 'sort' argument.
0.09 2011-11-11 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- DateTime croaks if we supply time_zone => undef, so we always provide
a default (UTC) when $ENV{TZ} is not set.
0.08 2011-11-10 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- By default don't show done todos.
0.07 2011-09-23 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Support time zones.
0.06 2011-09-23 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Fix bug related to time zone.
0.05 2011-06-30 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- list-org-todos: now obeys warning period in timestamps.
0.04 2011-06-15 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- dump-org-structure: fix utf8 reading.
0.03 2011-06-09 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Fixes in POD and packaging, add sample outputs
in Synopsis.
0.02 2011-06-09 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Rename distribution from App-ListOrgHeadlines to App-OrgUtils.
- Move script from Org::Parser: dump-org-structure.
- Add scripts: list-org-anniversaries.
0.01 2011-06-06 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- First release, spun off from Org::Parser's sample script.